Once again.... WHATS COOKING?!

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That chili looks delicious. We had a skillet chili last week that I used the last of it on hot dogs with some shredded aged cheddar. Shoulda snapped pics. It was amazing.
I like Chili with a lot of diced tomatoes and tomato paste. Real hearty. I use my own seasoning as you can tell by the pic and I love black bean in there. This has local beef too that came from a friend's farm. Made an awesome split pea soup the other night that I forgot to capture.
Cool. My chili uses local beef too. A coworker's husband raises cattle and pigs so I get fresh beef a few times a year from them and freeze what doesn't get used right away.

This morning's production (technically started last night as it's an overnight rise):


Took some in to work so me and the wife didn't go into sugar shock. They're sourdough based cinnamon rolls with a cream cheese/butter based frosting. Good lord, that frosting's so good I could just sit there with a spoon and mow it down. Then buzz around the house for five minutes before sugar crashing so hard I'd break the floor.
Cool. My chili uses local beef too. A coworker's husband raises cattle and pigs so I get fresh beef a few times a year from them and freeze what doesn't get used right away.

This morning's production (technically started last night as it's an overnight rise:)
View attachment 66488
View attachment 66487

Took some in to work so me and the wife didn't go into sugar shock. They're sourdough based cinnamon rolls with a cream cheese/butter based frosting. Good lord, that frosting's so good I could just sit there with a spoon and mow it down. Then buzz around the house for five minutes before sugar crashing so hard I'd break the floor.

Those look absolutely amazing. There's a place here that makes one that's about the size of a small cake, except it's almost like a biscuit. It is not very sweet and different.
These were sweet, but they had a sourdough base so it wasn't quite the normal cinnamon roll sweetness. The frosting balanced really well against the ever so slight acidity in the sourdough portion and the sugar cinnamon mix really just brought it all together.

I think I'm getting the hang of this sourdough thing. I'd like a nice bread lame (dough knife) for cutting patterns, but the rest of it I'm fairly happy with.

I have a full grain rye (pumpernickel) starter that just started bubbling yesterday, so I'll be producing a dark loaf in a week or two. I'm really looking forward to that.
Sourdough caocao bean scones:

Raw caocao beans give a nice fruity chocolate overtone without overpowering the creaminess of the base scone. My coworkers are thrilled. The company health nazi is not. :lol:
Homemade chili and cornbread muffins. A couple of funny things with this one... We didn't have tomato paste so we used a jar of marinara sauce. It actually turned out amazing. We also add a piece of dark chocolate in there as the secret ingredient.


I made the muffins and somehow two of them mysteriously disappeared.


That looks tasty.

I find most chili benefits from a bit of dark chocolate or chocolate liquor.

I'm also a fan of melting in some blue cheese in the early part of the cook.
That looks tasty.

I find most chili benefits from a bit of dark chocolate or chocolate liquor.

I'm also a fan of melting in some blue cheese in the early part of the cook.

Then my wife has to go and mess it up by doing this...

Then my wife has to go and mess it up by doing this...

As much as I'm for enhancements in chili, that's a bit much. I'll typically just toss a little more blue cheese in, some hot sauce, and maybe, if I'm feeling catty, some crushed doritos. But that looks like the extras are dominating the bowl.
:lol: That does look closer to nachos than chili.

Something simple to hit a craving this morning.



Butter fried beef franks. Yellow mustard, ketchup and a jalapeno spiked pickle spear. Breakfast of champions!
Your doctor would like to talk to you about Prilosec OTC.
I'm my doctor's worst nightmare.

Today's batch: Sourdough shortbread chocolate chunk cookies.

I'm glad I've got coworkers to foist some of these off on or my wife and I would be pouring on pounds like an Irish man pours on the whiskey.
At least you didn't overdo the chocolate component. :yes:
Yeah. The recipe called for nearly twice as much chocolate as I put in it. That would have basically been a loosely held together ball of chocolate chunks with some extra sugar/bread as glue.
My thoughts exactly mate.

I don't eat 'em, but I've seen enough of 'em to have come to the conclusion that for many, that is the norm. :dunno: