Hi Y'all!
Been on a few of these forums over the years ...
Been kicked off a few ...oops ...
Last one was apparently for changing my avatar to a pic of a FAKE hand sculpted anus....
Which I found at buymybuttholes.com
I thought it fitting, because some may perceive me as an as*hole.
Well, they even banned my user agent info site wide....so now I cannot even rejoin...I could, but I won't.
I'm not like another certain infamous forum personality, and I refuse to create socks..... because lame....(He is on EVERY site!)
Anyway....banned from TGP awhile back.... because that's what they do.... extortion and all.
So now I am here.... because I love torture....and have no real friends.
Hopefully it sticks..... because I cannot stand Discord.
Some one I once knew, had an account here ...so in his memory, I gave it a try.
Here's to the Ouroboros!