Ok I can't stay silent on this any longer, 900lb gorilla.

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What a pathetic organization. They chose the name Global Research to trick folks that they’re part of the CDC research community. Click farmers extraordinaire.

?The Real Dommie, the racist, homophobic, violent clown, we all know and laugh at.?

Chuckles, a 65 year old mature senior citizen grandpa, does your family and friends know about your sick vile posts?????


What a pathetic organization. They chose the name Global Research to trick folks that they’re part of the CDC research community. Click farmers extraordinaire.
What the hell are you talking about ? The articles comes from medical and scientific experts ALL OVER THE WORLD which means globally . The difference is this particular website is not part of the mainstream and doesn't tow the mainstream narrative it features all the people around the world that have been censored by the mainstream for speaking truth .
What the hell are you talking about ? The articles comes from medical and scientific experts ALL OVER THE WORLD which means globally . The difference is this particular website is not part of the mainstream and doesn't tow the mainstream narrative it features all the people around the world that have been censored by the mainstream for speaking truth .


Must suck knowing you are likely to die at anytime . I would be outraged myself If I was stupid enough to submit to the jab.
Must suck knowing you are likely to die at anytime . I would be outraged myself If I was stupid enough to submit to the jab.
Wait until the next covid strain breaks out. Imma laugh.
Wait until the next covid strain breaks out. Imma laugh.

If that happens you're in BIG BIG TROUBLE LOL.

A worldwide Genocide is unfolding: Expert vaccine scientist Dr. Vanden Bossche

Dr. Bossche said that when you take the vaccine, very specific antibodies go into your immune system and neuter the nonspecific antibodies that are there to fight off all that attacks your body. It renders your immune system as totally nonfunctioning. It cannot defend you from anything else that attacks you . Now the deaths are rapidly growing and out of control.

What has been unleashed with the release and push of vaccines on people here and around the world is nothing but an unfolding Genocide.

Doctors and scientists had better get busy figuring out how they are going to save the hundreds of millions who have taken this vaccine and are literally waiting for the next virus or illness to attack them that they cannot fight.
?Congratulations, Chuckles?

?The Real Dommie is such a great role model for his wife, kids and grandkids?




?And now for The Real Dommie and his sick demented Fantasies?

Just A completely good ole’ normal grandfather??



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If that happens you're in BIG BIG TROUBLE LOL.

A worldwide Genocide is unfolding: Expert vaccine scientist Dr. Vanden Bossche
Dude. Ok- no insults or jokes right now.
No legit person will ever take you seriously.
You don’t cite your sources. You don’t show your work. You link to low-budget websites that are obvious propaganda farms that crank out easily disproven claims. If you’re serious about showing everyone how right you are, I suggest you start employing the scientific method and some logical empiricism into your “research”.

Spending all day cutting and pasting articles that reinforce your beliefs culled from websites sketchy websites that are specifically designed to do so ISN’T RESEARCH. I’m willing to bet a lot of money that your eyes hardly ever go beyond the soothing (to you) headlines. 90% of the time those stories contradict themselves in the actual article to provide plausible deniability.

Stop being so afraid of the real world. It’s not perfect, but it’s a lot brighter than the dark corner you inhabit every day.
Dude. Ok- no insults or jokes right now.
No legit person will ever take you seriously.
You don’t cite your sources. You don’t show your work. You link to low-budget websites that are obvious propaganda farms that crank out easily disproven claims. If you’re serious about showing everyone how right you are, I suggest you start employing the scientific method and some logical empiricism into your “research”.

Spending all day cutting and pasting articles that reinforce your beliefs culled from websites sketchy websites that are specifically designed to do so ISN’T RESEARCH. I’m willing to bet a lot of money that your eyes hardly ever go beyond the soothing (to you) headlines. 90% of the time those stories contradict themselves in the actual article to provide plausible deniability.

Stop being so afraid of the real world. It’s not perfect, but it’s a lot brighter than the dark corner you inhabit every day.

ANCA Positive Vasculitis And Renal Failure After MRNA Vaccination​

Published on March 24, 2023

Rapidly progressive kidney failure to the point of hemo- or peritoneal dialysis is a medical nightmare that must be avoided at all costs

Patients with slowly advancing renal disease due to diabetes or other problems have months if not years to get ready for dialysis or plan for kidney transplantation.

Kidney failure requiring hospitalization or dialysis should never happen after a routine vaccine, yet it has occurred multiple times after COVID-19 mRNA injections (Pfizer or Moderna).

This side effect is not listed in any consent form, FAQ, or on the blank package insert for the EUA genetic products.

I wonder how many patients have gone into renal failure, were hospitalized and or died after mRNA vaccination with no recognition that Pfizer or Moderna could have triggered the catastrophe?

Chen described nine cases of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) positive vasculitis that must be diagnosed with the ANCA test and often biopsy followed by intensive medical treatment.

Doctors and nurses must act fast, otherwise the condition can be fatal.

As you can see from the table 7 of 8 were spared dialysis but most had permanent kidney damage to deal with for the rest of their lives. Sadly, one patient went on dialysis.


Chen CC, Chen HY, Lu CC, Lin SH. Case Report: Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis With Acute Renal Failure and Pulmonary Hemorrhage May Occur After COVID-19 Vaccination. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Nov 11;8:765447. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.765447. PMID: 34859017; PMCID: PMC8632021.

This paper serves as a reminder for doctors who are evaluating patients with constitutional symptoms weeks to months after mRNA vaccination to have a low threshold for routine common testing including serum creatinine and urinalysis.

When early renal failure is detected additional testing including ANCA must be drawn and care should be elevated to specialists familiar with ANCA positive syndromes.

See more here substack.com