Modern Classic II vs. MTL

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I have many amps, and have owned a MC2 years ago, then sold it for a MTL, had it for a year or better, but ultimately I sold the MTL and went back to a new MC2 (the new one where both channels can get the same amount of gain with the pull boost feature). The MTL and MC2 were both great amps, I just like the versatility of the MC2 better for what I play.
So what do I think of the amp? It's pretty straightforward. Wizards are very uncompressed, so when I am having a great night playing and everything I go for is 'happening', the amp delivers in spades man! It's really special.
But that doesn't happen all the time!
This amp will showcase your shitty technique just as much as it will your perfect chops, and sometimes on 'off' nights, I find myself wishing I brought my Friedman BE or any other amp that adds compression/a little hair on the notes. For me, it's not the end all searches for the perfect amp solution, but fuck does it delivery when your on point. Super expensive though, but if you own one and are feeling a bit bummed about the amount of coin you shelled out,,,,take an hour and pull the chassis on your Wizard and just look at how amazing the work is on the inside. Some of the best and cleanest wiring and soldering I've ever seen.
I have many amps, and have owned a MC2 years ago, then sold it for a MTL, had it for a year or better, but ultimately I sold the MTL and went back to a new MC2 (the new one where both channels can get the same amount of gain with the pull boost feature). The MTL and MC2 were both great amps, I just like the versatility of the MC2 better for what I play.
So what do I think of the amp? It's pretty straightforward. Wizards are very uncompressed, so when I am having a great night playing and everything I go for is 'happening', the amp delivers in spades man! It's really special.
But that doesn't happen all the time!
This amp will showcase your shitty technique just as much as it will your perfect chops, and sometimes on 'off' nights, I find myself wishing I brought my Friedman BE or any other amp that adds compression/a little hair on the notes. For me, it's not the end all searches for the perfect amp solution, but fuck does it delivery when your on point. Super expensive though, but if you own one and are feeling a bit bummed about the amount of coin you shelled out,,,,take an hour and pull the chassis on your Wizard and just look at how amazing the work is on the inside. Some of the best and cleanest wiring and soldering I've ever seen.
I hate compression. Came from a wizard to the mgl. Very open amps. The mc2 is good, but needs a boost to hang with the mgl unboosted.
But so far, the bogner ultra, mark iv, and ground zero are fucking insane. The mgl is great sounding, but 50 watts not punching as hard as the big boys. Man. All of these 6 amps are forever amps for sure.

As a side note, the mgl, i cranked the volume for the first time today to keep up with the 150 watter, and it stays tight. I dont know what is going on with that circuit..
or... maybe i just dont dig the drier and open "wizard" thing i hear in most every clip, kind of like guys dont dig rectos or 5150s or whatever??

You wouldn't be the first, I have a buddy who owned an MCII for all of a week before he resold it at a loss. He hated it.

To be fair, he had a really light touch/technique, and I don't think wizards are forgiving

But some people just don't dig the tones :dunno:
Another Wizard 'clip' option is to listen to The Pretty Reckless. Any of their tunes are an MCII I believe.
I prefer the mtl2 because the richness is so on point . But any wizard will do for me
or... maybe i just dont dig the drier and open "wizard" thing i hear in most every clip, kind of like guys dont dig rectos or 5150s or whatever??
Yeah. If you don't like dry and open, not for you. But I have played plenty of amps not for me that sounded great. Pretty much all the amps that I have played with a ton of compression sound great and are fun to play. But I would never own one.
My wife hates chocolate. Fucked up but true.
I wish mine would. Fucker is a candy addict. Chocolate, twizzlers, fruit roll ups, ... just about any candy a freaking 5 year old would love. I've woke up with laffy taffy wrappers stuck on my back.
I wish mine would. Fucker is a candy addict. Chocolate, twizzlers, fruit roll ups, ... just about any candy a freaking 5 year old would love. I've woke up with laffy taffy wrappers stuck on my back.
I’ve yet to hear a wizard clip that has really wow’d me in any way. These clips sound good, but then I listen to a bunch of other amps zen did, who is the best in the business, and I’m not taking the wizard
Wizard amps are the best amps you can still buy new builds . They just pounds the shit out of other amps when side by side . I have many people come over to hear it person .All clips are off any way
The MC2 i got is not like the MTL... its very open tight aggressive harmonically rich and has that "scoop chug" vibe