Odin":361t7iem said:
Thanks, but I gotta tell you that I'm extremely limited by lack of motivation to run. I absolutely hate running, even after years of running. I do it only because I have to maintain a certain level of fitness and endurance, but it's all I can do to keep myself jogging a few times a week and running the 1.5 mile in the 12's.
But I would like to know about the workouts, I'll give it a try but I can't say I'll stick with it (I know my weaknesses, and laziness is a big one).
Ok, here's what you do. First calculate your current fastest 1.5 mile time as a per 400m pace in seconds. Now take 10-15% off of that and you have a basic 400m range for begining training...
Now, one day a week, go to a high school track to run. Jog a mile slow to warmup. Do a bit of stretching... Now jog another 400m slow... Then...
Run 400m (one time around the track in the interior most lane) in the basic 400m range you calculated.... Keep an even pace. Don't blitz the first half and struggle through the last half slower. It may take a couple to find your pace. Wear a stopwatch and look at it each 100m to see if you are on pace. Adjust as required, keep it even... Walk/jog 200 meters (half the track)... This is one full "repeat"
Repeat 4 times...
Now run 2-4 100-150m sprints full out... Jog a mile to warm down. Stretch. Go home...
Over the course of several weeks increase the number of repeats from 4 to 8 to 10 to 12. You'll know when to stop because you stop when you can't keep up the basic time in the fast part of a repeat.
Once you have reached 12 repeats in a track session, come back another day and run 1.5 miles as a test (after a short jog to warm up). Run to get your best time. Run hard, but keep an even pace similar to the 400s you ran. If anything, you want to finish the second half faster than you started. This is call "negative splitting". You are gonna be shocked and amazed at the outcome and what you were capable of....
Once you've done this - the next time you go to the track, use a new basic 400m time calculated based on your new 1.5 mile best time... Repeat. Mix in some 800m, 1200m and even mile repeats... Do a pyramid (400, 800, 1200, 1 mile, 1200, 800, 400). Always warm up and warmdown. Stretch as well.
This will keep you challenged and in the game - you'll find yourself eating better, getting more rest, etc... Any excess weight will come off. You will get faster and faster...
I'd also recommend adding one long run a week. Start with whatever distance you are running now and increase at 0.5 miles per week until you reach 10-12 miles. Unless you are gonna run a 10K or longer, you don't need to go further...
Good luck and stop being a goddam lazy ass...