NAD- 1994 Mesa Boogie Tremoverb (Clips )

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I found this 1994ish (based on the serial R-0044XX / fixed cable) Tremo for a fair price here in EU and pulled the trigger. Supposedly it will be here in a few days. I've never tried one and my Recto family amps knowledge is limited. I've always heard people raving about these and that the older versions somehow sound better than the later ones. What shall I expect tonewise?

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They are super aggressive. Mine was a 94 as well. I only sold mine because the deal soured me on it lol

Much congrats on the new amp and they sound best cranked!!
They are super aggressive. Mine was a 94 as well. I only sold mine because the deal soured me on it lol

Much congrats on the new amp and they sound best cranked!!
Nice to hear that man! Thanks! I'll post some clips soon I hope lol
in the case of tremoverbs i like the later ones better. some earlier ones had faulty LDR's and caused it caused channel bleed, weak gain, failing reverb and or tremolo, etc. the later ones seem to be problem free and have that KERRANG! :rock:
This will give you the atypical 90s 'Wall of Sound' that the 90s Rectos are known for. You can try the 'Rev C' mods on it though, which will make it brighter/tighter with more gain, better clarity. These are the same as a Rev G Dual Recto with a Trem circuit.
I believe Soundgardens 'Superunknown' was all early Trem tones.
in the case of tremoverbs i like the later ones better. some earlier ones had faulty LDR's and caused it caused channel bleed, weak gain, failing reverb and or tremolo, etc. the later ones seem to be problem free and have that KERRANG! :rock:
94 was after the failing/faulty LDRs.
Oh man… congrats! I’m jealous. This is the best sounding of the Dual Rectifiers, my opinion. It does not sound like your typical Dual Rec Solo Head. Enjoy!
This will give you the atypical 90s 'Wall of Sound' that the 90s Rectos are known for. You can try the 'Rev C' mods on it though, which will make it brighter/tighter with more gain, better clarity. These are the same as a Rev G Dual Recto with a Trem circuit.
I believe Soundgardens 'Superunknown' was all early Trem tones.
Not only will echo that but that trem ckt adds a bit of gain the standard rectos don't have. Congrats dude?
At least with mine, it can be played straight in, no boost required for tight riffing goodness. But a treble booster into Orange vintage gain is a beautiful thing. Reverb is very nice. Clean channel set to a slight breakup and healthy reverb gives great surf rock tones. The blues mode on modern channel needs creative EQ to lose its boxy-ness but makes a great classic rock tone. Tremolo sucks, I never use it. I usually like EL34’s in recto’s on dirt settings but because I liked the clean channel so much I decided to stick with 6L’s and keep it authentic Recto.
Put an EQ in the loop and this amp will do any sound you could want.
try the orange to modern cloning
I'll echo this and just add that you should really take time to work with both channels cloned to vintage and both channels cloned to modern. If you clone "red to vintage" on the back of the amp and then operate on the red channel you will have both presence knobs active in the circuit, but they are of different values and different placements in the circuit. So you'll be on red channel and the orange presence will set the overall brightness of the amp, and then red's presence will interact within the red's tone-stack like usual on a rectifier.

I like both orange and red when in modern. It just depends on the guitar/pickups/boost I'm using.