neural amp modeler....

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At the risk of calling myself out (I don't have time to go through the video atm or conduct research), what would I need hardware wise to start using this? Besides the basics like a PC, monitors, interface and presumably, mic(s) to use in the capture process.
It’s basically a free plugin that you “profile” your amp through. Think of it as a kemper ( but much better and more versatile) in a free plugin form. It is really incredible. Several guys have done null tests comparing profiles of their amps with the kemper, tonex, and now NAM, and NAM is by FAR the closest. I mean they almost null out completely compared to the real amp…. I’d pay you big money to download this and give it a shot, im sure many would here too.

They have a pretty solid Facebook group going, I would check it out, download some models ( now on I believe is where they upload them now) and see for yourself.

I can’t remember who said it but they were dead on with the way to describe the users of this and the vibe of the group: it’s very android vs iPhone. For those that have been on the forum they will probably get what I’m saying, it’s just very…. Android haha. The entire plugin is open source at this time too, so it’s kind of the wild Wild West with it right now, but it is no doubt to me the real deal.

This dude does a pretty good job of explaining it, shows some tones, and does a null test for you to see just how accurate this thing really is. The video is all time stamped so scroll to the sections you would like.

I'll watch the vid and check it out!

The only limitation I really have on this is time, I'm working insane hours at both my day job, and my side hustle fixing guitars and amps for people, to try and pay to fix my teeth right now

But it sounds really interesting, and from what I understand about modeling it indeed sounds like the real deal
It’s 100 percent the real deal. I mean literally 100 percent.there’s absolutely nothing closer that I’ve heard, or FELT. If you’ve ever played a real wizard, you know how insane they feel to play. The models a few have done on their wizards are incredible to play on and the feel is dead on in my opinion.

I think what I love most about it, is that it’s more idiot proof than the kemper for instance. NAM generally works with capturing the DI of your amp with no cabinet: not necessarily a “full rig” ( amp cab mic etc). What this means is, its really hard for people to fuck this up with no shitty micing of their amp getting in the way. You can then use your favorite IR’s and have a much better chance of getting a fantastic tone with this thing than the kemper.

It also captures full blown studio gear like eq’s, saturation devices, mic pres, Etc. There’s a few who have modeled preamps and seperate power amps as well. There’s a set of VHT 2902 power amp models that I’ll use with peoples preamps models or pedal preamp models and it’s fantastic.

For sheer accuracy, NAM smokes kemper, tonex etc. 100 percent the real deal.
@VESmedic thanks for the response mate.

He was talking about the ToneX. I quoted that and was responding to it, not anything about the NAM.
Do you think perhaps they could have come up with a more original name?
Right? I've looked at the Neural DSP website a couple of times already trying to find this. Why not name it Kemper or Fractal? Strange.
a few of you guys know I'm technically challenged. I can't even figure out how to download the shit, much less use it. I really need to take a computer class. If it's really that good like everyone free....shit. My stl license probably only has a couple months left on it...would love to replace it with this.
Wow is the only way to install by running the code on GitHub ?
loaded right up on my laptop.....will not do anything on my old junky windows 7 to figure out how to download models...
I tried to run it on and old Surface Pro 4 I had laying around and it didn't run too well on it lol. Quite a bit of latency. I'm going to bring my MacBook home from work tonight and give it a go on it.
If I had enough time to do re-amping, I would have enough time to mess around with the NAM myself ?

I'm already working on a Kemper profile for folks, I'll do a NAM too if you and medic are super interested
Definitely interested!