Music gear sales dead.

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Yes billions overseas. Sticking our noses in other people’s business.

What about the taxpayers who are hurting. Basically they could care less. See what they do not what they say if you want the truth.

Was sent this meme yesterday. It’s fir both sides.

View attachment 258573

People in this country love the government raking them over the coals continuously. That's why every 4 years all the suckers start arguing and line up and vote in an exact replica of what they had the last time. I learned everything I need to know about politics from Thrash metal in the late 80's and early 90's
From a music gear perspective, I think mom n' pop / regional chains are not able to compete with SW, MF, GC, etc. unless they find a niche like Music Zoo, Wildwood, etc.

They don't do anything to adapt, and probably can't afford the overhead required to have decent inventory. So the usual story is "We can get that" and my response is "so can I, faster and cheaper." So how are they supposed to compete with this?

I deal with sweetwater primary. They have their operation nailed down. I return 80% of the gear I buy because I can't try anything out, because there's nowhere to try anything out. The stuff I purchase is usually high end music production equipment. They have a no questions asked return policy and I use it. I don't feel bad though. I spend about 10k a year with them.
I'm glad that gear sales are tanking. I've got a bonus check coming in a couple weeks that is already burning a hole in my pocket. Hell KSR was throwing in a 1x12 with a purchase of a full amp. I'm thinking of grabbing an FM3 or maybe replacing my mark iv with another mark series. I also need a v.

Then again I may go ahead and buy a Gemini and get a 1x12 if that deal comes up again.
Dude, you're always moving gear for the next thing and I see you constantly taking a loss. Just stop, lol. Nobody in their right mind is replacing a Mark IV with a Mark V
From a music gear perspective, I think mom n' pop / regional chains are not able to compete with SW, MF, GC, etc. unless they find a niche like Music Zoo, Wildwood, etc.
Mom and pops dont usually offer 0 interest for 48 months...

A lot of dopey people think because they have a credit limit, they need to spend that credit limit.
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Another issue for mom and pop stores is dealer requirements to place an order. My local shop usually has a decent inventory of new gear, most of it one the low-middle end of the spectrum, as that's what our market dictates. Not junk, but very rarely do high end items come through any more.
One of the reasons for that is requirements from dealers to place an order. Gibson's minimum order amount was so high in 2019 that they couldn't even afford to place an order, and they have been a Gibson dealer for years. On top of that, Gibson now forces dealers to bundle Mesa in, so you basically have to place a large order for both brands in order to even meet the minimum.

For a long while, stores couldn't get any new products, either. I'd never seen the place so barren, and they were basically begging for people to trade stuff in, because they had nothing to sell. But of course, everyone was buying, and nobody was selling, and I think we can thank the "economic stimulus" for that. People were getting all sorts of money that was essentially disposable income for most, so the need to sell non-essential items in order to cover living expenses went way down. But as has been discussed here, what goes up, must come down, and like others have said, the companies pumping out new gear didn't have foresight to see the obvious downturn that would come once people got back to normalcy.

I personally survived off of gear sales while I was building my YouTube channel in 2021. It couldn't have happened at a more perfect time for me, to be honest, and even though it sucked for everyone else, it worked out in my favor (not gloating, it's just the reality) But, I have definitely seen a major slow down in the last year. 2020-2022, I would list stuff at insane prices, just kind of throw things at the wall, and people would still jump all over it, it was honestly wild to watch. Krank Krankenstein for $1,500? Gone in less than 24 hours. You couldn't give that amp away pre-pandemic. JCM 900 SLX? $1,250 - gone in 2 days. That's an amp that I would consistently sell for $500 and have to sit on before. We won't even get into 5150's, Rectifiers or JMPs - those prices are just asinine, yet people are still paying them despite everything else somewhat coming back to earth.

I am certainly backing away from moving gear around at the moment though. Things seem to be getting more unstable by the minute here and around the world. I've been living comfortably for a few years, and I have always and will always live well below my means (something that seems to be lost on most people in modern society) but I also don't want to get caught with my pants down if everything does turn to shit and I have a bunch of absolutely worthless investments taking up space in my home while I struggle to keep the lights on. I'm seeing others in this forum with the same foresight, and I think that's a good thing.
Mom and pops dont usually offer 0 interest for 48 months...

A lot of dopey people think because they have a credit limit, they need to spend that credit limit.
They also don't have a large selection or generous return policy.
Now that I have most of my gear sorted out, the only thing I'm buying these days are guitars and software. I usually buy from a few online retailers SW, MF, and a few others. I wait for accessory sales and stock up on strings, straps, etc., and holiday sales.

I'm still selling gear, but I'm not in a hurry to sell; so I can wait to get my minimum price.

I can't remember the last time I actually purchased anything from a local brick and mortar music store.
Dude, you're always moving gear for the next thing and I see you constantly taking a loss. Just stop, lol. Nobody in their right mind is replacing a Mark IV with a Mark V
I'm going to get a 3 or another Mark iv. That V was a guitar not a mark v. I guess I should have been more specific in that context. I had to sell my mark iv to pay some stuff that just came up. If my claim with UPS would have showed up I wouldn't have had to. I'm hoping my bonus and claim check shows up in the next couple weeks before you sell the IV you have up. I'm also g.a.s.n for the JSX you have for sale.
The local GC downa skreet from me is such an embarrassment.

Selling used items online has been terrible this year. The only people getting paid are Feeverb and the feds.
I also don't want to get caught with my pants down if everything does turn to shit and I have a bunch of absolutely worthless investments taking up space in my home while I struggle to keep the lights on. I'm seeing others in this forum with the same foresight, and I think that's a good thing.

I unloaded all my amps and cabs during the pandemic rush and now that things are tight I'm glad I did. I kept one cab and a Quad Cortex. I'm with you on this line of thinking. It was hard to justify having $$$$$ worth of amps and cabs when medical bills hit and grocery's are $200+ per trip. A lot of that gear would be hard as heck to move right now, I think.
Home sales are absolutely not at a standstill… it’s a cutthroat market right now and houses are gobbled up over asking almost immediately.
seeing massive slow downs in our area. the market was superheated for a while, zero inventory, bidding wars, etc. Interest rates and inflated values are slowing it significantly.

Wonder if there were folks that took out ARM's for homes at 2-3% that are about to take it in the can?

And I can't believe what people spend on cars. $100k for a domestic vehicle? people are nuts.
California is a disaster.
went out there to train a couple of years ago, some other guys we knew were out there at the same time and invited us to their VRBO they rented. $1.2 million dollar home in Torrance. I'm like "HELL YEAH!!! A MANSION!"

$1.2 million in torrance is apparently about $300k in the regular world lol
Rampant corporate greed using a pandemic as an advantage. Really working that whole Chinese character duality. Throw in a certain party that likes to de-regulate everything and cut their taxes because corporations and people are so honorable and trickle the good times down..oh what they keep it all in stock buy backs and executive bonuses? Bummer.
This both sides bullshit makes me laugh. We reached a Surplus under Clinton after George H. Added to the debt, that Reagan had blown out. George W. lead us, not to just 20 years of Middle East disaster (talk about money sent overseas) but also to the worst financial crash since 1929 and Obama scooped it up and basically lead us to being in decent shape but did continue the middle eastern shitfest.
Then Trump came along and blew up the debt while cutting taxes for the rich. Fumbled Covid costing 100’s of thousands of lives and worsened an economic reckoning that the whole world was going to have to face. High inflation, that the entire world faced was suddenly Biden’s fault, even though before a year was out his admin reduced inflation numbers drastically and we had great employment numbers. But he’s ruining the country? Not corporate greed, not a Republican Party that wouldn’t know financial responsibility if it was a free handjob at a musical.
There is no equivalency between the two parties right now on who can govern and actually not devastate us economically. And just to be clear for the sarcastic brothers out who are a little Trumpatized, the Republicans are a shit show and the Dems are trying to keep it off their shoes but when it’s being flung by primates, collateral damage will happen.
Who’s got the cheap hookup on a white SG..?
Rampant corporate greed using a pandemic as an advantage. Really working that whole Chinese character duality. Throw in a certain party that likes to de-regulate everything and cut their taxes because corporations and people are so honorable and trickle the good times down..oh what they keep it all in stock buy backs and executive bonuses? Bummer.
This both sides bullshit makes me laugh. We reached a Surplus under Clinton after George H. Added to the debt, that Reagan had blown out. George W. lead us, not to just 20 years of Middle East disaster (talk about money sent overseas) but also to the worst financial crash since 1929 and Obama scooped it up and basically lead us to being in decent shape but did continue the middle eastern shitfest.
Then Trump came along and blew up the debt while cutting taxes for the rich. Fumbled Covid costing 100’s of thousands of lives and worsened an economic reckoning that the whole world was going to have to face. High inflation, that the entire world faced was suddenly Biden’s fault, even though before a year was out his admin reduced inflation numbers drastically and we had great employment numbers. But he’s ruining the country? Not corporate greed, not a Republican Party that wouldn’t know financial responsibility if it was a free handjob at a musical.
There is no equivalency between the two parties right now on who can govern and actually not devastate us economically. And just to be clear for the sarcastic brothers out who are a little Trumpatized, the Republicans are a shit show and the Dems are trying to keep it off their shoes but when it’s being flung by primates, collateral damage will happen.
Who’s got the cheap hookup on a white SG..?
They should have made covid illegal