New member here, long time lurker. I’m Vince and maybe you’ve stumbled onto my music at some point, or ran into me in other gear forums. This is me:
I’m big into Ibanez, Mesa, Fractal, and TC gear, but I stray to Jackson, ESP, Schecter, Victory, Synergy, Line 6, and Fryette from time to time.
I love old tech, I love new tech, my grailtone is somewhere between Dream Theater Awake album, Symphony X’s Divine Wings, and Fear Factory’s Demanufacture. The best band of the last decade for me is Tesseract, before that it was Soilwork and In Flames.
I’m opinionated, but generally want to help foster positive discussion around the amazing world of gear we all live in. I’ve flirted with going bigger with my YT channel, but I don’t really know if I want the attention.