Well-known member
A simple no would’ve worked…
You need a couple of beers and a hug. Were you mentally or physically abused as a child? You act like a skittish dog at the pound who just barks and bites for no goddamn reason.
I too, actually think the IIC+ I owned was overrated for metal. Coulda been a dud??! But the ++ mod KILLS for metal, hence the simple question.
I’m on the one mentally or physically abused? Yet you come in to threads and find me and ask over and over again like a weirdo “OMG BROZ HAVE YOU PLAYED a ++!?!? Omg have you!? I need to know, because really! It’s GOOD!” But IM deranged one here… right. That makes total sense. please look at how you and the other c+ clowns follow around threads about these amps just to tell everyone how good they are Over and over again. It’s the absolute weirdest shit I’ve ever seen. And then when someone makes fun of it, you come in here like I banged your wife. It’s seriously strange man, no joke. You aren’t going to change my opinion, the amp is shot. What part of I lived in Nashville for the better part of 5 years playing professionally with access to everything under the Sun do you not understand? My best friend has had one in his studio sitting there for months. Yes, a ++, and a regular c+ before that owned by Tiago here I believe. The amp is shot. Get over it, people have different opinions than you.