No talk about Corona Virus?

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How do you people not get the numbers, are you that ignorant, I guess so? Put your conspiracy theories aside and prove the numbers are wrong, oh you can't. The Trumpies strike again and that douche Peachy too! But you can't call Peachy a Trumpster (let alone a conservative) cause he lives in a commune with socialists. :hys: No really, Peachy is just as ignorant as the rest of the people who think this virus is not real, god will cure you, numbers are falsified and Trump says so. SHEEP!
Krull":2o1nwj8q said:
Spot on. Plus half the clowns wearing masks have facial hair or have the masks under their nose rendering them absolutely useless, like Sitedrifter.

You are a typical ignorant right wing 9th grade drop who hates all but white people an if those white people like anything other then their own race, fuck them too, right Peachy? :lol: :LOL:

Be a man Peachy and step up and speak your mind instead of the racist right wing talking points. I know you want to really speak/write your own words but you are too much of a pussy and part of the Trumptard flock of sheep!
Krull":feo5opqk said:
Sitedrifter":feo5opqk said:
Krull":feo5opqk said:
Spot on. Plus half the clowns wearing masks have facial hair or have the masks under their nose rendering them absolutely useless, like Sitedrifter.

You are a typical ignorant right wing 9th grade drop who hates all but white people an if those white people like anything other then their own race, fuck them too, right Peachy? :lol: :LOL:

Be a man Peachy and step up and speak your mind instead of the racist right wing talking points. I know you want to really speak/write your own words but you are too much of a pussy and part of the Trumptard flock of sheep!

...ya because I mentioned anything at all to do with race...Fucking twat.

Enjoying taking a knee and burning the American Flag on your day off you piece of shit!

Yeah ok Peachy. Say Hi to the Queen for me.
Official controlled study of the effectiveness of HCQ on Covid19 has just been released. Study was of 2500 patients in the Henry Ford hospital system in Michigan and the study reveals a 50% reduction in the death rate of Covid19 patients to patients who did not receive the HCQ, they found absolutely no cardiac issues with the correct dosages . There also is The French study by renowned Didea Raoult showed efficacy as high as 90%. At this point the FDA has to release HCQ for outpatient use immediately as recommended in May by a YALE epidemiologist Dr. Harvey A Risch.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have filed a lawsuit against the FDA for restricting use of HCQ in the outpatient environment, when the drug is most effective.

After all these studies and in the field evidence of the drugs effectiveness on can only come to one conclusions as to why this cheap safe drug is not being utilized to it's full effectiveness to deal with this Pandemic. Wake up Americans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You need to demand the availability of this drug since at least 70% of us are going to eventually contract this until herd immunity is achieved! This drug also will make this PANDEMIC less severe on the population taking it well below the deaths rates of the common FLU. ... tudy-funds
Doctored this CDC document just for giggles. If that's possible :)

Déjà vu, again? Which is which, or which is it?

"Person to Person

People with covid-19 can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most experts think that covid-19 viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with covid-19 cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might get covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has covid-19 virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.

When Covid-19 Spreads

People with covid-19 are most contagious in the first three to four days after their illness begins. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children and some people with weakened immune systems may pass the virus for longer than 7 days.

Hell, I can do this shit all day. :D
All screaming and yelling aside, if you think for one second that the protests and riots DIDN’T spread and increase Covid-19 cases, you are part of the problem.
psychodave":2gglzsew said:
All screaming and yelling aside, if you think for one second that the protests and riots DIDN’T spread and increase Covid-19 cases, you are part of the problem.
hoodies are more effective at filtering the virus than red hats.
Shit I’ve strangled bout 20 senior citizens last week. Numbers still rise?
Am I doing it wrong?
psychodave":2tdj2z2p said:
All screaming and yelling aside, if you think for one second that the protests and riots DIDN’T spread and increase Covid-19 cases, you are part of the problem.
The corona virus is a hoax. Deal with it. :aww:

Now the flu corona virus is a big problem but that is of no use to the socialist communist liberal communist scum of death row. You misfits are diarrhea and diarrhea is bad for good bones unlike milk does a body good particularly with a double-stuffed Oreo cookie.

Fact! Oreo cookies are Mrs. Milk's best friend. :yes:


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She was a bartender with supposedly a degree in economics from Boston University. Does she seem like she even understands simple interest?????????? That's the kind of Marxist graduates our university system has been turning out for the past 20 years and we now wonder why the youth thinks Communism is great, like it's never been tried before. I will give the Communist's and Marxist some credit they really have gone all in for the long game 50 year plan.

This Russian spy who defected sums it up best in the 1980's.