Well-known member
Additionally, there are some quality profiles available for purchase. The key there is finding something you vibe with and that is in accordance to what/how you play and so forth. Once you find that you have additional options aside from all the free ones that come with it and that are on the rig exchange. The key is finding tones you like and playing them. I see a lot of people getting caught up on having to have a specific amp profiled. If you like X sound on the Kemper, who cares if it is a different amp than you may normally use? If that sound works, use it and be done with it. There are a ton of sounds available and most likely everything you would/could ever want is already on the machine for free. I would explore the Kemper with all it comes with before buying any others. You may be fine and never need to buy more. If you do need to buy more, you will be better able to find what you like.