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Just to reiterate as some here I know for a fact do not click on links as they are super paranoid (looking at you @PLX

"DON DOKKEN To Fans Criticizing His Vocal Performance: 'If I Can't Sing The Way They Remember Me, Then Just Don't Come To The Show'
September 26, 2023
In a new interview with Shawn Ratches of Laughingmonkeymusic, DOKKEN frontman Don Dokken spoke about the difficulties he has had preserving his voice as he gets older and the issues he has encountered trying to reproduce DOKKEN's classic material in a live setting. He said in part (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET) "I've had a lot of complaints. I see fans, when I go, 'The kiss of…' [in the song 'Kiss Of Death'] and I hit this B flat above A, this super soprano note, and I wouldn't hit it, and you see people go, 'Well, hey, you didn't hit the note.' I'm, like, 'Dude, I've done, like, three thousand concerts. It's like a motor car. It's getting worn out.'"