The analysis revealed a troubling pattern of decreasing life expectancy in individuals who received multiple doses of the vaccine. The study was conducted by Josh Stirling, a renowned insurance analyst and founder of the Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives.
The findings of Stirling’s study are deeply concerning, and have raised questions about the long-term effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the negative impact of each vaccine dose on health does not diminish over time and may even continue indefinitely. Shockingly, the CDC’s All-Cause Mortality data indicates that mortality rates increased by 7% in 2022 for each vaccine dose administered, as compared to the previous year.
Depopulation agenda
Individuals who received five doses of the vaccine were 35% more likely to pass away in 2022 than in 2021. Similarly, those who had received a single dose were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than in 2021.
In contrast, individuals who had not received any doses of the vaccine did not demonstrate an increased risk of mortality in 2022 as compared to the previous year.
These findings raise concerns about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, particularly in the long term.
The available data suggests a concerning trend of increasing excess deaths and mortality rates worldwide, despite decreasing levels of COVID-19 vaccinations.
For instance, the issue is not unique to the United States, as it is also affecting countries globally. In Australia, for example, recent government data revealed that excess deaths in 2022 were a staggering 5162% higher than in previous years.
Additionally, the risk of contracting Omicron has risen dramatically for doubly vaccinated Australians, who were previously 10.72 times more likely to catch it than the unvaccinated.
Now, they are 20 times more likely, while triply or more vaccinated individuals are 35 times more likely, as per the latest statistics from NSW Health.
According to a study based on Cleveland government data, the average lifespan of an unvaccinated man is around 80 years. However, the rate of vaccinated individuals dying is growing in comparison to the unvaccinated.
The study also revealed that an individual who is currently 30 years old and has received four or five vaccine doses can now expect to live no longer than 55 years old.
He also claims that although there’s no way of being certain at this time, it is possible that over 100 million people in America have some degree of heart damage – that would be detectable with a troponin test – from the experimental jabs.
Dr. Thomas Levy is an American cardiologist and an attorney-at-law. He is a contributing editor for the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and also serves as a consultant to LivOn Labs.
The Expose reports: During an interview with Steve Kirsch he discussed the effects the spike protein was having on the heart. He has recently published an essay titled ‘Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common’ which formed the basis of the discussion.
In an article written after the interview, Kirsch highlighted another topic discussed which was heart damage in vaccinated pilots as revealed in a change to Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) guidelines.
In October 2022, the FAA quietly changed the electrocardiogram (“ECG”) parameters for pilots to accommodate people who have a cardiac injury – suggesting that the vaccine had been causing a huge number of pilots to fail their screening.
In its updated ‘Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners’, the FAA widened the ECG parameters beyond the normal range – from a PR max of 0.2. And they didn’t widen the range by a little, Kirsch wrote, they widened it by a lot.
This is a tacit admission from the US government that the covid vaccine has damaged the hearts of American pilots. Not just a few pilots, wrote Kirsch, a lot of pilots and a lot of damage.
“The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots. My best guess right now is that over 50 million Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot
Marburg is a hemorrhagic disease and has a fatality rate of 23-90%.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Marburg has epidemic potential, so this week, the CDC announced that it is sending its National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases to respond to the outbreaks in Guinea and Tanzania.
In February, Equatorial Guinea announced the first outbreak of the virus and the country has since counted officially nine cases with an additional 20 probable cases, all of whom have died, according to the WHO. About 1,800 miles away, across the continent, Tanzania is also reporting a Marburg outbreak and has confirmed eight cases, including five deaths, according to WHO.
This week, the CDC urged travelers in Guinea and Tanzania to avoid contact with sick people, and healthcare facilities in the outbreak areas, and to watch for symptoms for three weeks after leaving the area, according to a report by Fox News.
The Marburg virus can be spread through the “blood or body fluids of a person infected with or who has died from Marburg,” according to the CDC. The CDC further states that clinical diagnosis of Marburg virus disease (MVD) can be difficult. Many of the signs and symptoms of MVD are similar to other infectious diseases (such as malaria or typhoid fever) or viral hemorrhagic fevers that may be endemic in the area (such as Lassa fever or Ebola). This is especially true if only a single case is involved.
Three is no vaccine right now, but back in January, the National Institute of Health (NIH) reported that human trials appear “promising.” But be warned, because the ruling class created this vaccine, and published the “promising” report on it:
If this becomes a widespread problem, it’s going to be hard to imagine it’s not another scamdemic.The vaccine, developed by researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, could someday be an important tool to respond to Marburg virus outbreaks. –The National Institute of Health
If they really think they can just reuse the same plan and have the same amount of people go along, they are far less intelligent than everyone gives them credit for. No fkn way at least here, the same people just line up for shots again, I have spoken to NUMEROUS people that have gotten the shot and say "no way I'm done, i did my part and quite frankly regret it as it is, if they try to push it again they will get a war".Plandemic 2.0: The CDC Issues Urgent Warning About Marburg Virus
If this becomes a widespread problem, it’s going to be hard to imagine it’s not another scamdemic.
You can bet Biden will keep the borders wide open.
House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA) today sent a letter to Lawrence Tabak, the senior official performing the duties of director at the NIH, regarding details about a dangerous supercharged monkeypox experiment planned by an NIH and Gates-funded researcher.
The letter follows up on an October 31, 2022, letter, which the NIH has not provided a formal response. It also contains a formal notice to preserve all existing and future records and materials related to the topic.
The project in question involves transferring genes from “clade 1” or Congo Basin clade monkeypox virus (a rare version of monkeypox virus that is 1,000 times more lethal in mice than the version currently circulating in humans) into “clade 2” or West African clade monkeypox virus (the version currently circulating in humans). The clade 1 version of the monkeypox virus is so dangerous that it is classified as a Federal Select Agent. Information about the specific experiments became known when the researcher discussed his plans in a September 2022 Science article on National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) work on monkeypox.
“Based on the available information, it appears the project is reasonably anticipated to yield a lab-generated monkeypox virus that is 1,000 times more lethal in mice than the monkeypox virus currently circulating in humans and that transmits as efficiently as the monkeypox virus currently circulating in humans. The risk-benefit ratio indicates potentially serious risks without clear civilian practical applications. Accordingly, this experiment would seem to involve risks reasonably anticipated to create, transfer, or use PPPs resulting from the enhancement of a pathogen’s transmissibility or virulence in humans. Thus, under the circumstances, we are interested in learning whether this experiment was reviewed under the HHS P3CO framework used to review research proposals posing significant biosafety or biosecurity risks.
“Further, human disease associated with clade 2 or West African monkeypox virus infection is less severe and is associated with less than one percent mortality, whereas clade 1 or Congo Basin monkeypox infection has a 10 percent case fatality rate in unvaccinated persons. Because of its significantly greater lethality, clade 1 or Congo Basin clade monkeypox viruses are regulated as select agents by the Federal Select Agents Program. Entities that possess, use, or transfer this agent must comply with the HHS Select Agent and Toxin Regulations unless there is an applicable exemption or exclusion. Thus, under these regulations, it would appear the clade 1 monkeypox virus experiment is a restricted experiment that must be reviewed by the Federal Select Agent Program, and may be further reviewed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s (CDC’s) Intragovernmental Select Agents and Toxins Technical Advisory Committee (ISATTAC).”
In light of these concerns over the adequacy of NIH’s oversight of research posing a significant risk of biosafety and biosecurity risks, and involving a federal select agent, the Chairs requested a formal response by April 13, 2023.
He's tryna wipe out the homos.WTF
Bill Gates Lab Is Creating a Version of Monkeypox ‘1,000 Times More Lethal Than Normal’
CLICK HERE to read the full letter… via House.gov
These people will do ANYTHING to make sure every American has mRNA in their body .
View attachment 187627
Unfortunately many don't have a clue to what's coming because the mainstream insists it's all a conspiracy theory and many are stupid enough to believe them . The time to protest this stuff was a long time ago now it's all about to be implemented .These maniacs are begging to be put in their place.
It would have to be our life's work to protest everything they've been up to that violates our rights. I don't see how anyone could've done it and also have a life and a job.Unfortunately many don't have a clue to what's coming because the mainstream insists it's all a conspiracy theory and many are stupid enough to believe them . The time to protest this stuff was a long time ago now it's all about to be implemented .
Can you see how important it is to destroy this man?“this is a fake that has been constructed and then circulated. Look at the date. I was not using Twitter at that time.”
The Attack On Robert Malone Includes *Fabricated Tweets*
The attack is a lot bigger than Peter and Ginger Breggin. Use Discernment
From Robert himself replying to my question about the tweet below:
Can you see how important it is to destroy this man?
DISCERNMENT is the word. If something smells fishy, it probably is.
This didn’t sound anything like the reasoned person we have all listened to. It sounded exactly like a smear.
Hopefully we can all soon work together for our common liberation and spend our energies fruitfully.
If someone feeds you hogwash, I recommend you stop listening to them.
As this substack had predicted years ago, the slow kill bioweapon injections may cause SADS or they may render the injected feeling “fine” for years, until their biology finally succumbs to the mRNA poison, triggering a whole host of delayed adverse events from turbo cancers to infertility and unprecedented miscarriages to prion-based diseases to heart conditions, strokes and God knows what else….
As this substack had also predicted, at some stage it will be impossible to deny the bioterror eugenics that was perpetrated against humanity — even WEF-run nations like Australia will have no choice but to concede to the death and destruction by injection.