Music gear sales dead.

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I think everyone is spot on. I agree. For now the dollar is just the prettiest turd in the punch bowl.

Yep back to OP. Gear prices at their peak now. Foreseeable future not looking good. Which is good for buyers.
Since the pandemic, I've been waiting for the expected foreclosure tsunami to buy property, interest rates and high property values in some areas I want are making that more challenging. Blackrock, Vanguard, and others have been buying up single family homes in large numbers before they even get to the foreclosure market.

Awhile back I read or saw an inflation rate that used an older list of goods/services from the 1980s/1990s, and the inflation rate was near double what the new/current list of goods/services indicated. I'll see if I can find it.
Year30-year fixed-rate average
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Ukraine and Israel are this presidency's priorities. Biden is 100% to blame for this country being in the shitter.

And student loan forgiveness? FUCK YOU BIDEN. It took me 20 years to pay mine off, and you want my taxes to go towards paying off some deadbeats that think they're ENTITLED to not have to pay theirs? What a fucked up though process. It's buying votes from deadbeats. Hopefully, those that paid theirs off vote for Trump. Like him or not, all these shitstorms wouldn't be happening under his watch.
That is total horseshit. Deficit went up after Trump. Trump wanted to keep interest rates at zero to keep the Stockmarket artificially up. Would mention it all the time in his tweets, wanted to keep printing money as he makes a ton on investments and relied on low interest rates to keep his major source of revenue up. Most of his real estate was purchased with low interest rates. Was also famous for saying how much he loved debt, look it up.
To think 1 president caused this ludicrous. It's the senate that controls the pursestrings and the fed that directs monetary policy. This shit has been going on for decades! The decades of free money is what spawned all this bs with the rise of crazy venture capital, overvaluation of the stock market, etc. Its just finally coming to bite us in the ass
Year30-year fixed-rate average
197911.The individual buyer
The individual buyer has been screwed for years. I have a friend who is a contractor that fixes up homes purchased by big groups like Presentation, etc.. They will pay cash anytime less than 350,000, no inspection. They have gobbled up all the affordable housing. My friends who use to flip homes have gotten out of that as the margins were too tight. This is all a result of the last housing crisis which allowed large groups to gobble up all the distressed properties and become very wealthy once the market recovered. This gave them the revenue to keep buying even when the market normalized. Once again, all do to short sightedness.
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I think everyone is spot on. I agree. For now the dollar is just the prettiest turd in the punch bowl.

Yep back to OP. Gear prices at their peak now. Foreseeable future not looking good. Which is good for buyers.
i just watched a video talking about record amounts of repo'd cars they cant get rid of because the dealers cant sell the stock they have, and how its gonna get worse with student loans kicking back in now or whatever the story is with that. pretty much yes, everything is fucked

I have been watching a ton of videos about this kind of stuff lately also. Cars getting repo'd, people still spending like stuff is cheap, the majority of people carrying a credit card balance from month to month collecting interest, the highest credit card balances ever, the most consumer debt ever on record, student loans coming back on top of all that, etc.....

Sounds like the next few years is going to be rough for a lot of people.
I have been watching a ton of videos about this kind of stuff lately also. Cars getting repo'd, people still spending like stuff is cheap, the majority of people carrying a credit card balance from month to month collecting interest, the highest credit card balances ever, the most consumer debt ever on record, student loans coming back on top of all that, etc.....

Sounds like the next few years is going to be rough for a lot of people.
The student loan one is a huge impact. I pay what would be a mortgage for some people in student loans. And before anyone gets too judgmental I paid off $$,$$$ during the covid break (as much as I could within my means) and never received or qualify for any forgiveness at all. I’m trying but it does limit a lot. Add the inflation costs of regular day to day things and I am positive other families are certainly hurting way way worse.
The student loan one is a huge impact. I pay what would be a mortgage for some people in student loans. And before anyone gets too judgmental I paid off $$,$$$ during the covid break (as much as I could within my means) and never received or qualify for any forgiveness at all. I’m trying but it does limit a lot. Add the inflation costs of regular day to day things and I am positive other families are certainly hurting way way worse.

I have heard the average car payment now is like $750, the average student loan will be about $400, the average rent is up to like $2000, the average credit card balance is about $6000. I think it is definitely gonna get bad for some people.
The student loan one is a huge impact. I pay what would be a mortgage for some people in student loans. And before anyone gets too judgmental I paid off $$,$$$ during the covid break (as much as I could within my means) and never received or qualify for any forgiveness at all. I’m trying but it does limit a lot. Add the inflation costs of regular day to day things and I am positive other families are certainly hurting way way worse.

Yeah, I busted my ass paying close to $1000 / month from 2013 to 2019 to pay off all my student loans. I wanted them gone. Now doing the same to my mortgage. I no longer want to be a debt slave to anyone.
All my debt is paid off, and I have a decent amount in savings. Could buy a new wizard or whatever expensive amp that's out there and not hurt. Never been in this good of shape financially. But I've been being tight since I paid off the car and credit cards. I keep seeing a bunch of trucking companies going tits up and am always worried about my job because when I have it good is when everything goes to shit. I made a bunch of money during covid because I mostly run paper products. Still lots of work to be had, but a bunch of truckers are eating shit right now.
Global economic issues aside, my comment on this is about private sales appearing to be stagnant: If I can google whatever you are selling, and find it 15-25% cheaper, you need to lower your price. Sales turnover at small, expensive shops and private listings looks slow - but big retailers are still turning over stuff rapidly, especially to younger people.

Not calling anyone in particular out, not trying to "price shame," but skimming the listings in the classifieds on this very forum is like this, so it's not exclusive to Reverb, Ebay, or Craigslist. Don't get me wrong, I think everything I own is gold too and I want to get an appropriate value for it when I sell it. But I've been hunting for something for a few months and just snagged it this week, and got it for $500+ less than the lowest price I saw here and on TGP during that same time frame - maybe I'm more patient than most though.

My point is just that if I'm going to buy something private party, I need to feel certain it's going to go smoothly because it's riskier than buying from a place like GC or SamAsh. I'm willing to take on more risk if I'm getting a better price, but lately the private party prices have been substantially higher. I guess I get better pictures from private sellers sometimes? But I'll always have these questions: If it's damaged, will you help cover it? If you ship it, will you pay for insurance or just hope it turns out ok? If it does get damaged in shipping and you chose not to get insurance, will you take it back? Are you going to pack it properly yourself, or trust it to the UPS/Fedex store employees? Are you using old pictures or lying (even by omission) about the condition? The more expensive the item, the bigger these worries get as well.