I put in a purchase "special order" up here in Canada on the day it dropped but I don't think it will materialize. Very surprised at the limited run but would suspect that due to demand, you will see more of these. Why? Because they are all setup to make more runs of these and have their booklets ready to print etc... it is a no brainer. I suspect this was to test the waters, gauge the interest. If MXR can do this, they can also do an EQ with polka dots. Then a chorus and a flange too. Make up some B.S about how he had special values in there. I mean, if they pulled his pedalboard out of " a secure location" to measure the values in the disto +, why wouldn't they also do that for the other pedals.
But fail all that. I'll just grab a whirlwind Disto + copy. Or just a reissue DOD 250. That will have the lows/highs taken care of already and well, it's yellow.