new Nickleback

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A simple no would’ve worked…

You need a couple of beers and a hug. Were you mentally or physically abused as a child? You act like a skittish dog at the pound who just barks and bites for no goddamn reason.

I too, actually think the IIC+ I owned was overrated for metal. Coulda been a dud??! But the ++ mod KILLS for metal, hence the simple question.

I’m on the one mentally or physically abused? Yet you come in to threads and find me and ask over and over again like a weirdo “OMG BROZ HAVE YOU PLAYED a ++!?!? Omg have you!? I need to know, because really! It’s GOOD!” But IM deranged one here… right. That makes total sense. please look at how you and the other c+ clowns follow around threads about these amps just to tell everyone how good they are Over and over again. It’s the absolute weirdest shit I’ve ever seen. And then when someone makes fun of it, you come in here like I banged your wife. It’s seriously strange man, no joke. You aren’t going to change my opinion, the amp is shot. What part of I lived in Nashville for the better part of 5 years playing professionally with access to everything under the Sun do you not understand? My best friend has had one in his studio sitting there for months. Yes, a ++, and a regular c+ before that owned by Tiago here I believe. The amp is shot. Get over it, people have different opinions than you.
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Nickelback makes songs that appeal to the mass audience of hard rock on purpose. They are a song and money making machine. So yeah, production is always great, and yeah, the lyrics are always cheesy. I used to be on the hate bandwagon back in the day, but man I have to give them credit for the material and production as a whole. Some of their early songs I really like, some of their songs I can't stand because of the lyrics.
I’m on the one mentally or physically abused? Yet you come in to threads and find me and ask over and over again like a weirdo “OMG BROZ HAVE YOU PLAYED a ++!?!? Omg have you!? I need to know, because really! It’s GOOD!” But IM deranged one here… right. That makes total sense. please look at how you and the other c+ clowns follow around threads about these amps just to tell everyone how good they are Over and over again. It’s the absolute weirdest shit I’ve ever seen. And then when someone makes fun of it, you come in here like I banged your wife. It’s seriously strange man, no joke. You aren’t going to change my opinion, the amp is shot. What part of I lived in Nashville for the better part of 5 years playing professionally with access to everything under the Sun do you not understand? My best friend has had one in his studio sitting there for months. Yes, a ++, and a regular c+ before that owned by Tiago here I believe. The amp is shot. Get over it, people have different opinions than you.
So much piss and vinegar. You must be a peach to hang with. I wanted to know because you constantly shit all over the IIC+ and never mention the ++. Why would I want to change your opinion? You agreed with "just change the channel if you don't like it" in this thread. Maybe you should "change the channel on your IIC+ hate". Or not. Its funny sometimes to see you freak out over them. Or just be cool and positive and contribute to the board instead of being a know it all tough guy metal head BRO.
I was never aware Nickelback or anyone else ever referred to them as metal. ?‍♂️

I like dropping this vid whenever a Nickelback thread turns into a regular bash fest-

The only Nickelback song I ever dug was “Leader Of Men” from one of their first albums, but man they’ve got fucking KILLER production and that dude knows how to write a catchy chorus.

My favorite takeaway from that Dev vid is when he says “It’s not like Chad is sitting back with his millions saying ‘Ha ha ha! I fooled them all! I devised an evil plan to sell millions of albums and make lots of money!‘ he just writes what he writes and millions of people happen to like it.”

Dev was there asking him to produce his next album and Chad told him “No, you need to go be Devin Townsend.”
So much piss and vinegar. You must be a peach to hang with. I wanted to know because you constantly shit all over the IIC+ and never mention the ++. Why would I want to change your opinion? You agreed with "just change the channel if you don't like it" in this thread. Maybe you should "change the channel on your IIC+ hate". Or not. Its funny sometimes to see you freak out over them. Or just be cool and positive and contribute to the board instead of being a know it all tough guy metal head BRO.

The amp is shot. I can just see you at parties, you are probably all like “ hey man, I realize you guys aren’t talking about anything having to do with this, but remember that one time you said at another party that xyz sucks? Yea, well I just came over here to stalk you and tell you you’re wrong, and that you should check out abc. Also, turn the channel on your hate bro”.

Pure comedy gold. This clown tells me to “turn my channel” on the 2c+ hate, yet literally comes into a thread having absolutely nothing to do with that, and tells me to turn the channel. Sounds like you got my channel on favorite BRO.

You can’t make this shit up. I’m a tough guy know it all metalhead, yet I’m in here defending nickelback, and also played country for 90 percent of my career. You should really think about what you type beforehand, because your accusations literally make no sense.

Tough guy nickleback loving anti c+ Guy signing out.
A simple no would’ve worked…

You need a couple of beers and a hug. Were you mentally or physically abused as a child? You act like a skittish dog at the pound who just barks and bites for no goddamn reason.

I too, actually think the IIC+ I owned was overrated for metal. Coulda been a dud??! But the ++ mod KILLS for metal, hence the simple question.
Chris is actually a really nice guy in person. he's very aware of how important he thinks he is. if you don't agree with his point of view he will try and verbally destroy you or brag about his house, his wife & all the lives hes saved being a fire fighter paramedic or something. it's kinda sad really.
Your absolute need to ask a random stranger multiple times on the internet if he has played the most overrated amp on the planet, just further proves my point about how much validation that amp needs to make people think it’s actually that great. :)
Chris man. you're truly a good dude from what i can tell but the fact you let this get to you makes you appear soft like you need a safe space. you're better than that Bro.
Chris man. you're truly a good dude from what i can tell but the fact you let this get to you makes you appear soft like you need a safe space. you're better than that Bro.
I mean I’m just sayin? Coming into a thread to ask me 16 times about an amp? That’s alittle strange. Like for real. If someone thinks the c+ is great, cool. I’ll talk shit and throw jabs anytime I can to rile those guys up 100 percent. But I don’t come into a thread having nothing to do with them and start dissing on them or calling people out on their opinions on them.

This is a thread about how great nickleback is, not about how lame that overrated thing is.
You can’t make this shit up. I’m a tough guy know it all metalhead, yet I’m in here defending nickelback, and also played country for 90 percent of my career. You should really think about what you type beforehand, because your accusations literally make no sense.

You ARE a know it all and internet tough guy. AND you constantly post (insert wrong sub genre metal category) metal tracks. That literally DOES make sense.
You ARE a know it all and internet tough guy. AND you constantly post (insert wrong sub genre metal category) metal tracks. That literally DOES make sense.

Well, it’s obvious I know more than you, and have a better ear Atleast. Now I can die happy :)
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This is why I and others are not a fan:

You could do the same with Metallica; Enter Sandman and King Nothing.
I mean I’m just sayin? Coming into a thread to ask me 16 times about an amp? That’s alittle strange. Like for real. If someone thinks the c+ is great, cool. I’ll talk shit and throw jabs anytime I can to rile those guys up 100 percent. But I don’t come into a thread having nothing to do with them and start dissing on them or calling people out on their opinions on them.

This is a thread about how great nickleback is, not about how lame that overrated thing is.
It is Silly. It's something i do to a friend of Mine about his favorite Hockey team, cause they aren't good.
The amp is shot. Get over it, people have different opinions than you.
That’s hysterical, coming from someone who speaks in such absolutes as an authority on all things tone.
Got news for ya, nobody here gives a flying fuck that you played country in Nashville, or how many amps you played there. People like what they like for different reasons, and your childish rants will NEVER change that. You and your friend think C’s are shot? Good for you, there’s enough killer recordings that definitely say otherwise. Hate the Fortin modded pedals? Good for you, ever try one? Didn’t think so. The DT is the greatest Recto boost ever? It is FOR YOU. Get it? Someone hates Nickleback for being corporate and formulaic? WGAF!
Jesus Christ man, lighten the fuck up and get over yourself. Sometimes you come across as a really cool, knowledgeable dude, and then you’ll reduce yourself to the likeness of a petulant, shit stirring troll. The former guy is waaaay cooler, just saying...
then change the station. do you just need something to be mad about? I promise, no one is gonna make you buy it. FFS metal guys are the biggest pussies, always with the small dick energy and crying because "nobody's as hard as we are!" Nickleback ain't my jam either but i'm not gonna blow a tampon over it.
I haven't listened to the radio in 10 years.
That’s hysterical, coming from someone who speaks in such absolutes as an authority on all things tone.
Got news for ya, nobody here gives a flying fuck that you played country in Nashville, or how many amps you played there. People like what they like for different reasons, and your childish rants will NEVER change that. You and your friend think C’s are shot? Good for you, there’s enough killer recordings that definitely say otherwise. Hate the Fortin modded pedals? Good for you, ever try one? Didn’t think so. The DT is the greatest Recto boost ever? It is FOR YOU. Get it? Someone hates Nickleback for being corporate and formulaic? WGAF!
Jesus Christ man, lighten the fuck up and get over yourself. Sometimes you come across as a really cool, knowledgeable dude, and then you’ll reduce yourself to the likeness of a petulant, shit stirring troll. The former guy is waaaay cooler, just saying...
He got ran off over at the Guitar Gear Forum, so he's moved over here to share his extensive knowledge, and self-absorbed expertise. They lit him up over there pretty good..?
[pic removed by-request]
chris is this you wearing skinny jeans?