Ok, Initial JVM Review

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Ok another hour with the JVM.

Santiall I tried those tests with the loops you mentioned. Things seem fine. However I do want to mention that even with nothing in the parallel loop set to wet I get a tiny bit of signal so there is a hair of bleed trhough.

My Ibanez delay just will not work with this amp. I wonder if I fried it when I used the Serial loop??? The Boss CE 5 works with the parallel loop at -10dB and set all the way to wet. It eats a little volume but it works. My Magic Stomp works pretty well in the Parallel loop.

Now for the tweaking. First thing I noticed I was doing was trying to get a similar tone to my Mk IV. Guess that's what I'm used to. But the midrange and overall voicing of these two amps are so different I soon realized I was going about tweaking the wrong way. Eventually I found almost identical settings for OD 1 and OD2 that are just oozing gainy Marshall tone. The thing that kills me is when I use volumes I can't normally use this thing sounds just amazing!!!! It is the most badass Marshall I've ever used! I still think the Mk IV has it beat in two places... 1. It's a little better at low low volumes. Here it is more focused, tighter. 2. It's got a bit more sustain. Now the Marshall is just a wall of tone. Like a JCM 800 it's just huge. Plus even the Mk IV cannot match the flexibilty of the JVM. If you have a specific Marshall tone in mind, it's very probably in the JVM. Just gotta mess with the channels and modes, EQs and everythings else this amp makes available for tone shaping.
yngzaklynch":9587a said:
Ok another hour with the JVM.

Santiall I tried those tests with the loops you mentioned. Things seem fine. However I do wan to mention that even with nothing in the parallel loop set to wet I get a tiny bit of signal so there is a hair of bleed trhough.

My Ibanez delay just will not work with this amp. I wonder if I fried it when I used the Serial loop??? The Boss CE 5 works with the parallel loop at -10dB and set all the way to wet. It eats a little volume but it works. My Magic Stomp works pretty well in the Parallel loop.

Now for the tweaking. First thing I noticed I was doing was trying to get a similar tone to my Mk IV. Guess that what I'm used to. But the midrange and overall voicing of these two amps are so different I soon realized I was going about tweaking the wrong way. Eventually I found almost identical settings for OD 1 and OD2 that are just oozing gainy Marshall tone. The thing that kills me is when I use volumes I can't normally use this thing sounds just amazing!!!! It is the most badass Marshall I've ever used! I still think the Mk IV has it beat in two places... 1. It's a little better at low low volumes. Here it is more focused, tighter. 2. It's got a bit more sustain. Now the Marshall is just a wall of tone. Like a JCM 800 it's just huge. Plus even the Mk IV cannot match the flexibilty of the JVM. If you have a specific Marshall tone in mind, it's very probably in the JVM. Just gotta mess with the channels and modes, EQs and everythings elese this amp makes available for tone shaping.

Great review!!! As far as the sustain Issue/tightness with the MKIV vs the Marshall, just hit the amp with a little boost for low volume playing. Just a hint of a boost should give you all the sustain and tightness that you need on that sucker ;)
Cool review Jim, I can see that I have much tweaking to do or I could just tell Ralph to take my amp to his house and dial it in there and write down the settings :D

This loop talk.....it won't blow my G-Major up I hope :o You all know I needs my extra side of grease!!!!!!!!! I may have more volume liberty than you, I do not need any boost for the MK IV and play a tad over TV volumes for sure so I am thinking I will be at the start of the sweet spot volume wise. Greenbacks may help me as well.

Thanks for the great review :)
Ralph I'm kinda being picky when I mention the tightness and sustain stuff. Keep in mind that I'm only hearing these "issues" at low low volume. If you use any kind of real volume at all you can throw what I said out the door.

Scott talk to Santiall about the loop and your G Major. All I know is if you're gonna use pedals in the loop use the Parallel loop set to-10dB and the knob all the way to Wet.

By the way I forgot to mention how impressed I am with the clean channel. Outstanding cleans and semi dirty tones. Thee isn't a channel on this amp that isn't very usable.
I did try the Keeley SD-1 infron of the crunch channel and it works well but to avoid a lot of feed back I gota turn the gain on the amp down. I don't think people realize how much gain is in this thing. Plenty!!!
carlygtr56":03967 said:

An RC Booster and this amp would be a great match. The RC would sound good boosting ANY channel, ANY mode, IMO
The RC doesn't change anything around as far as your guitar and amp's tones

I'm sure the RC booster would kill!!

It sucks that I am so stoked about this amp and Im not even getting one!!!

YET ;)
Thanks for the review, man. I am digging reading what you guys are saying after you spend more time with the amp. I play in 3 gigging bands and usually am playing at stupid loud volume so it seems like this amp is gonna rule for me. :thumbsup:
killertone":5ca35 said:
Thanks for the review, man. I am digging reading what you guys are saying after you spend more time with the amp. I play in 3 gigging bands and usually am playing at stupid loud volume so it seems like this amp is gonna rule for me. :thumbsup:

I cannot imagine this one amp not doing it all for you. I am that impressed with it's tone and versitility. Of course you have to like the Marshall tone to begine with.
yngzaklynch":a188e said:
Ok another hour with the JVM.

Santiall I tried those tests with the loops you mentioned. Things seem fine. However I do wan to mention that even with nothing in the parallel loop set to wet I get a tiny bit of signal so there is a hair of bleed trhough.

My Ibanez delay just will not work with this amp. I wonder if I fried it when I used the Serial loop??? The Boss CE 5 works with the parallel loop at -10dB and set all the way to wet. It eats a little volume but it works. My Magic Stomp works pretty well in the Parallel loop.

Now for the tweaking. First thing I noticed I was doing was trying to get a similar tone to my Mk IV. Guess that what I'm used to. But the midrange and overall voicing of these two amps are so different I soon realized I was going about tweaking the wrong way. Eventually I found almost identical settings for OD 1 and OD2 that are just oozing gainy Marshall tone. The thing that kills me is when I use volumes I can't normally use this thing sounds just amazing!!!! It is the most badass Marshall I've ever used! I still think the Mk IV has it beat in two places... 1. It's a little better at low low volumes. Here it is more focused, tighter. 2. It's got a bit more sustain. Now the Marshall is just a wall of tone. Like a JCM 800 it's just huge. Plus even the Mk IV cannot match the flexibilty of the JVM. If you have a specific Marshall tone in mind, it's very probably in the JVM. Just gotta mess with the channels and modes, EQs and everythings elese this amp makes available for tone shaping.

I agree 100%. This amp did one thing to me that Ive never done before and that was I wasnt sure the very first time I heard it but once I got it home in my hands and with my shit well Im finding the same and it keeps getting better. I havent done that before. The more and more I mess with this thing I just love it. Im finding OD1 and OD2 are simular but just enough difference in the voicing to be very cool and having me not wanting to make one sound just like a higher gain version of the other. Is this the end all be all of amps? No....... but seriously this amp is just a blast to play in a different blast than my D60. Im so glad I took the chance on it. This amp has my Marshall jones fixed and its a Marshall! :D I was looking to other builders and had some great amps (Roccaforte was the best) but for me this amp covers the more classic Marshall tone and scratches that 80's lead itch, and modern tones as well. And it does a low volume better than anyone Ive had. Im having a blast gogin back and forth on theses amps and the JVM is holding its own in its own way.
Yeah you have to have the mind set that you're using a Marshall and that's the type of tone you're gonna get. All those knobs won't make it a Mesa or Engl, etc... That said the Clean could hang with some of the Fenders I've played through.
yngzaklynch":08c59 said:

I cannot imagine this one amp not doing it all for you. I am that impressed with it's tone and versitility. Of course you have to like the Marshall tone to begine with.
In that case I should love it to death because I currently own 7 Marshall heads! Yes I am a fanboy. :D I am hoping this will be like having all of them in one box! Or pretty damn close to it... 8)

I totally love my Blackmore and will not get rid of it but I have played Marshalls all of my life until I got the Blackmore back in September. The switching options on the JVM are ridiculous and I am going to be using the parallel loop with my Intellifex and Ground Control. I am beyond anxious to get my JVM! \:D/
killertone":922ea said:
In that case I should love it to death because I currently own 7 Marshall heads! Yes I am a fanboy. :D I am hoping this will be like having all of them in one box! Or pretty damn close to it... 8)

I totally love my Blackmore and will not get rid of it but I have played Marshalls all of my life until I got the Blackmore back in September. The switching options on the JVM are ridiculous and I am going to be using the parallel loop with my Intellifex and Ground Control. I am beyond anxious to get my JVM! \:D/

Ok... I cannot imagine you not loving this amp!!!!!!! :D
donbarzini":1ab16 said:
Just got the call, mine just came in, going to pick it up right now :bump:

Nice. Have some patients as there is a lot in this amp.
I have played the JVM with a G-Force for months and no issues at all. Actually it is weird that the Ibanez delay doesn't work, probably it iwas just casuality that it stopped when trying in with the JVM...

The loop works always better set to +4dBu and in parallel. With floor guitar effects the level has to be lowered and then raised which is not themost efficient way.

The bleedthrough is there and minimal, once you plug an effect shouldn't be noticeable. Distorted signals have sharp edges that easily "jump" from place to place... well... yesssss..we'll add this to the list of problems :D

Santiall":e0f0c said:
I have played the JVM with a G-Force for months and no issues at all. Actually it is weird that the Ibanez delay doesn't work, probably it iwas just casuality that it stopped when trying in with the JVM...

The loop works always better set to +4dBu and in parallel. With floor guitar effects the level has to be lowered and then raised which is not themost efficient way.

The bleedthrough is there and minimal, once you plug an effect shouldn't be noticeable. Distorted signals have sharp edges that easily "jump" from place to place... well... yesssss..we'll add this to the list of problems :D


Ok so with effects pedals in the Parallel loop it doesn't have to be set to 100% wet?

Dude the amp is great!!!!!!! Please don't think I'm bashing it. I love it!
yngzaklynch":02ae5 said:

Ok so with effects pedals in the Parallel loop it doesn't have to be set to 100% wet?

Dude the amp is great!!!!!!! Please don't think I'm bashing it. I love it!

I hate using pedals into the loop of most any amp, unless the pedal allows you to switch between -10/+4. The Boss DD20 allows that, and i think the T-rex delay does as well.
the best way to use effects is when they have a "kill dry" option and in +4dBu level. The direct signal never leaves the amp and and can dial the amount of effect with the MIX control.

The -10dBV option is there and works as well as the +4dBV but probably the signal to noise ratio will suffer. I personally don't like running effect pedals in amp loops.

Don't worry about "bashing" the amp, I was kidding... :lol:
Santiago...thanks for posting your findings with the G-Force as I did not think it would really blow up my Gmajor :D

I love my Bogner, but, reading this thread sure is giving me a bad case of ... GAS ... :o