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Ah thanks for the history threads. I didn't realize a single owner owns all the big forums. At least they don't own MarshallForum.

I probably joined in '18 but have no recollection of it. Probably googled something and found a thread on it so created an account.
Welcome! We are a fun loving place. I never had an issue on Marshall Forum but I hope you enjoy being here all the same. There is a bit if shit talking but for the most part, people can (and should be able to) take a joke and a bit of banter :)
Thanks. So what's the The Gear Forum? Is it also owned by the big conglomerate thing?
Thanks. So what's the The Gear Forum? Is it also owned by the big conglomerate thing?
Basically the same as any other forum but TGP is probably the biggest of them all.

Over here we have a core handful of active members who get on daily. We have our gear section, our off topic section and everything in between. Not sure who owns it but at the end of the day, it's no different here than anywhere else.

The Gear Forum is the same, just more active members and they break off to be active in their own different sections. Kinda like gang wars lol

Ben was right
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Welcome! You almost cannot become a member here without being banned at TGP first so you are in good company now. You've just stumbled upon the greatest guitar forum in the world.
This is a great forum, it's like a bunch of brothers at the strip club or poker night, we might give each other shit, but at the drop of a hat I bet we have each other's back.

I like this place.
Also there could be a fistfight out back in the parking lot...but the same way, we'd be back in 30 min later drinkin some bourbon
Unless they are permabanned. Then they can just lay out in the parking lot and lick their wounds :lol:
Unless they are permabanned. Then they can just lay out in the parking lot and lick their wounds :lol:
Yeah but would that be fair, for the REAL trolls to kick a banned member when they're down? On this forum it might be encouraged ?
Also there could be a fistfight out back in the parking lot...but the same way, we'd be back in 30 min later drinkin some bourbon
True, 95% of people I've argued with here, we've gotten over with. So never really feel like I've lost (hopefully everyone feels the same way) and it's always great to remember that it's just a forum. I think sometimes, people take it WAY too seriously...
I bet we have each other's back
Me, I love amps and buy and sell quite a few of them. Decided to try my luck here too and share some knowledge along the way.
Wizard MTL MKII 75W Vader. Had no idea I needed 50 posts first. All well. No problem chatting it up in the meantime.
Ah. Yeah. That is one of our only rules we really care about :lol:
But if you're bringing a Wizard to the party, I'm sure you'll fit in fine. :yes:
Once you find the Off Topic section, you can blow through 50 posts in one night.
We have regulars there that do just that on the daily. Or on the nightly :D
Ah. Yeah. That is one of our only rules we really care about :lol:
But if you're bringing a Wizard to the party, I'm sure you'll fit in fine. :yes:
Once you find the Off Topic section, you can blow through 50 posts in one night.
We have regulars there that do just that on the daily. Or on the nightly :D
Totally get it. There’s a few I’m already chatting in! Thanks for the chat man.