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The COVID Scam and the Lockdown Files: “Biggest Scandal of the Century.
Back in 2021, we had the revelation of emails from the German Interior Ministry which showed that it enlisted scientists to scare the population.
Last year it was revealed that the Covid statistics had been falsified by Dutch Health Minister Hugo de Jonge by inflating the numbers.
It has been shown time and again that the coronavirus was no more deadly than other cold and flu viruses. As we know from flu and colds, these can be fatal to vulnerable, very old people. For anyone under 80, these viruses are almost never fatal. So it was with Covid-19. It was a common cold virus.
Minister Matt Hancock had a discussion with then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, via WhatsApp about this low mortality rate. He wrote that this was a problem because it meant that vaccination targets would not be met.
The revelations in Germany, the Netherlands and now especially in the United Kingdom show that the same Covid policy was deliberately followed in all these countries – policy which had nothing to do with the nature of the coronavirus. The Lockdown Files show that no special measures were needed, given the low mortality of the virus. The British government switched from publishing mortality rates to publishing the number of infections. The entire EU then switched and reported on Covid in the same way.
Pushing through the vaccines and introducing the corresponding digital Covid pass was the real goal. For this, no means were shunned.
Unvaccinated people were not simply portrayed as irresponsible but as anti-social, dangerous enemies of the state. There were threats of incarceration and forced vaccination. Unvaccinated people were fired. People were locked in their homes via curfews. Hospitals and nursing homes prohibited partners and children from visiting their sick spouses or parents, even when they were dying.
From the beginning, there were medical experts who scientifically argued that the imposed measures were futile and warned against the vaccinations.
Doctors who protested were silenced on social media. Doctors who prescribed effective drugs were punished with heavy fines and the revocation of their license.
The Lockdown Files show that the unvaccinated and Covid-critical doctors were right .
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