No talk about Corona Virus?

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harddriver":1bxvilro said:
Mailman1971":1bxvilro said:
Shits the real deal folks.
I’m infected. Buddy I know a cop I saw daily in my route.
Dead. :aww:
Died a couple days ago. 10 years younger then me.
Point all the fingers you want .... Trump ...etc.
Shits for real!

Mailman you can't let it progress to the point where your lungs decline/decompensate, from the latest reports if you get bad enough to get intubated you have a 50-80% chance of dying.

All the Doctors that are using the Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin(Zpak antibiotic), and Zinc(total drug cost about $20 bucks) the general consensus says this must be administered early on in the disease progression to be fully effective, many doctors have hundreds of patients that they are using this on and it seems to be very effective even up to the point of respiratory distress, labored breathing, they also are finding the intubations are contributing to death, they used assisted breathing with a CPAP machine n Boris Johnson instead of a ventilator.

If I had COVID19 I would want the Hydroxychloroquine, Zpak and Zinc treatment, in the amounts they prescribed for the short term it is a very safe drug with no side effects, but you should discuss that with your doctor. FWIW the Chinese doctors noticed that Lupus patients that were already taking Hydroxychloroquie were not coming down with Covid19 and there is a French Canadian doctor that did a 1000 patient study 973 did very well. Dr. Marc Siegels 96 year old father was really in bad shape with Covid, they gave him Hydroxychlroquine, read the article here: ... hloroquine

Please don't wait to take action, since you are COvid19 positive call your Doctor and see if he/she will give your the FDA recommended prescription. They say it is a 5 day prescription and most are symptom free 8-24hrs of the first dose with labored breathing abating sometimes within hours. This Virus can take down people in there prime with no pre-existing conditions, but is seems those that are overweight(obese), diabetes, asthmatic, COPD and other pre-morbidities it takes those people down even faster to the point were they don't come back.

Do your own research... but don't wait until your symptoms worsen. Godspeed Mailman!
I got a cpap machine.
It’s definitely helping!!
Just tired all the time.
Still feel ok.
Appreciate the info. Can never learn enough
Think that’s what keeping me going.
I take tons of vitamins.
Probably more then needed. :yes:
Mailman1971":3bm0orrc said:
Think that’s what keeping me going.
I take tons of vitamins.
Probably more then needed. :yes:

Hey man, I'm so sorry you are going through this and sorry someone you knew passed away! thats awful.

Is he a person on your route? I'm just curious to know how you would have gotten it? do you guys have personal contact?

I ask because I'm still out working :aww: :no: :confused:
CNUTZ - YOU are officially dubbed the COVIDIOT MAN! at large.

I'm sorry man, but you come off as a 100% pussy ass with your chihuahua piggy tail tucked under your ass -- COVIDIOT MAN 101. :)

6000+ people DIE EVERY DAY in America, 1 DEATH every 11 seconds. And, I suppose the little Amber Alerts aren't so much of interest to you anymore, huh.

I wish you well my friend and try not to turn into a ubiquitous complete commercialized basket case over this temporary reorientation process that we will all learn to live with and I hope I don't read about you being placed in Belview. This would not be good. :confused:
DiezelMonster":1nxpgpzx said:
Mailman1971":1nxpgpzx said:
Think that’s what keeping me going.
I take tons of vitamins.
Probably more then needed. :yes:

Hey man, I'm so sorry you are going through this and sorry someone you knew passed away! thats awful.

Is he a person on your route? I'm just curious to know how you would have gotten it? do you guys have personal contact?

I ask because I'm still out working :aww: :no: :confused:

Ya city cop. I deliver to the police station Daily.
But always bumped into him on the route.
Mailman1971":2rvwnpu6 said:
DiezelMonster":2rvwnpu6 said:
Mailman1971":2rvwnpu6 said:
Think that’s what keeping me going.
I take tons of vitamins.
Probably more then needed. :yes:

Hey man, I'm so sorry you are going through this and sorry someone you knew passed away! thats awful.

Is he a person on your route? I'm just curious to know how you would have gotten it? do you guys have personal contact?

I ask because I'm still out working :aww: :no: :confused:

Ya city cop. I deliver to the police station Daily.
But always bumped into him on the route.

That really sucks man, I don't pray but I'll be thinkin about ya.

Speedy recovery.
CNutz":9p57gduo said:
For what it's worth, we have a Dr. in the family. He's a heart surgeon, but I suppose he has his circle of colleagues. Anyways we do have suspected COVID-19 infection in some family members. His suggestion is Vitamin C, and Zinc. Last weekend I found vitamin C, but the zinc was all gone. I found some complex vitamins that had both C, and Zinc so we've be taking that. Other advice is to stretch, and get moving a bit, not work or anything, just don't let it lay you out completely.

The Hyroxychloroquine reduces the bodies severe inflammatory response mostly(inflammatory pneumonia) in the lungs to this virus and also help open up our cells to the zinc. Once the Zinc is inside our cells it inhibits the Covid virus from attaching and replicating. Once they can stop the replication it lowers the viral load on the human body and gives it more ability and time to produce antibodies to defeat the Virus.

The same as the Zinc loading therapies like ColdEzzzz for the common cold which is a Coronovirus as well.

Same by me Cnutz, all the vitamins shops and stores are sold out of Zinc. I've been taking Zinc since December for other reasons and I have my 80 year mother taking zinc and a good multivitamin as well, she is very healthy but does have type 2 diabetes but it is well controlled by diet and minimum of medication.
CNutz":25ks6kyu said:
Coming from the guy that sounds like he hasn't taken his bi-polar meds since the 1980's, only the dumbest of the dumb give a shit what you have to say.
Quit self medicating (FUCK OFF WITH A PING-PONG BALL) with the methamphitheater, and get back on your prescribed stuff, I'm sure it would make your family (what you have left) feel better.
Sure MR. Brilliant Butt Monkey. You're the last person to get funky with my mind - Sir brother from something other.

Weren't you the great public observer cat that claimed I was 6' 2" 245lbs buddy, or some shit. Bro I'm 5'11'" 195lbs BMI 27.2 and yeah the stupid little Richter scale (ML) says I'm overweight beyotch. I favor my left and as an advantage I always fake with a retracted right-cross to add extra leverage while delivering the left-straight at the center forehead. Works most of the time particularly if he's sleeping at the wheel.

As for the diagnosis Mr. COVIDIOT, you want Artic Bipolars with Caps? I'll spin your ass around like Mr. effen Rogers and blast you with 360W of Diezel brilliance in blistering stereo just to double-screw you with entry-level mind-fixation. :)

Play it good white boy, POP IT!!!

DiezelMonster":2fc3hw9d said:
Mailman1971":2fc3hw9d said:
DiezelMonster":2fc3hw9d said:
Mailman1971":2fc3hw9d said:
Think that’s what keeping me going.
I take tons of vitamins.
Probably more then needed. :yes:

Hey man, I'm so sorry you are going through this and sorry someone you knew passed away! thats awful.

Is he a person on your route? I'm just curious to know how you would have gotten it? do you guys have personal contact?

I ask because I'm still out working :aww: :no: :confused:

Ya city cop. I deliver to the police station Daily.
But always bumped into him on the route.

That really sucks man, I don't pray but I'll be thinkin about ya.

Speedy recovery.

Awesome man. I Don’t pray either.
Lot of blood on my hands. Day at a time. I’m still feeling ok. :thumbsup:
Picasso":3aq0l1vp said:
Good to see you back man :thumbsup:

Thanks brother. :cheers:

Mailman1971":3aq0l1vp said:
Think that’s what keeping me going.
I take tons of vitamins.
Probably more then needed. :yes:
Hey, better to have expensive urine than an expensive funeral, Dan. ;)
I wasn't trying to be funny, although it's an old saying of mine and I love it. :rock:

We actually only absorb and use a thimble's worth of vitamins a year. Minerals, a lot more, but the point is that it doesn't take a big vitamin intake to quickly find yourself pissing out what you don't need and can't absorb.

Hang in there, brother; my thoughts are with you. Worth remembering IMHO to relax. It's catch 22 - not worrying counts for a whole lot in healin' and allowing the body to detox what and when it desires. Worrying just gets in its way. ;)
harddriver":1xjzsjyv said:
CNutz":1xjzsjyv said:
For what it's worth, we have a Dr. in the family. He's a heart surgeon, but I suppose he has his circle of colleagues. Anyways we do have suspected COVID-19 infection in some family members. His suggestion is Vitamin C, and Zinc. Last weekend I found vitamin C, but the zinc was all gone. I found some complex vitamins that had both C, and Zinc so we've be taking that. Other advice is to stretch, and get moving a bit, not work or anything, just don't let it lay you out completely.

The Hyroxychloroquine reduces the bodies severe inflammatory response mostly(inflammatory pneumonia) in the lungs to this virus and also help open up our cells to the zinc. Once the Zinc is inside our cells it inhibits the Covid virus from attaching and replicating. Once they can stop the replication it lowers the viral load on the human body and gives it more ability and time to produce antibodies to defeat the Virus.

The same as the Zinc loading therapies like ColdEzzzz for the common cold which is a Coronovirus as well.

Same by me Cnutz, all the vitamins shops and stores are sold out of Zinc. I've been taking Zinc since December for other reasons and I have my 80 year mother taking zinc and a good multivitamin as well, she is very healthy but does have type 2 diabetes but it is well controlled by diet and minimum of medication.
If you look at how malaria attacks the body it destroys the hemoglobin causing a similar type of hypoxia. The hydrochloriqine protects the hemoglobin from the malaria virus allowing your body to maintain oxygen levels. We do know now that Covid similarly causes hypoxia. Perhaps it’s possible that the hydrochloriqine is preserving the hemoglobin is similar fashion.
Krull":3udk62ty said:
harddriver":3udk62ty said:
CNutz":3udk62ty said:
For what it's worth, we have a Dr. in the family. He's a heart surgeon, but I suppose he has his circle of colleagues. Anyways we do have suspected COVID-19 infection in some family members. His suggestion is Vitamin C, and Zinc. Last weekend I found vitamin C, but the zinc was all gone. I found some complex vitamins that had both C, and Zinc so we've be taking that. Other advice is to stretch, and get moving a bit, not work or anything, just don't let it lay you out completely.

The Hyroxychloroquine reduces the bodies severe inflammatory response mostly(inflammatory pneumonia) in the lungs to this virus and also help open up our cells to the zinc. Once the Zinc is inside our cells it inhibits the Covid virus from attaching and replicating. Once they can stop the replication it lowers the viral load on the human body and gives it more ability and time to produce antibodies to defeat the Virus.

The same as the Zinc loading therapies like ColdEzzzz for the common cold which is a Coronovirus as well.

Same by me Cnutz, all the vitamins shops and stores are sold out of Zinc. I've been taking Zinc since December for other reasons and I have my 80 year mother taking zinc and a good multivitamin as well, she is very healthy but does have type 2 diabetes but it is well controlled by diet and minimum of medication.

Very helpful info. Thanks man.
The problem is this...if you have any kind of heart condition, diagnosed or undiagnosed, use of Hydroxychloroquine(or Plaquinel) you could put your heart into a dangerous Arrythmia and possibly die by using this med. My wife has an autoimmune disorder and is prescribed this med. She has stopped taking it due to an abnormal HR that caused her to take notice. She now takes Methotrexate instead..they do different things but help with her Sjogrens. So yes it is dangerous to take this medication without first being evaluated for its safety without first having a stress test, for instance.

Another antiviral that IS looking promising is Rendesivir...the Ebola treatment that was successful a few yrs back down in Tx when we had a small outbreak there. From what I've read it has been a last ditch treatment for close to 1000 Covid patients and the success rate was astounding. This should be approved within a few weeks for mass use.

My wife and I both work in healthcare, and the biggest worry/problem we have as a community here is the utter ridiculous LACK OF TESTS available.
This will be the reason, no matter when states re-open, for a huge flare up of cases. I hope it doesn't happen, but it probably will.
CNutz":1s7cb2bp said:
Does anyone understand what this ^^^ fucking retard is trying to say?



CNutz! You got the mental fortitude of an old Granny Smith toothless rotted out Apple. And I know this statement makes perfect sense TO YOU crystal clear regardless of your finite, but hollowed out beer nutz noggin. :checkthisout: :) :scared:
Giga.Blast":3r7x7old said:
CNutz":3r7x7old said:
Coming from the guy that sounds like he hasn't taken his bi-polar meds since the 1980's, only the dumbest of the dumb give a shit what you have to say.
Quit self medicating (FUCK OFF WITH A PING-PONG BALL) with the methamphitheater, and get back on your prescribed stuff, I'm sure it would make your family (what you have left) feel better.
Sure MR. Brilliant Butt Monkey. You're the last person to get funky with my mind - Sir brother from something other.

Weren't you the great public observer cat that claimed I was 6' 2" 245lbs buddy, or some shit. Bro I'm 5'11'" 195lbs BMI 27.2 and yeah the stupid little Richter scale (ML) says I'm overweight beyotch. I favor my left and as an advantage I always fake with a retracted right-cross to add extra leverage while delivering the left-straight at the center forehead. Works most of the time particularly if he's sleeping at the wheel.

As for the diagnosis Mr. COVIDIOT, you want Artic Bipolars with Caps? I'll spin your ass around like Mr. effen Rogers and blast you with 360W of Diezel brilliance in blistering stereo just to double-screw you with entry-level mind-fixation. :)

Play it good white boy, POP IT!!!

You on the sauce again???? Cuz I seem to remember you posting a pic of you with Charlie Sheen..and Sheen towers over you. Sheen is 5'10. So that means you're really 5'7 or so, according to the pic YOU posted.
:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
For the recovery crew not the fear monger. :)


  • (RT) CV19 Tally (4-18-2020).jpg
    (RT) CV19 Tally (4-18-2020).jpg
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Heard an interview this morning on the Aussie national broadcaster's TV-news channel with some chick from the LA Times (I think that was the one), who said immune-response tests seem to show up to 80 times the current figures' infection rate.

I just may have been right when I said from the get-go that the true death rate will turn out to be orders of magnitude lower than the built-for-hype ones we've had shoved down out throats. If the immune-response tests do in fact reveal that the infection rate was many tens of times higher, if I'm not mistaken that'd place this thing squarely in the realm of... just another 'flu.

Let's see what figures are revealed as these tests slowly roll out world-wide...
They will be holding this bullshit over snowflakes heads forever lol