new Nickleback

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This is on the Radio! & it sucks fat dick. boring ass canadian white guy "metal" we all know this isn't metal. Nicklecrack claims they are big thrash fans(prove it) & always claim they are going to put out a "heavy song" this isn't heavy, it's godsmack with better vocals.
That's a lot of pronouns, some even racist sounding. Why so mad bruh?
That's a lot of pronouns, some even racist sounding. Why so mad bruh?
Not mad at all. Simply pointing out That Nickleback isn't a metal band no matter how many times they Name drop thier favorite Metal Bands & then say how they are going to release a heavy song. nothing i said was racist. the "boring ass white guy metal comment was simply an observation. Nickleback like Finger Eleven and all those bands that got popular coming out of Canada back in the late 90's early 2000's....It's all Paint by numbers to me. NB is not Rush nor are they Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth or Slayer.....All of which they have Named Dropped as Bands they are Influenced by. Guess what? I don't hear it.
Whenever Nickelback comes up, I hear the same comments.

"They suck"

"They are cashing crazy checks"
Whenever Nickelback comes up, I hear the same comments.

"They suck"

"They are cashing crazy checks"
This is True. I'm not a Fan at all but they are able to feed their families and themselves with thier "Art" and that is something to Respect. I don't have to like them nor their music but i do respect they get to make a living doing what they love.
Their songs never have energy. Lyrics are cheesy. Usually sounds killer. I don’t listen to em but don’t give two shits if you do.
Like em or not, playing in my cover bands over the years every time we played Animals the dance floor packed. Did How you Remind Me way back, Never Again and probably a few more. Slick production and you can’t fault them for cashing in.
Side of a Bullet is a killer tribute to Dime…written over his unused guitar/drum track.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again
Listen to a whole cd. Just one time.
Your gonna find they play some heavy ass shit. Do they have radio top 40 stuff? Sure.
It’s what made them money. And some of it is ok. You don’t like lyrics talking about strippers and suckers?
But they grew up on Metallica and metal.
It’s why they play mesa rectifiers.
Chad can’t sing metal and Hatfield can’t sing a chick song. But nickelback meshes the two together. And every one of those bedroom guitar jamming hater’s would give there left nut to have the success they had/have. Lmao
then change the station. do you just need something to be mad about? I promise, no one is gonna make you buy it. FFS metal guys are the biggest pussies, always with the small dick energy and crying because "nobody's as hard as we are!" Nickleback ain't my jam either but i'm not gonna blow a tampon over it.

Yep, exactly. In a world where a robot got a record deal, nickelback is STILL the biggest hate you have these days? Actual guitar music with actual musicians still putting out records that sound like a million bucks? THAT is fucking lame.

If typical local band guy was a thread , this would be it. The stereotypes are big accurate in this thread. Starting with the close minded thoughts. Which by the way, your favorite artists/bands/guitarists are NOWHERE near as close minded as the local band metal guy crowd, and it’s part of their success, I guarantee it. Justtttt something to think about .
This is on the Radio! & it sucks fat dick. boring ass canadian white guy "metal" we all know this isn't metal. Nicklecrack claims they are big thrash fans(prove it) & always claim they are going to put out a "heavy song" this isn't heavy, it's godsmack with better vocals.

Do you really think a band that has that level of success, money , and the fucking console the black album was recorded on siting in their bathroom, cares about “ pRoVinG We ArE HuGe ThRaSh fAnZ!! To any body? Who in the fuck gives a shit ? This is exactly the shit I’m talking about right here.
thing is , no musicians, the general public like the "cheerleader, Ra Ra rock" .
not really my cup of tea but I can see a full stadium pumping their fists in the air in unison to this.
I really liked "how you remind me" would actually like to do it in the cover band I'm in now (we get requests for this stuff, I know , I know)
Never really listened to any of their other stuff
thing is , no musicians, the general public like the "cheerleader, Ra Ra rock" .
not really my cup of tea but I can see a full stadium pumping their fists in the air in unison to this.
I really liked "how you remind me" would actually like to do it in the cover band I'm in now (we get requests for this stuff, I know , I know)
Never really listened to any of their other stuff

Ehhhh I dunno man, I definitely see videos of dudes that are musicians in the 80s going to watch a bunch of dudes dresssed up like cheerleaders play ra ra rock.
Ehhhh I dunno man, I definitely see videos of dudes that are musicians in the 80s going to watch a bunch of dudes dresssed up like cheerleaders play ra ra rock.
back in the day ya now ? I don't know
I mean the ra ra thing?
AC/DC has built an entire career on it
that ZZ top cover was actually pretty good.
back in the day ya now ? I don't know
I mean the ra ra thing?
AC/DC has built an entire career on it
that ZZ top cover was actually pretty good.
That’s my point though, everyone loves that stuff. And musicians went to go watch dudes that looked like cheerleaders in the 80s play ra ra rock and loved it. I’m not knocking it at all, I’m just pointing that out.
That’s my point though, everyone loves that stuff. And musicians went to go watch dudes that looked like cheerleaders in the 80s play ra ra rock and loved it. I’m not knocking it at all, I’m just pointing that out.
Yeah but have you played a IIC++ ?
Dude’s dressed up like spent hooker’s..
What always rubbed me the wrong way was
these dude’s ride Harley’s ,have tattoo’s all over,
Etc,, then why wear make-up like a spent whore
and act bad ass..?
Ya feel me?
On the Nickelbacks,
-the second I hear that dude’s voice..
I instantly am brought back to hanging
sheetrock and getting loaded by noon..,
only to awaken half drunk, start drinkin’
go to work ,on the way to work guess whom’
is cascading through the speakers in the work truck?
That Nickelback guy again!!!
And I’ll skin them dry in the creativity anything..
-Then why am I hangin’ boards here
and not on the radio??
-A day in the life…:
Your absolute need to ask a random stranger multiple times on the internet if he has played the most overrated amp on the planet, just further proves my point about how much validation that amp needs to make people think it’s actually that great. :)
A simple no would’ve worked…

You need a couple of beers and a hug. Were you mentally or physically abused as a child? You act like a skittish dog at the pound who just barks and bites for no goddamn reason.

I too, actually think the IIC+ I owned was overrated for metal. Coulda been a dud??! But the ++ mod KILLS for metal, hence the simple question.