No talk about Corona Virus?

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Krull":3u6eq26j said:
Tell me the average age of covid-19 deaths? Tell me how many nursing home deaths? Hint, it’s over 25% of all covid-19 deaths. More than 10000 just in nursing homes. Tell me how many deaths had underlying medical conditions?

Nice try there beta cuck. You Beta cucks want socialism so bad don’t you. You betas can’t win the next election so you betas want manditory mail in voting.

I had to run all that through Google Incel Trash Translator to decipher it. Now that I understand you’re an incel, things make a lot more sense.

I dunno man, I’ve got a good paying job that I enjoy and haven’t asked for a government handout my entire life. I purposefully went out of my way to get into a career which would deem me essential after numerous Florida hurricanes left me broke. My mother also abused the welfare and SSI system to extreme lengths when I was a kid and I’ve had a repulsion towards her ever since. I make enough money that the 1/4 of my paycheck Uncle Sam takes (no state taxes in Fla) away doesn’t really bother me much. I have no problem helping people that actually need it, my problem is with the people who are too lazy to make an attempt at life.

It’s entirely possible to think Trump is a piece of shit while simultaneously not be begging for socialism. I’m far more Libertarian than I am anything else, so you’re barking up the wrong tree with your stereotypical incel/right-wing bullshit.

You really are quite the angry individual, I can see how never seeing a vagina in real life could get to you after so many years, but it’s really not THAT big of a deal, man. You can be a Chad too if you just take a shower, don’t be so self-conscious and talk to chick’s like they’re normal people. Don’t put the pussy on a pedestal.
Every now and again you guys (K & CN) "lapse" into civil discourse between yourselves. I like that; it keeps things interesting. :lol: :LOL:
Goat":3ol10f6s said:
RevDrucifer":3ol10f6s said:
Krull":3ol10f6s said:
Tell me the average age of covid-19 deaths? Tell me how many nursing home deaths? Hint, it’s over 25% of all covid-19 deaths. More than 10000 just in nursing homes. Tell me how many deaths had underlying medical conditions?

Nice try there beta cuck. You Beta cucks want socialism so bad don’t you. You betas can’t win the next election so you betas want manditory mail in voting.

I had to run all that through Google Incel Trash Translator to decipher it. Now that I understand you’re an incel, things make a lot more sense.

I dunno man, I’ve got a good paying job that I enjoy and haven’t asked for a government handout my entire life. I purposefully went out of my way to get into a career which would deem me essential after numerous Florida hurricanes left me broke. My mother also abused the welfare and SSI system to extreme lengths when I was a kid and I’ve had a repulsion towards her ever since. I make enough money that the 1/4 of my paycheck Uncle Sam takes (no state taxes in Fla) away doesn’t really bother me much. I have no problem helping people that actually need it, my problem is with the people who are too lazy to make an attempt at life.

It’s entirely possible to think Trump is a piece of shit while simultaneously not be begging for socialism. I’m far more Libertarian than I am anything else, so you’re barking up the wrong tree with your stereotypical incel/right-wing bullshit.

You really are quite the angry individual, I can see how never seeing a vagina in real life could get to you after so many years, but it’s really not THAT big of a deal, man. You can be a Chad too if you just take a shower, don’t be so self-conscious and talk to chick’s like they’re normal people. Don’t put the pussy on a pedestal.
You sound like my asshole of a nephew. i.e. You're full of shit.

About what, specifically? That Krull is an incel or that I actually earn my own and don’t mind giving some away.

I honestly don’t know if Krull is an incel or not, but he certainly talks the talk.

As for my financial/political choices, if you think I’m lying to impress you asshats, you think far too highly of yourselves.
Krull":2y6vbf4v said:
RevDrucifer":2y6vbf4v said:
Krull":2y6vbf4v said:
Tell me the average age of covid-19 deaths? Tell me how many nursing home deaths? Hint, it’s over 25% of all covid-19 deaths. More than 10000 just in nursing homes. Tell me how many deaths had underlying medical conditions?

Nice try there beta cuck. You Beta cucks want socialism so bad don’t you. You betas can’t win the next election so you betas want manditory mail in voting.

I had to run all that through Google Incel Trash Translator to decipher it. Now that I understand you’re an incel, things make a lot more sense.

I dunno man, I’ve got a good paying job that I enjoy and haven’t asked for a government handout my entire life. I purposefully went out of my way to get into a career which would deem me essential after numerous Florida hurricanes left me broke. My mother also abused the welfare and SSI system to extreme lengths when I was a kid and I’ve had a repulsion towards her ever since. I make enough money that the 1/4 of my paycheck Uncle Sam takes (no state taxes in Fla) away doesn’t really bother me much. I have no problem helping people that actually need it, my problem is with the people who are too lazy to make an attempt at life.

It’s entirely possible to think Trump is a piece of shit while simultaneously not be begging for socialism. I’m far more Libertarian than I am anything else, so you’re barking up the wrong tree with your stereotypical incel/right-wing bullshit.

You really are quite the angry individual, I can see how never seeing a vagina in real life could get to you after so many years, but it’s really not THAT big of a deal, man. You can be a Chad too if you just take a shower, don’t be so self-conscious and talk to chick’s like they’re normal people. Don’t put the pussy on a pedestal.

I had to run all that through translator to figure out what you just said. Turns out you’re a fucking clown. ? I know in Florida you can still hook, so you are doing just fine.

Why am I not surprised you retorted with more incel shit?

Cope, bitch.
Krull":x96uf3bg said:
:lol: :LOL: indeed Monkeyman indeed.

How’s it going down under? Are you guys still on lockdown? Anything easing up? I’m looking for freedom again!
No freedom to speak of, mate. :thumbsdown: :doh: :gethim: :lol: :LOL:

Your fucking orange, dumbass savior actually went on TV and asked if there’s a way we can do something about injecting disinfectant into the human body.

This motherfucker’s got nothing on eating tidepods, he’s questioning if we can start fuckin’ mainlining Lysol.

My fucking ribs hurt from laughing so much.

Goddamn, this fucking guy has the mental capacity of a fucking rock.

Krull":n14qdiq9 said:
RevDrucifer":n14qdiq9 said:

Your fucking orange, dumbass savior actually went on TV and asked if there’s a way we can do something about injecting disinfectant into the human body.

This motherfucker’s got nothing on eating tidepods, he’s questioning if we can start fuckin’ mainlining Lysol.

My fucking ribs hurt from laughing so much.

Goddamn, this fucking guy has the mental capacity of a fucking rock.


Oops more left wing hysteria to keep you clowns entertained. Were you laughing this hard when Mueller testified? I sure was.

Shh! I come here to laugh at these fools. The entertainment factor is off the charts. :lol: :LOL:
You really need a fact check when you can just watch the fucking clip?

I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.

I’m not saying he proposed it, I’m saying he’s fucking dumb enough to even question injecting disinfectant in the human body.

This also may come as a surprise, but I’m not a fan of Biden either. He’s another career politician who is far past his prime and if he gets elected, he’ll be the puppet of whoever can get their hand up his ass while spoon feeding him Metamucil and Donepezil. That debate between Biden and Trump will be a full on display of how fucking sad this country’s political system is.
To be fair, he said "... something like that...", and indeed there are many "disinfectants" that're safe inside the body, all-natural ones, of course.

All essential oils are combinations of anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
Clove oil, for example, is so strongly anti fungal that eugenol (extracted from cloves) is the active ingredient in dental surgeries' mouthwash (rinse and spit!).
Colloidal silver is anti-bacterial and suffocates viruses.
Many raw vegetables and fruits kill bad bacteria virtually on-contact.

Yada yada yada...

Anyway, let's hope we get to see the shitshow that debate will be approaching November. Can't wait man; been thinking' about it for a couple o' months already once it became clear that Bernie couldn't win mathematically.
Oops, almost forgot to answer your question, Krull:

Last I checked (yesterday?) it was at 71. Yup, nation-wide death toll stood at 71.
The level of idiocy on display here is not beyond comprehension. That's the hell of it.
Yeah, there's no curve left to flatten. It was all about flattening the curve then we'd see things free up, but nooo...
Progressive lefties (soyboys with skinny jeans and manbuns) are unhinged now because they are only left with the old, white privileged Sleepy Joe Biden. The crusty fossil Bernie sells out again :lol: :LOL:
CNutz":zzzzu5nt said:
Krull":zzzzu5nt said:
CNutz":zzzzu5nt said:
Haha, Dudes seriously this shit is funny! In this press conference
Mr. Bryant (or whatever his name is) of the CV Task force was clearly talking about sunlight/uv rays, and disinfectant like bleach, and iso alcohol killing the virus on surfaces, i.e. counter tops, park benches, etc... Then Trump fucking gets up there, and relates that to possibly treating the virus in a human body the same way. Hahaha, Jesus. Guy's, Trump mouth foamers, just stop. We heard him fucking say it. It's funny as fuck, admit it, whatever.

It's a moment like that one dumbass, said Guam may capsize.

For someone who programs AI you would think you could embed a YouTube video...

Thanks for posting the whole video too...

I already posted an article showing the clip and how this is being blown way out of proportion. The clowns on the left literally think he’s saying inject people with bleach and running wild with it.

Yeah, the lefties are running with it, and the media will blow it out. But c'mon you know it's fucking funny. He's literally thinking you can use disinfectant, and powerful uv sun rays in the body, because he didn't realize the task force guy was talking about surfaces. He's probably tired anyway. It's funny, and you know it.

I know where you are cumming from, it is all funny, from both sides :lol: :LOL: but who would've ever thunk that you can treat dem certain other things with radiation and poison :confused:
Picasso":nqjflaft said:
Progressive lefties (soyboys with skinny jeans and manbuns) are unhinged now because they are only left with the old, white privileged Sleepy Joe Biden. The crusty fossil Bernie sells out again :lol: :LOL:
Did somebody burp? It suddenly smells as I observe like some wiseguy let one go in this here little room. You know what I mean? :student: ;) ... larry-king
Monkey Man":2ngnhmgv said:
Oops, almost forgot to answer your question, Krull:

Last I checked (yesterday?) it was at 71. Yup, nation-wide death toll stood at 71.

wow only 71. We are at 17 I think but your guys lockdown is a lot looser than ours wasn't it? like didn't some schools stay open and bars etc??
Naa, bars, clubs, theatres, restaurants and whatnot closed progressively as the public-gathering limit dropped from 1000 to 500 to 100 to 10 to 2.

I think the border-control move played a huge part, 'cause still to this day a huge proportion of our cases is folks who've come in via plane or cruise ship. 3 days later and we're over 80 deaths now, so creeping up very slowly still, and many of the latest deaths have been men in their 90s.

Krull":2hvq7mdt said:
Monkey Man":2hvq7mdt said:
Yeah, there's no curve left to flatten. It was all about flattening the curve then we'd see things free up, but nooo...
It’s insane. Let’s leave it at that. I’m moving to Sweden.
Right on, brother. :yes:

Of course, you and I will remain in CanAustralada, but it's nice to dream. :D
Indeed, mate, indeed.

It was sold to us as a means of preventing ICU inundation. With only a few dozen folks in ICU the country over, millions of PPE items in-store and thousands of empty beds, you'd think the goal has been accomplished.

I mean, if we're gonna work our way through the population at this rate it'll take hundreds of years; logically something has to give, IMHO.