Most Underrated Amp you've played?

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Although, my desert Island amp is my 72 Tremolo. And, our Boogie fandom doesn't approach the 'Friedman Fanbois' or the weird midz Splawners.......
Yeah. It's funny. I have never had the pleasure of playing a mesa. I always thought bands that used them had a good sound. They are a staple in rock and metal. I would like to try them sometime. But for sure they are Polarizing. And everyone has strong opinions about them one way or another.
A workhorse of an amp, great tones, cheap, dependable, and you even see them in the stables of many pros. Hard to argue.
Swap out the BlueMarvel for a Celestion Alnico Gold, plunk some sweet new glass in there - boom - studio grade amp, studio grade tones, flexibility out the wazoo. Been the most turned-over amp I've recommended to peeps - I always say "get me a stock Classic30" and then I do the exact upgrades as above - and I've yet to know of one of those amps leaving their original owners. At least 2 reside in a couple high-end/well-known recording studios abroad. Go figure.
Back in the '80s, the Randall amps were way ahead of the game for SS tone, I think. And as far as the Mark series GEQ goes, my 4x12 EV "halfback" with the top closed off will use a WAY different setting than a 4x12 GB cab with my amp in the same room. Same guitar and amp settings.
I appreciate the spirit in which you have proffered the advice, but I can't help but be amused that every time I admit i don't get along with Boogies on a gear forum, 3000 boogie users jump in to explain that I don't know how the EQ works, and I just didn't dial in (any of the many boogie amps I've owned) correctly, or had the wrong revisions of every boogie I've ever tried ??

"It's a different 240hz bro, come on just try it, that's what gave you a case of the honks

You had the wrong strain of Mesa Boogie bro

You needed to try the Recto rev Indica, not that Mark IV sativa, that's what gave you anxiety and loose low end

Please bro there are different strains/revisions"
Any time man! ?

Not trying to say you can't dial in an amp...just that personally I bought and sold a couple Marks until I started dialing in the GEQ with my ears instead of my eyes...and that damn 240 slider was the ticket. That and swapping power cords until I was happy with the dynamics bro :LOL:
Randall Thrasher 50, if it wasn’t for the pricing I’d buy another
Ya, unfortunately a lot of Hair bands seemed to get Randall endorsements back in the 80's, not that Lynch has a bad tone, he sounds great. CC Deville used them for a brief time too. His Randall's had the zebra felt on them.
I Remember that. Then at some point he switched to the Crate GX130C Heads that Cannibal Corpse and a Host of others have used.
I should mention the Crate Stealth; probably right there with the Randall RG when it comes to cost/tone. I’d pick these up for 100-250 all day and flip for 3-400 on eBay. Lee Jackson circuit; very modded 800-like with a good loop, clean and 2 gain channels(one gain channel with 2 separate gain pots you could switch between. Super bright though. A sound guy bud of mine would run sound out in Sturgis for the rally; at one of the campgrounds-he told me Vince Neils guitar player, Jeff Blando had full Marshall stacks on stage but he really ran a couple Stealths behind them lol.
I should mention the Crate Stealth; probably right there with the Randall RG when it comes to cost/tone. I’d pick these up for 100-250 all day and flip for 3-400 on eBay. Lee Jackson circuit; very modded 800-like with a good loop, clean and 2 gain channels(one gain channel with 2 separate gain pots you could switch between. Super bright though. A sound guy bud of mine would run sound out in Sturgis for the rally; at one of the campgrounds-he told me Vince Neils guitar player, Jeff Blando had full Marshall stacks on stage but he really ran a couple Stealths behind them lol.
Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 100

Stealth and DSL are both good shouts for underrated amps.
Mesa Stiletto is a great amp.
Suhr Badger 30
I had a couple of Stilettos, I wanted to love this amp so bad and it was soooo close to amazing, but I always found the high end almost uncontrollable. Just a tad too bright. Always wondered if the Royal Atlantic would do the same thing, never had a chance to play one tho.
I should mention the Crate Stealth; probably right there with the Randall RG when it comes to cost/tone. I’d pick these up for 100-250 all day and flip for 3-400 on eBay. Lee Jackson circuit; very modded 800-like with a good loop, clean and 2 gain channels(one gain channel with 2 separate gain pots you could switch between. Super bright though. A sound guy bud of mine would run sound out in Sturgis for the rally; at one of the campgrounds-he told me Vince Neils guitar player, Jeff Blando had full Marshall stacks on stage but he really ran a couple Stealths behind them lol.
I saw him a couple of years ago at Magic City Casino in Miami and he had the stealth's on stage as full stacks with Marshall Cabs.