New Cancer MRNA Vaccine being trialed in the UK 2024

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Well, USA Today debunked my claim, so that definitely settles it. I no longer believe in any vaccines.
Well, a vaccine keeps you from getting a disease. The covid shots are not vaccines. They can change definitions all they want but when you got vaccinated for polio, you didn't get polio. All that calling everyone anti vaxxers was some bullshit.
Well, a vaccine keeps you from getting a disease. The covid shots are not vaccines. They can change definitions all they want but when you got vaccinated for polio, you didn't get polio. All that calling everyone anti vaxxers was some bullshit.
That's the bill of goods we were sold. We'd all be dead if it weren't for those dang amazing vaccines. But now I see it for the money making propaganda bullshit that it is. Tetanus, for example. A disease already in decline thanks to developments in basic wound care but morons swear up and down that you "gotta have that tetanus". Bullshit. It's all a fear driven sales job. Take our antidote or DIE!!!!! Yeah sure.
That's the bill of goods we were sold. We'd all be dead if it weren't for those dang amazing vaccines. But now I see it for the money making propaganda bullshit that it is. Tetanus, for example. A disease already in decline thanks to developments in basic wound care but morons swear up and down that you "gotta have that tetanus". Bullshit. It's all a fear driven sales job. Take our antidote or DIE!!!!! Yeah sure.
Kinda like when the government passed mandatory healthcare. Your government laundering your money back to themselves through drug companies and insurance companies ( which are owned by banks).
Kinda like when the government passed mandatory healthcare. Your government laundering your money back to themselves through drug companies and insurance companies ( which are owned by banks).
I never signed up for that either. I could get it completely free through HAAM in Austin but it's just subsidized obamacare. I don't believe in free stuff. I don't believe in mandatory stuff either. I'm pretty close to being ready to drop out of society completely. It's become all lies and lowest common denominator stuff.
Well, a vaccine keeps you from getting a disease. The covid shots are not vaccines. They can change definitions all they want but when you got vaccinated for polio, you didn't get polio. All that calling everyone anti vaxxers was some bullshit.
When you get a flu shot or a chicken pox shot you can still get the flu and chicken pox. It's just not going to be as bad if you do get it. They are still vaccines. They are just examples off the top of my head - I'll bet there are heaps more like that.
When you get a flu shot or a chicken pox shot you can still get the flu and chicken pox. It's just not going to be as bad if you do get it. They are still vaccines. They are just examples off the top of my head - I'll bet there are heaps more like that.
No they’re not brother. Or they would call it the flu vaccine. And they don’t. They call it a flu shot. And I don’t get them. Because the one time I did it made me sick. That should have been my clue but like a dumbass I listened to my wife and figured it was safe and would keep my work off my ass. I have a few issues that concern me that I didn’t have before the shot. And if it kills me I want you to know my first act as a disembodied spirit will be to come to NSW and kick you really hard in the balls. ?
No they’re not brother. Or they would call it the flu vaccine. And they don’t. They call it a flu shot. And I don’t get them. Because the one time I did it made me sick. That should have been my clue but like a dumbass I listened to my wife and figured it was safe and would keep my work off my ass. I have a few issues that concern me that I didn’t have before the shot. And if it kills me I want you to know my first act as a disembodied spirit will be to come to NSW and kick you really hard in the balls. ?
Well the Chicken Pox one is called a vaccine... and looking at google yes Flu shots are flu vaccines. They are just called flu shots in a common vernacular.
Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 12.51.13 PM.png
When you get a flu shot or a chicken pox shot you can still get the flu and chicken pox. It's just not going to be as bad if you do get it.
I had chicken pox and it wasn't bad. I had covid 3x and it wasn't bad. I never took any shots. By your logic we should all be human pincushions because they are coming out with vaccines for everything. Sales job.
Well the Chicken Pox one is called a vaccine... and looking at google yes Flu shots are flu vaccines. They are just called flu shots in a common vernacular.View attachment 311673
I guarantee if you had done that exact Google search ( which doesn’t count as actual research by the way, especially Wikipedia) prior to Covid, it wouldn’t have called it a vaccine.
I guarantee if you had done that exact Google search ( which doesn’t count as actual research by the way, especially Wikipedia) prior to Covid, it wouldn’t have called it a vaccine.
oh man... they were... you are going to the conspiracy theorist dark side...
I had chicken pox and it wasn't bad. I had covid 3x and it wasn't bad. I never took any shots. By your logic we should all be human pincushions because they are coming out with vaccines for everything. Sales job.
If you had the covid vaccine you wouldn't have got brain damage from COVID and be in the sad state that you now think the earth is flat.
If you had the covid vaccine you wouldn't have got brain damage from COVID and be in the sad state that you now think the earth is flat.
I'm never getting any vaccines again thanks to the covid vaccine. The upside to the entire debacle is that I can see the medical industry for what it is now. A corrupted, controlled big business. The medical profession is no longer respectable.
oh man... they were... you are going to the conspiracy theorist dark side...
It’s not conspiracy theory dude. The liberals and the media constantly change vernacular and phrases to enrapture dumbasses. Unhoused. Really? Fucking morons, they’re called homeless. The latest is a bill by an Ohio senator banning “ Mass Casualty Weapons”. Gender fluid ? Fuck they. ?

Another conspiracy theory for you. The quickest way to make a bunch of stupid people believe the truth is a lie is to call it a conspiracy theory.

Shooter on the grassy knoll. Faked moon landing. 9/11 inside job. Sandy Hook was a false flag. These are conspiracy theories. The Covid shots being rushed through the FDA, people being extorted into taking it and used as Guinea pigs, people getting the shot and still getting Covid and dying. All that shit happened. Nothing conspiracy theoretical about it. I personally know fully vaccinated people that died. The fucking WHO and CDC didn’t know anything about the virus and constantly changed their recommendations. Fucking Fauci contradicted himself 100 times. He should be fucking shot.
The Covid shots being rushed through the FDA, people being extorted into taking it and used as Guinea pigs, people getting the shot and still getting Covid and dying. All that shit happened. Nothing conspiracy theoretical about it. I personally know fully vaccinated people that died. The fucking WHO and CDC didn’t know anything about the virus and constantly changed their recommendations. Fucking Fauci contradicted himself 100 times. He should be fucking shot.

The vaccines were rushed out because economies all around the world were treading water with everyone locked down waiting for them. No-one had perfect knowledge as to how it would all pan out en-masse so they had to make reactive decisions as more facts came to hand. There was no conspiracy. Decisions are always easier to make with the benefit of hindsight. As for Fauci, he had the job of being a communicator to the uneducated masses so he obviously dumbed a few things down that are now being taken way out of context. Also he didn't have perfect knowledge at all points of time either. He's a man - not a supercomputer.
The vaccines were rushed out because economies all around the world were treading water with everyone locked down waiting for them. No-one had perfect knowledge as to how it would all pan out en-masse so they had to make reactive decisions as more facts came to hand. There was no conspiracy. Decisions are always easier to make with the benefit of hindsight. As for Fauci, he had the job of being a communicator to the uneducated masses so he obviously dumbed a few things down that are now being taken way out of context. Also he didn't have perfect knowledge at all points of time either. He's a man - not a supercomputer.

You're sounding an awful lot like American liberals these days. :ROFLMAO:

The fact that you admit we were forceably locked down means there was a conspiracy. The fact that you were ok with it seems to indicate you were in on it. :)

I say we but I really mean you. I wasn't locked down. Everyone can kiss my fucking ass. And all those poor bastards who's businesses went under when the government picked and chose which ones could stay open and which ones couldn't ?
You're sounding an awful lot like American liberals these days. :ROFLMAO:

The fact that you admit we were forceably locked down means there was a conspiracy. The fact that you were ok with it seems to indicate you were in on it. :)

I say we but I really mean you. I wasn't locked down. Everyone can kiss my fucking ass. And all those poor bastards who's businesses went under when the government picked and chose which ones could stay open and which ones couldn't ?
No. Being locked down was basically just a quarantine until they could ensure that it didn’t kill thousands of people. To that extent it worked whereas the US had over a million deaths because they run amok like idiots who don’t care about their elderly. There was a large amount of cash injected in businesses here to keep them afloat during that period. We racked up a quite a deficit.

In the old days people with infectious diseases were taken from their families and placed in quarantine facilities. Take TB for example. Pretty sure that would have happened in the US too. You are too young to know about it probably.

Having a brain and using it when it comes to public health has nothing to do with being right or left wing. I’m not some brainless US redneck that chants Trump Trump Trump w00t w00t w00t… chug down a Budweiser. Pffft. Freeeeedummmb….
No. Being locked down was basically just a quarantine until they could ensure that it didn’t kill thousands of people. To that extent it worked whereas the US had over a million deaths because they run amok like idiots who don’t care about their elderly. There was a large amount of cash injected in businesses here to keep them afloat during that period. We racked up a quite a deficit.

In the old days people with infectious diseases were taken from their families and placed in quarantine facilities. Take TB for example. Pretty sure that would have happened in the US too. You are too young to know about it probably.

Having a brain and using it when it comes to public health has nothing to do with being right or left wing. I’m not some brainless US redneck that chants Trump Trump Trump w00t w00t w00t… chug down a Budweiser. Pffft. Freeeeedummmb….
First, equating Covid with TB. ??

They scared you good, which was the plan.

My parents are in their mid 80s. Mom has emphysema and dad breathes through a hole in his neck and has dementia caused by blocked carotids. They both got the first variant near the beginning. They were sick for a couple weeks but both survived. At any rate, destroying the country’s economy in an effort to protect the elderly when all you needed to do was keep grandma at home is ridiculous. No different than destroying the economy and bankrupting large chunks of the population in order to close coal plants and bankrupt oil companies.

Brainless US redneck chanting Trump ? Not everyone who refused to let the government force them into compliance was a redneck or even a trump supporter. Your position on lock downs and guns renders any opinion you have about freedom irrelevant. You clearly will fall in line when your overlords demand it.

Also if you believe Covid death rates you are worse than naive. When hospitals got paid for each Covid case, every case became a Covid case. Hospital systems here are giant, greedy corporations. Just like the insurance companies that own them. Many people that died with Covid didn’t die of Covid. You are basically advocating removing civil rights from the population by the government over a virus with a 98% survivability rate.

Sick and old people stay home. Look after your parents and grandparents. Don’t send the country into a decade long financial spiral over a hopped up version of the flu.

You can take comfort knowing though that now your government knows exactly how to knee cap you when the time comes to fire up the ovens.
No. Being locked down was basically just a quarantine until they could ensure that it didn’t kill thousands of people. To that extent it worked whereas the US had over a million deaths because they run amok like idiots who don’t care about their elderly. There was a large amount of cash injected in businesses here to keep them afloat during that period. We racked up a quite a deficit.

In the old days people with infectious diseases were taken from their families and placed in quarantine facilities. Take TB for example. Pretty sure that would have happened in the US too. You are too young to know about it probably.

Having a brain and using it when it comes to public health has nothing to do with being right or left wing. I’m not some brainless US redneck that chants Trump Trump Trump w00t w00t w00t… chug down a Budweiser. Pffft. Freeeeedummmb….
Respectfully-I totally disagree with you Thumb. Like our Whitmer and Cuomo filling nursing homes and rehab centers with covid patients? Maybe you aussies need an infusion of some US redneck culture to find your balls. Your country seems to be a shitlib paradise now. At least it appears to be. Lockdowns=quarantine? It did nothing except destroy economies and people's livelihoods , and stopped the spread of nothing...except putting people against each other. Keep defending the lie.
The aim of the COVID vaccine wasn't merely to stop it dead in its tracks although they had hopes that it might accomplish that on a mass basis through some sort of herd immunity. Nonetheless It was also to stave off serious effects of the disease and to that end it accomplished it despite the naysayers who want to say it did nothing. They new full well that Coronaviruses were hard to stop in terms of the actual infection through the nose and eyes because it's effectively trying to stop the holy grail - ie cure the common cold. People then tried a semantic exercise to say a vaccine is merely there to prevent a disease. Well no they are also there to mitigate serious disease down to a mild disease. Lots of vaccines do that.
Straight from the Land of OZ news that maybe you don't watch.

I can post more from the CDC, Biden, Walensky, Fauci , all saying the JABS keep you from getting and transmitting CV19 if you like.

It it also well known SCIENCE that you cannot vaccinate your way out of a Pandemic.
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