My story of Trace Davis and Voodoo Amps (spoiler, I'm not stoked)

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I miss comedians like those guys. Richard Pryor was the best ever and Eddie and Dice were pretty damn funny too. These days a lot of comedians won't even do college gigs because of all the cry baby kids. They have things so good in this country and have to search in the weeds for things to be offended by. Humor to them is a micro-aggression and not allowed in their safe space.
How sad comedians have to ease back on their humor because of these social justice warriors who actively search long and hard for offensive things.

I wonder what would happen if Dice went out on tour? He did not hold back at all!!
Yes man. I had that 100 watter and the diezel VH4 at the same time. Could dial in the archon to the Diezel. That’ archon sounded a Tad sweeter. Sent the vh4 out the door. But love me diezels. ?
Hey Dan, I thought you were a moderator?…it’s time to start moderating. This place is completely going down the tank and something needs to be done. Time to clean house of all the trash.
FJA has started back up. I met him last year or so in Charlotte where he is living now. He isn't doing as much as he used to do but he is doing mods again.

And yeah calling someone slurs that's racist or homophobic over gear... I am far from a SJW but my sister is gay, as well as her children are black. seeing people being hurtful to them cause who they choose to love or what race they are has made me a little more sensitive to the subject. There is a million of worthy insults you can throw at someone that isn't a bigoted slur. It's also interesting that in the same thread people are openly saying slurs against gays and then sensor themselves on the "n-word". Why is the line drawn there? This hobby isn't restricted to straight white males. Let's not turn this into a site like some fucked up corner of 4-chan.
Stop calling for people to be banned! Grow thick skin or don’t come to the forum. Or use the ignore button. Viewing these threads is choice that you make. You can choose not to come here. It’s really that simple.
Yes, some people suck. Yes, some people are racist. Yes, some people are going to say mean things and hurt your feelings. Be a man and deal with it. Get over it. Don’t let it bother you. Learn to ignore people who bother you on online forums. Secret - there’s an ignore button you can press that makes you not have to see those mean people’s posts. USE. IT. OR. STOP. COMPLAINING. Stop asking for people to be banned. Unless they’re threatening physical violence, grow thick skin and get over it.
Stop calling for people to be banned! Grow thick skin or don’t come to the forum. Or use the ignore button. Viewing these threads is choice that you make. You can choose not to come here. It’s really that simple.
Yes, some people suck. Yes, some people are racist. Yes, some people are going to say mean things and hurt your feelings. Be a man and deal with it. Get over it. Don’t let it bother you. Learn to ignore people who bother you on online forums. Secret - there’s an ignore button you can press that makes you not have to see those mean people’s posts. USE. IT. OR. STOP. COMPLAINING. Stop asking for people to be banned. Unless they’re threatening physical violence, grow thick skin and get over it.

Or, or maybe people can just follow the rules. :eek:
Or, or maybe people can just follow the rules. :eek:

"But then you are just a sheep/idiot/whatever" stupid crap that some of these buffoons would like to say. There is a large number of users on this forum who I've never actually seen post about gear. They just get involved in personal dramas.

I think that this place has potential to be a useful resource for guitar gear enthusiasts, but you have to wade through a lot of shit sometimes to get anything meaningful. Though its hard for some to comprehend, this is a PRIVATE space. There are rules, and though you may be able to get by for some time being generally disagreeable, don't be mad when the hammer comes down.
"But then you are just a sheep/idiot/whatever" stupid crap that some of these buffoons would like to say. There is a large number of users on this forum who I've never actually seen post about gear. They just get involved in personal dramas.

I think that this place has potential to be a useful resource for guitar gear enthusiasts, but you have to wade through a lot of shit sometimes to get anything meaningful. Though its hard for some to comprehend, this is a PRIVATE space. There are rules, and though you may be able to get by for some time being generally disagreeable, don't be mad when the hammer comes down.
Post's like this are just as useful as the posts containing all of the insults. This is a public forum not a SAFE space. Keep crying about this shit so the thread stays at the top. Bump..
Post's like this are just as useful as the posts containing all of the insults. This is a public forum not a SAFE space. Keep crying about this shit so the thread stays at the top. Bump..
This place was useful when Bob and Chris owned it, after that it was fucked.
am I missing something? I didn’t not see any person of color attacked nor did I see a gay personal attacked. What I saw was most likely a straight person using a derogatory term against most likely another straight person. And that person while using a derogatory term used it without the intent of targeting that person due to their race or sexual preference. They simply used a word to solicite a response. It’s more about attacking and individual using terminology that is the opposite of what they are.

Like calling a black person white or light skinned is offensive to that person, not to a white person. Or telling a guy he throws like a girl or telling a girl that sh looks like a man. It’s meant to insult the individual. Again, I apologize if I missed some specific targeting of minority or sexual preference. But this is just high school immature name calling more than targeted hate against a group. That doesn’t mean is proper or that I condone it. It simply that some people are make a bigger deal than what it was intended
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am I missing something? I didn’t not see any person of color attacked nor did I see a gay personal attacked. What I saw was most likely a straight person using a derogatory term against most likely another straight person. And that person while using a derogatory term used it without the intent of targeting that person due to their race or sexual preference. They simply used a word to solicite a response. It’s more about attacking and individual using terminology that is the opposite of what they are.

Like calling a black person white or light skinned is offensive to that person, not to a white person. Or telling a guy he throws like a girl or telling a girl that sh looks like a man. It’s meant to insult the individual. Again, I apologize if I missed some specific targeting of minority or sexual preference. But this is just high school immature name calling more than targeted hate against a group. That doesn’t mean is proper or that I condone it. It simply that some people are make a bigger deal than what it was intended
Its extreme left thinking
I know where are these fucks that were in off topic? i think they were bots for whoever owns this forum.