Most overrated amp ever... pick 1!

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most Diezels, esp. Hagen and VH4 and the most of the 3-4 channel multi machines no matter what brand...
EVH 50W, Marshall JVM, Jubilees , Engl Invader, JSX. Those amp has very flat and generic sounding midrange and I just hate to play them.
What's funny to me is I still have yet to hear a SS amp do edge of breakup or mild OD tone better than the now "vintage" Gibson Lab series. Maybe I haven't tried enough SS gear but even thinking about it makes me want to quit playing guitar.
The Yamaha G100-II series were pretty good at that. My first amp….
I would say 5153. It is a good sounding amp on the blue channel, and fun to play. But it is not a super amp. When it was 800-1000 for a used one, they were kind of accurately priced. But they are not an upper echelon amp.
most of the 3-4 channel multi machines no matter what brand...
I think this is accurate. I just wonder why. When i was new to amps, it seemed this was the way. "I need a clean, has to be pristine. I need a good crunch, and then a lead tone."

When i got my first single channel that sounded better than any channel on one of those amps and learned how to manipulate guitar volume, all that silly shit went out the window.
That would be Wizard then. Wizard Modern Classic is overhyped as well as the MTL Mk2, in my honest opinion. Those are the only two I've owned.
I would agree with the mcii. I thought this would be my favorite of the wizard line. But it is just so polite and boring compared to the mtl or w800. When playing all three back to back, it was very underwhelming
I know you can’t say this anymore, but you’re retarded.
:ROFLMAO: I just really don't like the Mark III.

I've had:
Mark IV (2)
Mark V
Mark VII
Studio Preamp
C+ Modded Studio Preamp
Quad Preamp
Green Stripe
Blue Stripe
Played a Purple stripe

I like or love all of them except the Mark III's and the second channel of the quad...which is also a Mark III.

They're ear piercing and boomy at the same time. Idk maybe they just don't like my cabs.
Splawn Quick Rod and Fryette Deliverance

I don’t understand all these SLO votes—is it b/c it is expensive??
this will just never make sense to me, how does playing an amp that dosent respond make you a better player? :dunno: if some chick lays there like a stiff dead fish, do you say "yeah wow this is great, really forces me to bang her good and become a better fucker!"? i sure as hell dont, i kick her ass out just like an amp that wants to fight me all the time
This because all your technical flaws can't hide like it can on most amps. This forces you to work on your flaws. When you do, the reward is amazing.
Splawn Quick Rod and Fryette Deliverance

I don’t understand all these SLO votes—is it b/c it is expensive??
Taste surely is different for different persons which is great. But to me my Splawn Quick Rod 1000 2014 is the best amp I own and ever tried. If you check my signature, you can see I own a few boutique amps. But I understand it's not for all.
This because all your technical flaws can't hide like it can on most amps. This forces you to work on your flaws. When you do, the reward is amazing.

i dont feel i need to work on anything with my playing though, and if i did i would probably just play a thick stringed acoustic. rewarding for me are the riffs that come when im kicked back enjoying myself and just playing without a thought, riffs dont come when im worried about hitting a certain note the right way. i dont think someone becomes a "better player" playing one amp, i think you just adjust your playing around that amp
Beyond black beat me to my first choice so these are my back up choices.

Revv Generator

In the stoner/doom community, it's seen as a status symbol, but their amps aren't great. They are billed as a boutique company, but they haven't been since Matamp was making them. They are cheap circuit boards and a lot of people have reliability issues with them. On top of that, they have this hollow foggy sound to their mids that isn't that great to my ears. Get the real thing and buy a different color from Matamp if you want that sound.
:ROFLMAO: I just really don't like the Mark III.

I've had:
Mark IV (2)
Mark V
Mark VII
Studio Preamp
C+ Modded Studio Preamp
Quad Preamp
Green Stripe
Blue Stripe
Played a Purple stripe

I like or love all of them except the Mark III's and the second channel of the quad...which is also a Mark III.

They're ear piercing and boomy at the same time. Idk maybe they just don't like my cabs.
All good brotha. I was just trying to be funny. I only owned one Mark III. It was a red stripe and it was awesome. But I’ve heard plenty of people complain about the piercing harsh highs.
Ding ding ding.

The VH4 is the crown jewel of all the most overrated amps of all time, easily.
Not a fan at all. I prefer them when someone else is playing them. I find them to be bloated and stiff, with a cardboard like tone. I especially dislike their feel.
I also disliked the Lil Fokker, couldn’t get that fokker out of my house fast enough. This guy is not a Diezel guy.
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That's not a very apt metaphor

an amp that has better dynamics, string separation, and clarity, like that, forces you to have more consistent technique; and when you perform with better, more consistent technique, it rewards you with much better tone (especially high gain rhythm) than can be achieved with "Easy to play" amps

So in this case, its more like a broad that screams to the gods that youre the best lay shes ever had, and fakes orgasms to make you feel better, even though you're a four pump chump - it may help your ego, but deep down you know

compared to your stroke game giving HER an orgasm so intense she descends into a gran maul seizure

If I get 9 out of 10 chicks off though, or only this one amp is giving me problems, is it my technique that’s the problem or that chick is just a dead fish and the amp is stiff? I’d argue playing an unforgiving amp might not help in the long run, when all you’re focusing on is technique I think your playing becomes stiff, gotta learn to swing a little too
If I get 9 out of 10 chicks off though, or only this one amp is giving me problems, is it my technique that’s the problem or that chick is just a dead fish and the amp is stiff? I’d argue playing an unforgiving amp might not help in the long run, when all you’re focusing on is technique I think your playing becomes stiff, gotta learn to swing a little too

Rhythmic swing isn't even in the same universe as learning proper muting and especially steady, repeatable right hand technique

That's apples and oranges
Not a fan at all. I prefer them when someone else is playing them. I find them to be bloated and stiff, with a cardboard like tone. I especially dislike their feel.
I also disliked the Lil Fokker, couldn’t get that fokker out of my house fast enough. This guy in not a Diezel guy.
Fok that foking motherfokker