Amps that have great feel/touch sensitivity, mostly tend to make you work a little harder. But when you spend more time with them, I feel that your playing improves because you're forced to up your game a little. Vintage Fenders, some Mesas(Mark IIs), old Marshalls, Wizards, SLOs, VHT/Fryettes, even the Naylors to some extent have this commonality. Others I'm sure but those are the ones I've had experience with.
Amps that tend to be 'easier' to play, are typically SS in my experience although there are a few tube amps I've had that react in a way that seems 'easier'....Axe FX, Kemper, Randall SS stuff, preamps like the ADA MP1, Digitech GSPs, those all are super forgiving and going from a 'drier' amp like a D60 and immediately playing the AX8 I had a few yrs ago, was like holy balls I can fly around the fretboard now! Lol
But the small nuances that you can create with your pick on the 'harder to play' amps, that doesn't happen on the 'easier to play' rigs. The only tube amp that resembles those SS experiences is a non eq 2C I had; the response was so fast, I felt like a guitar hero in comparison to my other tube amps. Lol. It's really a noticeable difference with one amp that makes you work, vs one that does not.