Oh dear... New Dokken video..

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You guys make laugh me for sure !
Don's voice was gone long ago.
I guess there is still a part of me that is glad to see him still trying to do it.
Don was actually a pretty killer guitar player way back.
He has been cool everytime I met him.
jon Levin was chill as well.
People can say what they want, but Don has much to be proud of and back in the day he was killer !
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This reminds me of those medication commercials where the guy is developing alzheimers and wandering around looking at old family photos feeling sad, but then he gets the new medication and it helps and he's out running with his dog and hugging his grandkids
? looked at the guitar player at the beginning like, "Do I know you"?
Michigan, last weekend

I missed it, it kind of feels like Don did too

Pretty sure the whole treatment for this video was just an email saying “We just finished shooting an Alzheimer’s commercial, we have the soundstage for another hour and a half if you guys wanna walk around while we film it”
It didn't suck too much song-wise, guitar player rips, vocals weren't that exciting...and the video...uh, sitting down to sing? Yeah, that's rock n roll for ya!
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its actually slightly not as horrible as i thought it was going to be, ill just be nice and keep it at that lol
Part of me respects them for refusing to change their image and sound.

The other part of me really thinks it’s time for them to change their image and sound
“I’m a fugitive from life
I’m a fugitive from life”
Times X

And was the guitarist the bassist the drummer? Wow, a direct to video home music video, in a really bad way.
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It’s like Joe Biden on lead vocals
Let's go Brandon! :)

Yes - this song is pretty bad. And I am not talking "James Brown" bad either. What's worse is, Don sounds light years better on this studio track than live these days - the latter is an absolute abomination that no one has the right to charge money to see.
Song is good.
Music video not so good. Would probably have been fine back in the non-HD days, at a slower frame rate and cycle. Hi-def really brings out every little detail. Can make a movie that looked okay in old analog look like watching a cheap play in person.

In general... in many ways, the veil of illusion has been lifted. If the kids could hear how awful and talentless their Tik Tok, hip-hop/electro artists really sound, they might be surprised. But then again- maybe not. Humanity is dying. We are doomed.

Don is right- we're all fugitives from life at this point. Only one thing to do in that scenario: SHRED.
“He’s got Joseph Biden eyes..”

Kim Carnes

Donald should redo this juggernaut to give it true justice.

I can't say it made me feel any different than I did when they were somewhat relevant.
But then again, Poison was popular too...
I just watched it again, and got thru it.
I'm tougher than I thought.

All kidding aside, it is exactly what I expected it to be.
It looked and sounded like Dokken.

Doesn't sway me one way or the other, I was picking on this shit when I was a kid.