Bad Brain
Well-known member

The fucked up shit people do to animals pisses me off.I got nipped by my brother’s pit bull once. It was my fault so I didn’t kill it. He had two. Kept them in cages almost constantly. They basically went crazy. Then he had a vicious shepherd also. It jumped on my wife during a visit. Luckily it didn’t bite her. I then had to go over and release the motherfucker on them. They were staying with my mother btw. His girlfriend who owned the dog was staying there with her kids. Some whore from Cali. I walked in and said if the dogs bit any of my friends or family I would kill them. If I found them on my property I would kill them. If they hurt my mother I would kill them. She said not if I keep them inside. I then laughed and told her I would walk in here and cut its throat in front of them and then call Stanley steamer to clean my mother’s carpet. She started to get jazzy until my mother told her that I was serious and to be quiet. Good thing mom spoke up because I was going to make a believer out of her right then and there. Besides…would have been a mercy for any of the animals to have been killed. Later they were killed by my brother. Some people should not have pets.
I can't speak on the true breed issues but the dogs are considered PITBULLS even if you say they are not purebreeds the are still a fighting dog. If you love and trust them God bless you. I will not. I am well aware that other dogs can attack just as viscously but there is a trend with pitbulls that cannot be denied.No offense to you or anyone else but most people cannot.pick the pitbull out of a lineup of bully or game type dogs. Unless an animal is papered and pedigreed it's a mix, or .mutt for the purposes of sale.
In temperament tests the pit scores above average compared to other breeds but obvious when a pit loses its shit there is more damage than a lap dog can create.
And then we get to the crux of the subject. A true pit is a dog bred to fight other dogs to the desth, not bite people. It's called gameness and it means even if the dog has to slide across the pit on bloody stumps to continue ue attacking it will do so until it can no longer physically do it. A dog that quits is called a cur and is discarded in terms of a fighting breeding program.
I was involved with breeding a little bit in the 90s and I saw firsthand the move away from dogs with a square fighting physique with solid temperament to line and inbreeding for wide chests and big heads which look cool but are utterly useless in the fighting arena. The abomination that resulted is now called an American. Bully. The breed has suffered big time thanks to a deviation from breed standard which was inevitable since fighting dogs or even attending a dog fight is a felony. I still know where to look for true game bred dogs and the lines of champion fighters but you are gonna pay serious money. That said, I would never personally fight my animals and none of the dogs I have now are true game bred dogs. Ever see a blue pit? It's not a pit at all. What most people say is a pit is just a generic look that a couple dozen breeds could be mistaken for.
Or groinDon’t EVER trust monkeys…. They will always go for your face..
I’m just sayin
I can't speak on the true breed issues but the dogs are considered PITBULLS even if you say they are not purebreeds the are still a fighting dog. If you love and trust them God bless you. I will not. I am well aware that other dogs can attack just as viscously but there is a trend with pitbulls that cannot be denied.
I will share a true story with you. My ex-wife had an client that had his homeowners insurance with her and he would constantly tell her about how people don't know how to raise or handle pitbulls and be the alpha of the pack to truly control them and certain people should not own them. He always said he had complete control over his dogs and they would submit to his commands not matter what.
One day he took his dogs outside of his house and at the same time his neighbor whose yard backed up to his lot happened to have his Golden Retriever out in the yard. Those pitbulls took off like a shot and started attacking the Golden mercilessly, all four joined in and they fed each other's attack frenzy. The Pitbull owner commanded his ass off to no avail, he reached in to grab the lead dog and the pitbull started shredding his arm like a piece of steak, the pitbull owner had brought a baseball bat with him and he literally had to almost beat the pitbulls almost to death before they would stop attacking, they kept going into fight mode and no commands from him were working and his alpha status was useless. It is my understanding and alot of events seem to prove this out once in fight frenzy there's not much that can be done to intercede. You may think you have total control over your PITBULLS like this guy did but there is always that one day when you don't. BTW this guy had major lawsuits brought against him and his insurance company for damages.
The problem isn’t the dog as much as some of the people that want a big mean looking dog. Shouldn’t be anyone’s first dog, and some folks just don’t need to own a dog of any kind. For some idiots it is nothing more than a status symbol on a leash. Thugs love using them as accessories. What give them a bad rep are the irresponsible assholes that own them. Raised proper they are awesome . Loving and loyalView attachment 323523
Both my neighbors have one and they seem to be really nice dogs. Especially the female. She literally stands over all the kids and walks them to and from our houses. Kinda changes my mind about them. Then you see on the news where they have killed or maimed someone.
I can't speak on the true breed issues but the dogs are considered PITBULLS even if you say they are not purebreeds the are still a fighting dog. If you love and trust them God bless you. I will not. I am well aware that other dogs can attack just as viscously but there is a trend with pitbulls that cannot be denied.
I will share a true story with you. My ex-wife had an client that had his homeowners insurance with her and he would constantly tell her about how people don't know how to raise or handle pitbulls and be the alpha of the pack to truly control them and certain people should not own them. He always said he had complete control over his dogs and they would submit to his commands not matter what.
One day he took his dogs outside of his house and at the same time his neighbor whose yard backed up to his lot happened to have his Golden Retriever out in the yard. Those pitbulls took off like a shot and started attacking the Golden mercilessly, all four joined in and they fed each other's attack frenzy. The Pitbull owner commanded his ass off to no avail, he reached in to grab the lead dog and the pitbull started shredding his arm like a piece of steak, the pitbull owner had brought a baseball bat with him and he literally had to almost beat the pitbulls almost to death before they would stop attacking, they kept going into fight mode and no commands from him were working and his alpha status was useless. It is my understanding and alot of events seem to prove this out once in fight frenzy there's not much that can be done to intercede. You may think you have total control over your PITBULLS like this guy did but there is always that one day when you don't. BTW this guy had major lawsuits brought against him and his insurance company for damages.
You have successfully defended my position. Thank You! The dogs were bred for fighting, it's like expecting a Siberian Husky not to want to run and run and run and a herding dog to deny it's herding instinct's...it's what they are bred for.A Pitbull was bred for fighting other dogs so they have extremely high small game aggression so you're retarded buddy who thought he could command his dogs to release is a moron of the highest caliber as evidenced by him using a baseball bat. If he knew shit he would've had a breaking stick on hand. You cannot safely keep two males or two females together. When I was involved in breeding the guy I was working with had a female thst would attack any dog it could get at. Some of them are like that, it's just part of the deal. Not a good dog to have around strange dogs.
I recently put down a black mouth cur cause it busted into the neighbors donkey pen a d ripped the shit out his animals.. It got its jaw broke clean off and was still continuing the attack when I arrived home from a gig. It was attempting to run the donkey to death until I intervened. It's a hog hunting dog and the animal aggression there was bred into the animal. If it's small and furry, it's dead. If it's big and furry she will, and did, die trying to kill it.
You're making an anti gun level argument. Because a gun could be used for dangerous activities they are bad mmmkay. Sorry my man the pit is one of the most popular breeds and statistically is pretty safe, kind of like there are millions of guns, most will never be used for crime or to hurt someone.. But shrieking media harpies sell ad space with sensational stories and now you are going to hold out on your untenable position thanks to it.You have successfully defended my position. Thank You! The dogs were bred for fighting, it's like expecting a Siberian Husky not to want to run and run and run and a herding dog to deny it's herding instinct's...it's what they are bred for.
Like I said..... every dog has it's day and when a fighting dog mixed or not has it's day... it usually isn't good.
You're repeating retarded media talking points which is both out of character and wrong.
Your story mirrors the one I posted so how are you any different from "that" guy?I recently put down a black mouth cur cause it busted into the neighbors donkey pen a d ripped the shit out his animals.. It got its jaw broke clean off and was still continuing the attack when I arrived home from a gig. It was attempting to run the donkey to death until I intervened. It's a hog hunting dog and the animal aggression there was bred into the animal. If it's small and furry, it's dead. If it's big and furry she will, and did, die trying to kill it.
Now you are just making up fantasy stories about me one day getting attacked. Nice work of fiction. Dog on dog and dog on animal violence is a long way from unprovoked attacks on humans. Does a bird dog go for birds. Yes, but bird ain't human.Your story mirrors the one I posted so how are you any different from "that" guy?
Sounds like even you yourself who understands the animal, claims to know how to control said animal, cannot control your own dog because it resorts back to it's instinctual/bred behaviors and according to your own story ripped the shit out of his animals.....this is not hysterical media talking points it is your very own personal story that happened to you, again... thank you for defending my position that they are dangerous dogs and can flip at any time even under the best owner control.
I bet if one of his animals came over to your house and ripped the shit out of your animals you would be pressing charges and taking legal action. If your neighbor didn't do so you have one very timid neighbor.
I fully understand your your description of instincts and the breed behavioral characteristics of the "Pitbull" Pitbull mix breeds and I have witnessed what they are capable of, I don't and will not trust one ever, you may love them all you want that is your prerogative. I'm sure one day one will attack you and they probably already have if you are being honest but since you accept them for what they are you may or may not put that dog down because it is in their nature, but they all have the ability(and that is all dogs as well) to go against your authority as the owner at any time no matter how well you have trained them, your story exemplifies my point.
I hear monkeys and chimps are just the cutest creatures as well.
Right after this video.......It chewed her face off..........So Harddriver got me looking at those vids, that 911 call over Travis the chimp is horrifying. And it’s not even the owner of the dam thing it’s her friend who was just trying to help her.
There’s a bunch of them, how many faces have to be eaten before stupid people figure that shit out?