new Nickleback

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I will say this. Nickelback was ok. I liked their songs. When they came out with.that sellout fucking photograph song, i was done. I dont care how good your.production is. That was disgusting
whoa. There is some aggression and testosterone flying around this thread and it delivers!!!

I have an idea. I think once a year we should all meet, the entire Rigtalk brotherhood. We could find a cheaper Vegas hotel l, maybe even Reno, and everyone can pitch in. We will also rent out the events hall and have them put their boxing ring in.

All the conflicts that happen over the year, no problem. We will have cage matches, of course, bare knuckle no holds barred fighting. You want to bite someone during a fight, go for it, gouge their eyes out and take a bite out of their face. Now here is the best part, we announce it ahead of time and do pay per view. Of course, the fights should clearly be fought to the death if the combatants so wish. It will be up to each combatant and how strong their hatred is from arguing on the internet. We might have to take it off shore. I hear Liberia or Sierra Leone allow this type of combat.
Oh yes, weaponry should be cool as long as there are no airborne projectiles to end combat too early as pay per view definitely doesn’t want fights ending too early.

What do you guys say? Bitchin, right?
whoa. There is some aggression and testosterone flying around this thread and it delivers!!!

I have an idea. I think once a year we should all meet, the entire Rigtalk brotherhood. We could find a cheaper Vegas hotel l, maybe even Reno, and everyone can pitch in. We will also rent out the events hall and have them put their boxing ring in.

All the conflicts that happen over the year, no problem. We will have cage matches, of course, bare knuckle no holds barred fighting. You want to bite someone during a fight, go for it, gouge their eyes out and take a bite out of their face. Now here is the best part, we announce it ahead of time and do pay per view. Of course, the fights should clearly be fought to the death if the combatants so wish. It will be up to each combatant and how strong their hatred is from arguing on the internet. We might have to take it off shore. I hear Liberia or Sierra Leone allow this type of combat.
Oh yes, weaponry should be cool as long as there are no airborne projectiles to end combat too early as pay per view definitely doesn’t want fights ending too early.

What do you guys say? Bitchin, right?

I’ll be the first to sign up. Count me in. I’ll even buy a few tickets for tone toaster and napalmcock. Actually, him and I can fly together, he lives just down the street. Let’s see those tough guys in person! :)
I’ll be the first to sign up. Count me in. I’ll even buy a few tickets for tone toaster and napalmcock. Actually, him and I can fly together, he lives just down the street. Let’s see those tough guys in person! :)
Whoa!! It’s on!

I proudly announce combatant number oooonmnnneeew!


Who will step up and become combatant number ttttwwwooooo?!

Remember boys, this is bare knuckles no holds barred fighting!! Maybe even to the death if so agreed upon!
Brilliant Mike!
whoa. There is some aggression and testosterone flying around this thread and it delivers!!!

I have an idea. I think once a year we should all meet, the entire Rigtalk brotherhood. We could find a cheaper Vegas hotel l, maybe even Reno, and everyone can pitch in. We will also rent out the events hall and have them put their boxing ring in.

All the conflicts that happen over the year, no problem. We will have cage matches, of course, bare knuckle no holds barred fighting. You want to bite someone during a fight, go for it, gouge their eyes out and take a bite out of their face. Now here is the best part, we announce it ahead of time and do pay per view. Of course, the fights should clearly be fought to the death if the combatants so wish. It will be up to each combatant and how strong their hatred is from arguing on the internet. We might have to take it off shore. I hear Liberia or Sierra Leone allow this type of combat.
Oh yes, weaponry should be cool as long as there are no airborne projectiles to end combat too early as pay per view definitely doesn’t want fights ending too early.

What do you guys say? Bitchin, right?
whoa. There is some aggression and testosterone flying around this thread and it delivers!!!

I have an idea. I think once a year we should all meet, the entire Rigtalk brotherhood. We could find a cheaper Vegas hotel l, maybe even Reno, and everyone can pitch in. We will also rent out the events hall and have them put their boxing ring in.

All the conflicts that happen over the year, no problem. We will have cage matches, of course, bare knuckle no holds barred fighting. You want to bite someone during a fight, go for it, gouge their eyes out and take a bite out of their face. Now here is the best part, we announce it ahead of time and do pay per view. Of course, the fights should clearly be fought to the death if the combatants so wish. It will be up to each combatant and how strong their hatred is from arguing on the internet. We might have to take it off shore. I hear Liberia or Sierra Leone allow this type of combat.
Oh yes, weaponry should be cool as long as there are no airborne projectiles to end combat too early as pay per view definitely doesn’t want fights ending too early.

What do you guys say? Bitchin, right?
Brilliant Mike! I’m in for the watch party. My fighting days are behind me I’m afraid, but I get along with most on here .
I have to say that I'm not looking forward to all the new memes about to circulate on how much people hate them. There are just too many people who get off trying to make you feel bad for liking them. Don't get me wrong - I can't stand the singer or their songs, but I can just move on.
And apparently people DO care what amps I’ve played BECAUSE THE GUY CAME IN HERE LITERALLY ASKING IF IVE PLAYED ONE UNANNOUNCED IN A THREAD THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT AMP. So no, fuck off. Do you not see this? This thread had absolutely nothing to do with any of this, but somehow IM THE TROLL? GTFOH man.

Go search my posts, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said people like what they like including the 2c+, but I don’t go chasing other members down on this forum and come at them on a completely unrelated thread. You people are fucking thick. You wanna talk shit about my opinions on 2c+ amps and fortins rip off designs, be my guess dude. But let’s do it in a thread where people are ACTUALLY talking about that shit.
I agree with all that stuff on Fortin and not trying to further derail this thread, but would just say once again his modded TS’s are the one good thing he’s done (whether it’s a copy of something or not, which I don’t know). I know there’s probably no famous studio guys known for using them and whatnot, but I felt between that and a few other boosts I had no compelling reason to keep the DT I had. I gave up on all things Fortin after trying all his pedals and many of his amps, but decided I may as well try his TS’s to leave no stone unturned and glad I did. YMMV of course. I don’t wanna like his stuff on principle, but good is good, I don’t care who made it
I agree with all that stuff on Fortin and not trying to further derail this thread, but would just say once again his modded TS’s are the one good thing he’s done (whether it’s a copy of something or not, which I don’t know). I know there’s probably no famous studio guys known for using them and whatnot, but I felt between that and a few other boosts I had no compelling reason to keep the DT I had. I gave up on all things Fortin after trying all his pedals and many of his amps, but decided I may as well try his TS’s to leave no stone unturned and glad I did. YMMV of course. I don’t wanna like his stuff on principle, but good is good, I don’t care who made it

Man they very well might be, I haven’t played the fortin modded TS ( don’t want anyone coming and knocking on my door asking , so I thought I’d put that out there now). My problem with fortin stems from how he started out and how he conducts business. Many here are not a fan for the same reason, it’s hard for me to throw money at someone who essentially may very well have just completely ripped off others designs full stop. He also had absolutely ridiculous policies. 90 dollar restocking fee for a pedal? That’s insane.

And yea man, if you don’t like the DT, it is what it is! I think some people on here have a seriously hard time when someone is being sarcastic or tongue in cheek, or just generally busting balls. There’s tons of great shit that hasn’t been used in studios, but none that actually never were and are so revered as the 2c+!!!!! Oh man HERE THEY COME! LET THE BUTT HURT COMMENCE!

Anyways, yea dude, If it sounds good, it is good, simple as that!
Man they very well might be, I haven’t played the fortin modded TS ( don’t want anyone coming and knocking on my door asking , so I thought I’d put that out there now). My problem with fortin stems from how he started out and how he conducts business. Many here are not a fan for the same reason, it’s hard for me to throw money at someone who essentially may very well have just completely ripped off others designs full stop. He also had absolutely ridiculous policies. 90 dollar restocking fee for a pedal? That’s insane.

And yea man, if you don’t like the DT, it is what it is! I think some people on here have a seriously hard time when someone is being sarcastic or tongue in cheek, or just generally busting balls. There’s tons of great shit that hasn’t been used in studios, but none that actually never were and are so revered as the 2c+!!!!! Oh man HERE THEY COME! LET THE BUTT HURT COMMENCE!

Anyways, yea dude, If it sounds good, it is good, simple as that!
For the record Chris. You’re the Reason I want to buy a 5153 EL34 100watt.
Man they very well might be, I haven’t played the fortin modded TS ( don’t want anyone coming and knocking on my door asking , so I thought I’d put that out there now). My problem with fortin stems from how he started out and how he conducts business. Many here are not a fan for the same reason, it’s hard for me to throw money at someone who essentially may very well have just completely ripped off others designs full stop. He also had absolutely ridiculous policies. 90 dollar restocking fee for a pedal? That’s insane.

And yea man, if you don’t like the DT, it is what it is! I think some people on here have a seriously hard time when someone is being sarcastic or tongue in cheek, or just generally busting balls. There’s tons of great shit that hasn’t been used in studios, but none that actually never were and are so revered as the 2c+!!!!! Oh man HERE THEY COME! LET THE BUTT HURT COMMENCE!

Anyways, yea dude, If it sounds good, it is good, simple as that!
Yeah I get it, I hate it too, but for me my desire for great sounding gear overrides that. I bought all my Fortin’s except the 808 though used fwiw. I partly bring them up a lot just bc with my Recto’s and Badlander in particular it’s an amazing combo. With some of my other amps not so much

I thought the DT had good things about it and can see why many love it, but with some of the other boosts I’m lucky to have couldn’t find a reason to keep it. For me also, no matter what mode or how it was set, it had this inherently sterile/filtered quality that I just really don’t like. Although majority of pedals these days are as bad or worse there. I can hear it in all the clips too. I think pedals are just one area where others here don’t see eye to eye with me, but I do think if they were there with me doing the same comparisons it could be a very different story
Ran off on the guitar forum? Becsuse some crybaby cried when I said his tone sucked, and they banned me. Oh well! Lucky for you guys!
Uh, no.. You were the crybaby. You were banned because you went a tirade about it. Insulted everyone there about how beneath you everyone is, belittled people for what they do for a living, and Billy gave you the broom because, well, you're a pompous, holier-than-thou, arrogant asshole.

Case in point..
Uh, no.. You were the crybaby that cried when they said YOUR tone sucked. You were banned because you then went a tirade about it. Insulted everyone there about how beneath you everyone is, belittled people for what they do for a living, and Billy gave you the broom because, well, you're a pompous, holier-than-thou, arrogant asshole.

Case in point..

Oh, you mean my thread intentionally mocking those guys? Gee, yea, sorry about that. I think about this daily. Butttt apparently not as much as you think about me. We should hang out, Tampa right? That way I won’t occupy your mind so much. :)
Yeah I get it, I hate it too, but for me my desire for great sounding gear overrides that. I bought all my Fortin’s except the 808 though used fwiw. I partly bring them up a lot just bc with my Recto’s and Badlander in particular it’s an amazing combo. With some of my other amps not so much

I thought the DT had good things about it and can see why many love it, but with some of the other boosts I’m lucky to have couldn’t find a reason to keep it. For me also, no matter what mode or how it was set, it had this inherently sterile/filtered quality that I just really don’t like. Although majority of pedals these days are as bad or worse there. I can hear it in all the clips too. I think pedals are just one area where others here don’t see eye to eye with me, but I do think if they were there with me doing the same comparisons it could be a very different story

I think fluff and ben eller made some
Killer videos of it, im sure you saw those though. They always do a great job showcasing stuff, especially Ben since he’s such a phenomenal player. But hey if you tried it, it is what it is!
For the record Chris. You’re the Reason I want to buy a 5153 EL34 100watt.

It’s a phenomenal amp. I finally got mine retubed, it had died on me, happy to have it back. The best production mass produced high gain amp out there in my opinion, absolutely love it.

Sure. I'm in Tampa. You gonna come and beat me up? ?

Im not the pussy jumping on someone in a thread, so I think we know how that would probably turn out. I guess there is nothing wrong with being that clown that sucker punches someone that actually isn’t involved in a fight and tried to kick someone while they are down. But hey, what do I know, I can’t relate to you whatsoever.