Well-known member
I can see that and agree. But I would also say on the opposite end EVH and Yngwie imho also inspired so many obnoxious players that came after even though they themselves did great things. It’s like the opposite of using lemons to make lemonade. I know it’s controversial what I’m about to say and I do respect many other things about EVH but I always hated his style of leadwork. Talk about notes that don’t count lol. Often sounded like obnoxious noodly gobbly gook to me with zero tastefulness. Sadly inspired countless other players to follow suit with that style of leads. To me there are some guys like Marty Friedman or Rhoads where I’d describe their leads as “flash with class”, while EVH’s imo are flash without the class. It’s though imo one of the hardest things to do to write fast leadwork that actually tells a coherent story musically and maintains a thread to the story throughout. Friedman and Rhodes are among the only examples I can think of and they’re really more borderline shred rather than true shred like Shawn Lane for example, but even him, as much I admire his playing and feel, musically is not compelling to me. Alright long rant over lol. Almost done with my train ride to nyc
You have mortally offended me sir!! Look, I don’t care about the EVH minions, copy cats, style thieves, but, but…….but when you insult the man himself!!! Whoa guy!! You have gone too far!! His lead work is the greatest heights of musical precision, auditory beauty, sonic euphoria, musicianship, ear candy, blazing, schralping, perfection, melody, symphonic architecture to the extreme, and he did this all with his guitar!!
Oh boy……..I…..I…..I don’t……..even….know what…..to say!?!?
Actually, I kind of agree, except for me it’s a pre/post Roth thing. I can’t stand Hagar era VH.