new Linkin Park

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Not a fan personally, but good for them. It takes a lot of guts to not just roll with a new singer after such a difficult loss but to follow it up with a tour and a new record right out of the starting gate. As long as she sings the original material well and the fans are digging the shows and having fun, then more power to them.
They pretty much had to reinvent themselves I guess. Not my thing but kind of fits in today's pop music world. I won't listen to it though.
I never really cared for them much, can’t deny how catchy some of their songs are though, I think that first album was the biggest selling album of the 00s?? I expected something a little better than this
Yeah, I’m going to stinkin park that one right in the toilet
Not a fan of this band generally, but they certainly know how to write hooks. Pretty bold choice to pick a relatively unknown woman signer to replace Chester. I like bold choices, and she's doing a pretty good job from what I watched so far.
I didn't like the song but she's got a decent voice
I never really cared for them much, can’t deny how catchy some of their songs are though, I think that first album was the biggest selling album of the 00s?? I expected something a little better than this
Yeah but they haven't made a good album since like 2003? While not that great, the new song sounds better than what I've heard from the last few albums lol.
Yeah this is terrible. It's a worse version of Coldplay and I didn't even think that was possible before today
I only liked the 3 singles off of Hybrid Theory: "Papercut"; "One Step Closer" and "Crawling" ... The radio ran "Crawling" into the ground.

Anyway, good for them to keep carrying on doing whatever it is they decide to do. That's all that matters at the end of the day after what they had to go through and are still dealing with on a daily basis. Losing someone close like that isn't easy. I went through it myself over a decade ago, but it was an accident instead of self-inflicted.
I managed to catch the livestream they had done yesterday:

I wore the shit out of my Meteora CD back in the day, and listened to the Hybrid Theory and Minutes to Midnight singles a lot. Not much beyond that. Was fortunate enough to see them during the Minutes to Midnight tour, and they were amazing. I'd heard of Dead Sara before but didn't know the singer was from that band. She's a pretty good but was straining herself too much during the live set. Surprisingly her voice really fit the Hybrid Theory stuff. They also have a new drummer. The single seems weak moreso from a lack of defining melody, not their best but could've been worse. I'll give them a chance and the album a listen when it releases.
Linkin Park died with Chester.

This shit sounds like Lincoln Logs without all the pieces.
I never became a big Linkin Park fan but I did like that first album, it was a good time in my life when all that 90's alternative metal stuff was happening and this album kind of fit right in there at the end of the decade. A bit on the polished side, but pretty catchy stuff. So that's my only frame of reference for their material, and this doesn't really grab me. I think she's fine as a singer actually, but I don't know that I hear "Linkin Park", at least as I remember them all those years ago. But if it helps keep the music alive and they tour and fans enjoy it, that's cool too.
alright Boomers, is there anything you like besides Lay it Down?
I love the new song, watched the whole stream, dig it all. It's great to see them back making music again. Probably my favorite modern band (2000+) . Could use a guitar solo once in awhile though lol
alright Boomers, is there anything you like besides Lay it Down?
I love the new song, watched the whole stream, dig it all. It's great to see them back making music again. Probably my favorite modern band (2000+) . Could use a guitar solo once in awhile though lol

They should hire Warren for a guest solo