Perfect reason why I don’t trust the FBI.

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So Corrupt, Heartbreaking and absolutely pathetic.😢
People using their authority to protect ultra-pervs from high up.
It's like the FBI took a page right out of the Catholic Church's playbook.

This is the kind of shit that needs to be weeded out of all policing and law institutions.
Toss the fucking bad apples instead of just re-assigning them all the time.
People using their authority to protect ultra-pervs from high up.
It's like the FBI took a page right out of the Catholic Church's playbook.
Reprobates are attracted to professions that offer access. You could just as easily have said "...took a page right out of public education, politics, policing, philanthropy, medicine, etc..."
This is the kind of shit that needs to be weeded out of all policing and law institutions.
Toss the fucking bad apples instead of just re-assigning them all the time.
What happens when the majority of the apples are rotten? The leftist "cause" is the corruption of morals, one individual at a time and/or en mass. i.e. Demoralization.

Recent example of en mass demoralization (aka grooming) via public education...

Stay tuned!
Donnie! We finally agree on something bro… We have made groundbreaking breaking progress👍😉

Wanting to rip the heart out of child molesters is a pretty easy win, but I'll take it. :LOL:
What happens when the majority of the apples are rotten?

You seek professional help to understand why you have such an overwhelming urge to look at EVERYTHING as half full.

I don't believe for a second that the majority of any current major public organization is rotten.
I know too many firemen, cops, medical professionals, etc. to think otherwise.
Not only are these good people, but they'd never work where they do if it stunk as badly as you'd have everyone believe.
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You seek professional help to understand why you have such an overwhelming urge to look at EVERYTHING as half full.
Good grief... The question was rhetorical, Donnie. Let's extract it, so that you're not so easily distracted.
People using their authority to protect ultra-pervs from high up.
It's like the FBI took a page right out of the Catholic Church's playbook.
Reprobates are attracted to professions that offer access. You could just as easily have said "...took a page right out of public education, politics, policing, philanthropy, medicine, etc..."
This is the kind of shit that needs to be weeded out of all policing and law institutions.
Toss the fucking bad apples instead of just re-assigning them all the time.
The leftist "cause" is the corruption of morals, one individual at a time and/or en mass. i.e. Demoralization.

Recent example of en mass demoralization (aka grooming) via public education...

Reprobates are attracted to professions that offer access. You could just as easily have said "...took a page right out of public education, politics, policing, philanthropy, medicine, etc..."
You shifted the point.
What the FBI did in regard to USA gymnastic coaches reminded me of the Catholic Church and how they handled their pervert priests.

Wasn't getting into psychological profiles or anything.
The leftist "cause" is the corruption of morals.

Your point of view. I completely disagree.
What you call corruption I call simply being open minded and accepting of all and
not letting a book or preacher or politician try to tell me what is morally right.
Your point of view. I completely disagree.
What you call corruption I call simply being open minded and accepting of all and
not letting a book or preacher or politician try to tell me what is morally right.
You're describing liberalism, not leftism. You don't possess the prerequisite knowledge to comprehend what I am referring to. I will refrain from further discussion.
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Did I ever proclaim to?
You implied (via fake quote) that I think you're not "smart enough". If you're asking if I think you're not educated on varying topics of discussion, absolutely. No one knows everything, Donnie. Try not to get so easily offended.

Also... Please stop "cherry-picking" comments to construct divertive narratives.
divertive narratives

Oh man................

Back to OP, everyone here seen the movie Spotlight based on a true story?
Really goes into how high on up this cover-up shit goes when it comes to powerful
people diddling kids.

Crazy that a movie was actually funded my major backers and then went on to win
all the top awards - by telling the factual true story about just how evil the Boston
Archdioceses was all those years.

A movie about Catholic Church pedophiles won the freaking Oscar!?!?!

Tell me that could have happened back in the Leave it to Beaver era.
Oh man................

Back to OP, everyone here seen the movie Spotlight based on a true story?
Really goes into how high on up this cover-up shit goes when it comes to powerful
people diddling kids.

Crazy that a movie was actually funded my major backers and then went on to win
all the top awards - by telling the factual true story about just how evil the Boston
Archdioceses was all those years.

A movie about Catholic Church pedophiles won the freaking Oscar!?!?!

Tell me that could have happened back in the Leave it to Beaver era.