here's what i got at my house.
sovtek mig 100h high / low gain mod. bass boost knob on the back with a 3 way compression / voicing switch on the back. the high and low inputs are different as well, i prefer the feel of the low input.
marshall jcm 800 50 watt gain mod. there is only one extra knob, it changes the feel of the gain, lifts the presence, brightness, and saturation of the distortion.
marshall jcm 900 50 watt 2x12 combo. no visual mods, it just sounds like the cleanest, fattest, best 900 i've ever heard.
earth superbass1000 "ocean" mod with extra gain knob and switches on the front and 6 way selector knob on the back that changes the tone and feel all together. a really unique sounding amp, sounds huge, tons of headroom.
marshall jmp superlead 100 watt gain mod on the first channel, 2nd channel stock. master volume knob added to the back.
sovtek midget 50h wierd mod. extra gain knob. this thing sounds so rad through the matching 1x12 cab, it competes with any 100 watt half stack.
traynor bass master weird mod. channel 1 is darker and channel 2 is brighter, they both push/pull to swap characteristics. master volume knob added to the back
he also modded this fulltone pedal i got. i originally got it as
a bassdrive prototype. i took it to him, he changed the tone and added a presence knob. fuck this pedal feels so much better now.