My story of Trace Davis and Voodoo Amps (spoiler, I'm not stoked)

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My story of Trace Davis of Voodoo Amps.

Well…here goes…

I normally don’t do this as I’ve seen many a disgruntled customer take to social media to emotionally and publicly burn a company when things don’t go their way. That is not what I am trying to do here, and I am willing to be wrong.

I want to say up front that Trace Davis @ Voodoo has always been polite to me and seems to be a very nice guy but the below is past the point of what I’d deem acceptable by normal business standards, and I am not sure how else to proceed except to put this out there.

Back in August of 2017, (almost 4 years ago), I sent him a JCM 800 2203X reissue to have modified into a CP100. The CP100 is a special build that never really made it to the mainstream and Trace was nice enough to agree to do it for me. (see below emails)

I also included the transcripts from our Facebook messenger chats.

Since then, I don’t believe anything has been done to the amp and since he was (I guess) doing me a favor by doing this special build I completely stayed out of his way for the last 3.5-4 years and maybe sent an email/DM once or twice a year to say hello and wish him well.

About a week and a half ago I called (and he answered) and I asked him to please either ship my amp back with no hard feelings or if he wants to buy it that’d be fine too.

He said he would call me back and I’ve heard nothing despite a few follow up calls and emails.

THEN I see this below thread on and NOW my radar is going off.

Has anyone ever had this sort of issue with him?

Am I being unreasonable or an asshole?

Trace Davis
You're friends on Facebook
Lives in Horseheads, New York
5/1/19, 11:35 AM
You sent May 1, 2019
Hey Trace! It’s me, the guy that asked you to build a CP100. Shot ya a few emails to say hello and didn’t get a response. Wanted to let you know I’m still alive and wanted to say hello.
You sent May 1, 2019
Still no rush, just wanted to check in with you.
5/1/19, 1:56 PM

Trace sent May 1, 2019
Calling & leaving a voice mail would probably be best. We’ve had some server issues so that may not have gotten your emails. I love computers when they work properly! Lol I have some pcb’s I’ve been working on specifically for the CP100 as it will be very helpful over all. Hard to explain in a text lol but she’s here & safe-&-sound Everyone wanting their tour rigs done has begun earlier than normal this year so we’re presently knee deep in that. I’n very much looking forward to when I can install the pcb’s for the CP100, I geek out on that stuff! almost done with the design, its the same guy I worked with on the pcb designs for our V-Plex, Mid-Drive & V-Rock. It will be awesome!!
You sent May 1, 2019
Hell yeah man. Great to hear. Like I said, not in a rush, just wanted to drop in just in case you were wondering where the hell I went haha
5/1/19, 2:20 PM

Trace sent May 1, 2019
It's all good my friend
You sent May 1, 2019
Good deal brother. I appreciate it.
You sent May 1, 2019
I know you’re kinda doing me a square so I’m trying not to bother

Trace sent May 1, 2019
I appreciate it, we’re swamped but I’m making progress with designing boards for it.
You sent May 1, 2019
Sounds good. Thanks Trace.
8/5/19, 11:58 AM
You sent August 5, 2019
Hi Trace! Just wanted to say hi and check in.
8/13/19, 11:05 AM

Trace sent August 13, 2019
Hello there
You sent August 13, 2019
Hey Trace! Just wanted to say hi and check on the CP100 build. Hope you’ve been well.
8/26/19, 3:43 PM

Trace sent August 26, 2019
I’m currenty out here with Aerosmith. I know I had some boards designed for the CP100 & we were waiting for those to arrive. As I’m no at the shop I can’t check in those at this moment as I’m not at the shop. Hope all is well with you good sir!!
You sent August 26, 2019
Aerosmith is more important than my CP100??? Just kidding haha!! Naw no worries at all! Just wanted to say hello and check in. Hope you’ve been well and thanks for keeping me in the loop.
8/26/19, 4:17 PM

Trace sent August 26, 2019
I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed soon! Lol I enjoy working with these guys, amazing band & the new production & sound is beyond anything I’ve ever heard or seen before. If you get a chance to see it its truly amazing. Gotta head to the venue now
You sent August 26, 2019
Have fun! Talk soon!
5/14/20, 8:04 PM
You sent May 14, 2020
Hi Trace! Just wanted to say hey and check in in my CP100 build. Hope you're staying safe during all this craziness we have going on. Thanks!
You sent May 14, 2020
As usual, no huge rush. Just wanted to say hello!
5/15/20, 12:14 PM

Trace sent May 15, 2020
Hiping to get back to work as usual! They bumped the reopen date to June 6th & as of right now it looks like we’ll be good to go on that
You sent May 15, 2020
Cool man!

Trace sent May 15, 2020
I hope you are safe & healthy! I am some othe here had the covid virus so we’re good to go, just waiting to get back to work now.
You sent May 15, 2020
Yeah same here man. It's been crazy and I was telling someone about the CP100 you are building for me and I figured I'd pop in and say hello while it was on my mind

Trace sent May 15, 2020
Its all good & I’m looking forward to making it awesome!
You sent May 15, 2020
Thank you my friend!
5/15/20, 1:29 PM

Trace sent May 15, 2020

7/31/20, 6:55 PM
You sent July 31, 2020
Hi Trace! Any update on the CP100 build? Hope you're doing well and staying safe from all this covid stuff!
8/23/20, 8:24 AM

Trace sent August 23, 2020
Its been a long several months, most of us here did catch the covid, myself included & its taken a while to bounce back as well as to get energy levels back to normal. Its a not a fun thing to go through so I hope you & your’s have been in good health. They say if you have your health you can do anything, having gone through this I can say there is great thruth in those words. We were not able to be in the shop for months so we are working in trying to get our heads back around it all & get caught up. We are dealing with supply chain issues with vendors but it seems most everyone is in the same boat in that regard. Hopefully in a few weeks things will stablize a bit more. Most all parts are made in China so sorting through all of that is still a challenge but we’ll get there one way or the other! I hope your Subday is relaxing & enjoyable. Stay safe & be strong my friend!
You sent August 23, 2020
Thanks for the update! Yeah things are a bit crazy right now.

Trace sent August 23, 2020
It seems its becoming a saying but we certainly are living in interesting time. Some things I never thought I would be seeing much less living through. One day at a time it seems is the best way forward.
You sent August 23, 2020
Yep. I was really sick back in January before all of this became mainstream media stuff. I kinda HOPE I had it back then so maybe its a one and done thing.

On Aug 25, 2017, at 10:22 AM, <> <> wrote:

1.) Package - At a quick glance the package itself appears to be ok but we have not yet had an opportunity to unbox it. IE: One of my guy's needs to unbox it as I have a bad disc in my lower back that I have to be very careful of.

2.) Mod Form - Would you be so kind as to fill out the Mod Form & email it back.

Many thanks good sir & I hope your Friday is off to a great start

Trace Davis, President / Founder


(607) 256-0465
228B South Sage Circle
Horseheads, NY 14845
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SPAM] Re: RE:
From: Chad Mosbey <>
Date: Thu, August 24, 2017 1:00 pm
Did it make it to you in one piece?

Sent from my iPhone
Hello, I sent an Amp to Trace back in October 2021. To date, I cannot get anyone to response to my communications. Have you been able to connect with Trace at all? Is he still in business? Thanks!
Hello, I sent an Amp to Trace back in October 2021. To date, I cannot get anyone to response to my communications. Have you been able to connect with Trace at all? Is he still in business? Thanks!
Seems like there should be some consequences for doing this kinda thing. I wouldn't want anyone working as my amp tech if they are ripping people off in their down time.
Hello, I sent an Amp to Trace back in October 2021. To date, I cannot get anyone to response to my communications. Have you been able to connect with Trace at all? Is he still in business? Thanks!
He was active on his social media page on Facebook January 21st. Seems he’s around?
I remember that dude.
What a soap opera.
I had a Mesa with the Platinum penis’head mod.
I also had a few Doodoo’ amps.
The something Rock” that had a Brutal switch
which was actually KILLER!.
I also had a Witchdoctor combo that had
rad features but sounded like Doodoo’.
You couldn’t even tighten it up proper with a boost.
Not as advertised.
Actually now that I think about it and to add the source of this edit to my prior comment,
I’ll take one of those V-Rocks with the Brutal switch, it’s on the front of the chassis on the right hand side.
That thing could PUNCH.
LOUD AF, no way around it.
Gimme one all murdered out, y’all keep the
Trump gold vibe.
You guys think he’ll still build me one?,after….
Last edited:
Brad bought the forum around 2012? I think? He partnered with Dave Friedman/Tone Merchants/Mark Cameron and they were producing CCVs, Atomicas, Old Bitch(Aldrich) for a short time before it all imploded. Then, at some point he became upset at some woman he was dating, or trying to date and he threatened her in some way...firearm 'might' have been involved and he got arrested and did some time.
RTers, if I'm wrong on some of this please correct. This is what I remember...been a while.
I was considering putting down a deposit for either the CCV or more likely the Atomica right before that whole thing imploded. I remember there was a long waiting list, and as I remember, Dave Friedman got more involved with the products and trying to help out towards the end. I now have a Friedman Small Box as my main amp and have been perfectly happy for years now. I am sure a bunch of guys never got their deposits back.
What went on with Surreal? I had some exchanges with Jerry in 2008 on metroamp chasing Sykes tones and he was pretty helpful.
I had Jerry do a mod 5 to a Peavey VTM back in 2010. Nice amp.

From what I remember, Jerry was commenting on certain things that offend his religion; guys commented back and he flew off into rage posting. Got the ban hammer. Plus, he was making amps using stuff he gleaned off Cameron and wouldn’t admit it, or something like that.
He did a nice job for me and was reasonably priced; never had an issue personally.
Interesting post.. . I just checked out his Facebook last night after reading this thread, and he's been posting regularly. He was touring with Dickie Betts, The Smashing Pumpkins, and Staind, etc. He even answered a guy's (not complicated question) on 1 of his amps.. . Hate hearing these stories

Well, take


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The above photo is why the Amp was sent back to Trace. He covered the circuit board with black silicone. The Amp is not working and no can work on it.
Lol what a fuckin dickhead. That really sucks man.
The above photo is why the Amp was sent back to Trace. He covered the circuit board with black silicone. The Amp is not working and no can work on it.
Black silicone? Or black epoxy?

Cameron was awful about using epoxy that would harden rock solid. The shit had to be frozen and chipped off by owners.

Black silicone however isn’t anywhere near as bad, it can be peeled off usually.

Someone needs to find that Cameron amp where he sprayed the whole inside with a can of red spray paint ??
Black silicone? Or black epoxy?

Cameron was awful about using epoxy that would harden rock solid. The shit had to be frozen and chipped off by owners.

Black silicone however isn’t anywhere near as bad, it can be peeled off usually.

Someone needs to find that Cameron amp where he sprayed the whole inside with a can of red spray paint ??
It might be an epoxy. Whatever it is we couldn't risk trying to remove it. And it shouldn't be there to start with.
It might be an epoxy. Whatever it is we couldn't risk trying to remove it. And it shouldn't be there to start with.
No need for attitude here. Sorry your amp is fucked and also presumably epoxied. Nothing is proprietary enough to warrant it you’re right.

It’s covered though. There’s nothing you can do about it now that it’s sent off. Hopefully he replies.

The only thing I know that will remove it is putting dry ice over it to crack it, or turning compressed air containers upside down and spraying the liquid to cause it to crack. Shits awful to remove but is doable.