Most Underrated Amp you've played?

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Dude, I am going to catch flack for it, but I think the DC series are legitimately better sounding than rectifiers, and many other boogies.

The DC10 was tough to dial in, but absolutely sounded GREAT. Not as flubby as a Recto and not as honky as a mark series.

I'm more of a Marshall style amp guy, but if I got a good deal I would absolutely snag another DC10.
The Mark series amps dont have to sound honky, that's just how a lot of people dial them in, with the 750 slider a bit too high. You can completely dial it out, but there's a point where too much mid scoop kills your tone. There's a sweet spot on that graphic slider, just above the bottom line.
Yup absolutely, that was Jerry's only amp at the time. You can see alot of old live recordings from AIC in the late 80's using a rg80es, this was right before they went and recorded Facelift. Facelift was a modded Marshall. To be honest, the RG100/80ES heads are not so underrated these days, people are catching on to how great they sound now, which is why they seem to fetch pretty high prices for mint condition ones.
Actually according to the engineer (Mr C) the Rhythm tones on Facelift were boosted Blackface Bassman through GBs. The Bogner Marshall was used for leads and some of the rhythm tracks doubled with the Fender
Ya, unfortunately a lot of Hair bands seemed to get Randall endorsements back in the 80's, not that Lynch has a bad tone, he sounds great. CC Deville used them for a brief time too. His Randall's had the zebra felt on them.
Lynch, Def Lep, U2, Vivian Campbell are some who used the RG for a time
Lynch, Def Lep, U2, Vivian Campbell are some who used the RG for a time
They were the amp to have back in the 80's, with tube Marshall like tone at reasonable volume to blistering volume and without having to hassle with tubes and such. It was state of the art back then. I remember seeing a rack from Steve of Def Leppard. he used like 2 or 3 RG100HT rack heads during the hysteria tour. The Edge used a rg80 combo and used the clean channel which was also quite nice on those amps (as long as you got one that didn't have bleed thru issues).
The Mark series amps dont have to sound honky, that's just how a lot of people dial them in, with the 750 slider a bit too high. You can completely dial it out, but there's a point where too much mid scoop kills your tone. There's a sweet spot on that graphic slider, just above the bottom line.
I know what you're talking about, but the "sweet spot" doesn't exist for me at the 750hz slider. That's one of the reasons why I stopped using boogies?

I just can't jive with the way the EQ works on them. I've owned a mark III coli, a mark iv combo, a mark V mini, a triaxis+290 rack setup, as well as a road king head and a roadster combo, in addition to the DC10.

The DC10 was actually the closest I could get to dialing a boogie in to my liking.
I know what you're talking about, but the "sweet spot" doesn't exist for me at the 750hz slider. That's one of the reasons why I stopped using boogies?

I just can't jive with the way the EQ works on them. I've owned a mark III coli, a mark iv combo, a mark V mini, a triaxis+290 rack setup, as well as a road king head and a roadster combo, in addition to the DC10.

The DC10 was actually the closest I could get to dialing a boogie in to my liking.
Just not the amps for you i guess?? Why did you go thru so many to come to this conclusion?? you should have figured out that the Mark series and Boogies in general aren't for you after the first two amps.
Just not the amps for you i guess?? Why did you go thru so many to come to this conclusion?? you should have figured out that the Mark series and Boogies in general aren't for you after the first two amps.
You're right, they aren't.

But at the time, I wasn't educated to all the brands and styles of high gain amp that were out there. So I thought I just hadn't found the "right" boogie.
peavey vtm although everyone has caught on these days
On the pricier side of things, probably the Sound City Master Lead 50. I never see anyone talk about these things at all but I love the fuck out of mine

On the cheap, the Peavey Prowler and the original Kustom Defender 50 combo
Splawn amps. They may be popular on these fourms but they don't get near the love and exposure they deserve.
I know what you're talking about, but the "sweet spot" doesn't exist for me at the 750hz slider. That's one of the reasons why I stopped using boogies?

I just can't jive with the way the EQ works on them. I've owned a mark III coli, a mark iv combo, a mark V mini, a triaxis+290 rack setup, as well as a road king head and a roadster combo, in addition to the DC10.

The DC10 was actually the closest I could get to dialing a boogie in to my liking.
DC10 is a nice amp; I agree with some of what you said about the Mesas you’ve tried but one thing I’ve learned after NOT liking Mk IIIs, most Rectos is this: they are hugely model/revision dependent. Hated the bloat of Rev G duals; sterility of Mk IIIs and tubby 3 channel Rectos. But, 2C+ or earlier (with eq) Marks, Mk IVs and Rev F or earlier Rectos (including G triples) are fantastic amps that deliver and sound organic/rich
For the price I think the best sounding amps are the old Randall RG100ES, Sovtek MIG100 and Mesa 50 Caliber. Those 50 calibers also have beautiful reverb and cleans. A year or 2 ago I would’ve said mark iii’s and old jmp2203’s. They were criminally underpriced, but now are going for probably around where they should’ve been for years given their quality of tone

I think Naylor is actually super underrated. It’s one of my top 5 or 6 favorite amps I own and they seem to be reasonably priced used when they come up. It’s one of the very very few amps I like even more than my stock ‘79 JMP2203 boosted with my Klon. Unfortunately besides the Naylor, all the other amps I can think of that are truly great and among the best (not just great for the money) are not at all under the radar or underrated. Guys know about them

EDIT: actually I’m borrowing this small vintage Gretsch amp from a friend that sounds amazing and it would go for under $1000. Not a metal amp, more like a much better and more pissed off, grindy version of an old tweed champ. Even though not a metal amp obviously, with a boost like my Klon, I actually think it sounds great for EVH style riffs and would go as far as saying even better than my ‘79 JMP2203 for that stuff honestly. I know bold statement. Really killer old amp
Randall RG 100/80es. For the price (or what they used to cost) really nice tone.
I would choose that even over many very expensive amps made today. The green channel with a good boost like my Klon sounded very good and very big sounding
Actually according to the engineer (Mr C) the Rhythm tones on Facelift were boosted Blackface Bassman through GBs. The Bogner Marshall was used for leads and some of the rhythm tracks doubled with the Fender
Really, it's suprising that they would choose a Bassman over a Bogner modifier Marshall for rhythm tones, but it sounds good. I knew they used Greenbacks, it sure sounds like it. I thought I read an interview with Cantrell where he stated that Facelift was just the modified Marshall, but I guess i'm wrong??
I would choose that even over many very expensive amps made today. The green channel with a good boost like my Klon sounded very good and very big sounding
Me too. I like the red channel boosted with a Boss sd-1 or od808, sounds killer for high gain. Never used the built in treble knob pull boost, it compresses the tone too much. A ESP Viper thru a Randall rg100es into a recto cab was my rig for a long time, and I always got complimented on my tone. I took the logo off, and people were always so surprised when I told them what I was using to get my tone. They thought for sure it was a tube amp cause of how big it sounded and how well it cut thru the mix.
I know what you're talking about, but the "sweet spot" doesn't exist for me at the 750hz slider. That's one of the reasons why I stopped using boogies?

I just can't jive with the way the EQ works on them. I've owned a mark III coli, a mark iv combo, a mark V mini, a triaxis+290 rack setup, as well as a road king head and a roadster combo, in addition to the DC10.

The DC10 was actually the closest I could get to dialing a boogie in to my liking.
My opinion is that most people who find the Marks unappealing are running the 240hz too high. I've always been surprised by the classic "V" as it sounds too bloated to me.