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Casey Hanson":2cuxxuyh said:Death by Uberschall":2cuxxuyh said:Ditch the Palmer, not needed here. Swap the Reverb and the Delay, I like my chorus out front, not in the loop. If you are setting the G-String really high to compensate for noisy pickups, poor electrical or surroundings, it will kill some tone. Back it off to where it's just getting the job done.
i don't see why the palmer isn't needed? what if he's running XLR direct to the board and not mic'ing?
anyway.. i'm not uberschall expert, but if its like most older bogners, the loop is +4db, which would overload alot of pedals and sound like shit.. i think someone said the newer ones have send controls.. its look there..
you don't need a buffer.. the fx loop is buffered, and the g-string is buffered.. i'd bet you're dealing with level mismatches, or impedance mismatch.
Look at that. You swoop in with help and don't engage in self promotion. So I will do it for you.....
For those looking for a buffer, Casey designed his own circuit that is very transparent and sounds fantastic. Best of all, it's reasonably priced and can be fitted into any type of enclosure you want - including multi-purpose enclosures (e.g., buffer boxes with true bypass loops, tuner sends, etc.). I have Casey's buffers on all of my pedalboards.
Shoot him a PM if you're looking for a great buffer and see what he can do for you!