That’s the amp that ended Mailman Dan’s quest. At least that’s what he told me.Damn I always wanted to check out an Archon
I tried that once. Almost poked my eyeballs out.these amps can't be dialed in using your eyes.
They're too polite. He needs to take that PT20 V2 voicing and put it into a 50 watt. That's the best sounding Friedman I've owned.That might be the source of my distaste for them - I'm not a big fan of "easy to play" type high gain amps, and that price though
I've ABed a BE100 (granted, not the new deluxe version) my friend used to own with some really, really heavy hitters that have passed through my hands, and it sounded like a toy compared to them
I can see the appeal though, honestly, especially for lead focused players who want something forgiving and easy to get sounding youtube video ready.
Roland Cube, Fender Mustang, Boss Katana, Fender Tone Master modeling amp. I hate all the endless forum chatter for a year and a half when those crappy amps are new and a buncha suckers post "sold my (insert nice amp) for (insert digital pile of dog crap amp)" or noobs post "gOt mY kNeW tOaN-mAsTer"
They're too polite. He needs to take that PT20 V2 voicing and put it into a 50 watt. That's the best sounding Friedman I've owned.
The Nitro is for me one of my least favorite high gain amps I recall trying, at least of amps that go for over maybe $700 or so. I didn't like any of the Splawn's (even the earliest version Quick Rod. Better, but not by a ton)I can't pick just one...
Peavey 5150
EVH 5153 (the Iconic is damn good tho)
I just don't care for any of those. I've had a Nitro(yuck), played a QR(was OK at best), owned 4 5153s (both stealth 100s, 2 50w), and I've never heard a live 5150 sound decent nor the one I played through years back (backline rig).
I agree. I don't think the Katana are necessarily bad as much as they're 90% YouTube hype. I'd take an old Peavey Vypyr over a Katana any day as far as cheap modeling amps go. Again, not that they're bad. They're just way overrated.The Boss Katana is an especially obnoxious one
The sheer fucking hubris of Katana fans knows no bounds
It sounds fine as a pedal platform but the gain tones are really not good, and those are all real, actual quotes of people on the HMAP group on Facebook
The tone master would have been a world beater if they cost 1/4 of their list price, but at the actual price JUST BUY A DRRI FOR GODS SAKE
I had the GM40 once and sold it. I regretted selling it. I wanted to like it so badly because it's like an all in one amp which I love the convenience. So I thought I'd buy the BlackSpirit200 instead. It's pretty much the same exact sound and feel as the GM40, and it's just too flubby overall, it is its own thing, but just not for me.Archon 100 and H&K grandmeister 40
The Katana was a very obnoxious one. So was the Mustang, big time, especially since there were like three versions lol. The Cube got it all started though. And all of them except maybe the Tone Masters are little more to me than junky practice room amps. I used to have an Esteban amp for that kind of shit. I played it until it died and then did what any sane person would do with amps of that caliber, I put garbage in it's place. Except someone gave me the Esteban, I didn't actually pay for it LOLThe Boss Katana is an especially obnoxious one
The sheer fucking hubris of Katana fans knows no bounds
It sounds fine as a pedal platform but the gain tones are really not good, and those are all real, actual quotes of people on the HMAP group on Facebook
The tone master would have been a world beater if they cost 1/4 of their list price, but at the actual price JUST BUY A DRRI FOR GODS SAKE
I agree. I don't think the Katana are necessarily bad as much as they're 90% YouTube hype. I'd take an old Peavey Vypyr over a Katana any day as far as cheap modeling amps go. Again, not that they're bad. They're just way overrated.
To add to that, Orange Super Crush whatever. Again, not that they're bad, but when they came out, the whole YouTubz was like "woah, this is amazeballs" as if it was the first and only solid state amp to ever sound good.
The Katana was a very obnoxious one. So was the Mustang, big time, especially since there were like three versions lol. The Cube got it all started though. And all of them except maybe the Tone Masters are little more to me than junky practice room amps. I used to have an Esteban amp for that kind of shit. I played it until it died and then did what any sane person would do with amps of that caliber, I put garbage in it's place. Except someone gave me the Esteban, I didn't actually pay for it LOL
What's funny to me is I still have yet to hear a SS amp do edge of breakup or mild OD tone better than the now "vintage" Gibson Lab series. Maybe I haven't tried enough SS gear but even thinking about it makes me want to quit playing guitar.There have been tons of fantastic solid state amps, most of which have found a lane doing their own thing instead of trying to replicate tube amps
What's funny to me is I still have yet to hear a SS amp do edge of breakup or mild OD tone better than the now "vintage" Gibson Lab series. Maybe I haven't tried enough SS gear but even thinking about it makes me want to quit playing guitar.
Agreed 100 percent. Never tried a TopHat. Good info!Lab series kill for that tone, but I do prefer tube stuff for it. Honestly, less expensive tube amps - the TopHat club series especially, royale or deluxe depending on vox or fender flavor