Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State

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Hi! I’m BeerAndPizza, Dummy B’s alt. We love kiddie picts and L…a’s ass smells like rotten squid tonight! Lock up those kids folks!

Not an original thought in your head is there?

The cliché is that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. From you, its just a brain dead echo.

Saw the thread title and thought.. "FINALLY, a good subject to talk about."

.. opened the thread and see nothing but a flood of clown pictures and BeerAndSomeOtherDudesNuts hateful, vile bullshit.

Saw the thread title and thought.. "FINALLY, a good subject to talk about."

.. opened the thread and see nothing but a flood of clown pictures and BeerAndSomeOtherDudesNuts hateful, vile bullshit.


Unfortunately, Donnie started to sabotage the thread in post #4🤡
😑Typical Donnie form.

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Buh bye. I don't know how the forum will survive missing your insightful input on this totally retarded topic but we'll soldier on somehow.
Excerpts from book 1 chapter 2:

...outgoing President Obama made sure to sign a law making propaganda lies by the government and press officially legal,[252] granting the 6 oligarch-owned monopolizing fake news corporations legal license to willfully deceive the American public.[253]

...more and more people are finally getting it, knowing we’ve been maliciously lied to forever, turning to independent news sources on the internet and social media instead, which of course also explains their aggressive, out of control push for increasing internet censorship, designed to eliminate citizens’ access to the truth altogether.[256]
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Final paragraph book 1 chapter 2:

In desperation, absolute totalitarian tyranny of a genocidal one-world oligarchic government is fast closing in on us – if we allow it. Currently being led to a state sponsored slaughterhouse of mass genocidal democide, blindly dismissing this sobering, harsh reality-check as merely the mad, exaggerated ravings of a paranoid “conspiracy nut” minority is now at our own collective peril. It’s a matter of choice to stay ignorant, cynical, fearfully blinded or impotently passive, making the executioners’ job that much easier, or we can choose to be armed and united in truth, holding a million-to-one numerical odds in our favor over our identified, now scared enemy, choosing to finally take control of our planet, opposing their utterly destructive agenda in order to hold the criminals at the top fully accountable, or we can perish as dumbed and beaten down lost soul victims of the planet-wide genocide already in progress.
Does the book discuss subliminal messaging ?

I dont know or remember. I'm rereading the books now but I never got completely through them the first time.

The subject matter is alot to subject a normal person to. I challenge anyone to get through more than a few chapters.

This is why on my first read through I started picking through the chapters and reading the ones with familiar names like the royal family, Epstein, Rothchilds, etc.
I dont know or remember. I'm rereading the books now but I never got completely through them the first time.

The subject matter is alot to subject a normal person to. I challenge anyone to get through more than a few chapters.

This is why on my first read through I started picking through the chapters and reading the ones with familiar names like the royal family, Epstein, Rothchilds, etc.
Search around the Web for a document named "On To Oligarchy: A Bush Family History".

It's pretty much been scrubbed from all the search engines, but it's still out there.

That will blow your hair back.
As if "we" could stop it ?

Good luck with that. :ROFLMAO:

The Satanic New World Order is coming, and nothing can stop it.. It is inevitable.

Perhaps. I'd like to think about eight billion people might say otherwise.
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Search around the Web for a document named "On To Oligarchy: A Bush Family History".

It's pretty much been scrubbed from all the search engines, but it's still out there.

That will blow your hair back.

Thanks. Reminds me of Book 4 chapter 6 The Franklin Disgrace. From what I remember the Bush's are all over that chapter.