Perfect reason why I don’t trust the FBI.

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As she bares witness, one guy is yawning. As for the rest, I'll bet it looked something like this...

Screen Shot 2021-09-16 at 5.29.43 PM.png
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Another "I only pick the best people" disaster.
I agree, I wish he would have made many different personnel choices but neither you or I know what his options were or what motives the ones giving him advice were. Wray is a cuck plain and simple and is no better than Comey. Wokeness does not belong in law enforcement or the military.
I agree, I wish he would have made many different personnel choices but neither you or I know what his options were or what motives the ones giving him advice were.
Speak for yourself. Trump had to choose from only those candidates who were presented to him. The game is rigged.
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Liberal Leftists love hedonism, you'd think they'd be all for places like Epsteins Island and other people rings.
There are two types of liberals. Type 1... The first and original liberals are those who champion freedom and liberty. Type 2... Those who consider themselves to be liberated from the laws of God. i.e. Moral code.

Dathan's rant...

I say, to each his own... My least favorite topics are religion, politics and diarrhea.
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FBI CIA are made up of mostly democrats and illuminate. I know 3 ex CIA they are customers, they are retired in their late 70- 80`s. Ironically all three are democrats. I dont discuss politics with them, I just take their money. :yes:
Illuminate... Now there's a word I haven't heard in a long time.
the laws of God.

Well, this explains everything.

HEMI judges others based on a book written by over 50 individual men over the course of 5,000 years.

At least he has a firm foundation to work from. (n)
Well, this explains everything.

HEMI judges others based on a book written by over 50 individual men over the course of 5,000 years.

At least he has a firm foundation to work from. (n)
Youre far left as it gets, move your ass to China
Youre far left as it gets, move your ass to China

I'm not.
Pretty conservative when it comes to financial issues.
I'm just trying to keep HEMI out of everyone's bedrooms.
Well, this explains everything.

HEMI judges others based on a book written by over 50 individual men over the course of 5,000 years.

At least he has a firm foundation to work from. (n)
Another divertive construct from our resident alcoholic reprobate, Donnie B. :cheers2:
I'm not.
Pretty conservative when it comes to financial issues.
I'm just trying to keep HEMI out of everyone's bedrooms.
News flash! Your opinions resonate with the minority. Are drinking before noon? o_O
Why? Are you such a pussy that tossing alcohol jokes at the ex-drunk makes you giggle?

Look up the definition of asshole you bible thumping jesus freak.
:LOL: I nailed-it... He's drunk!

btw... Nice avatar. What was the last one? Oh, yes... a child giving us the middle finger. What's next... Doris Day being raped by Malcolm X?
And again.
What would Jesus say son?
In your case, and I'm just spit-balling here...
Woe to those who rise early in the morning in pursuit of strong drink, who linger into the evening, to be inflamed by wine?
Remove thy lips from the communist teat?
Thy rectum is but an exit, not an entry?
In your case, and I'm just spit-balling here...
Woe to those who rise early in the morning in pursuit of strong drink, who linger into the evening, to be inflamed by wine?
Remove thy lips from the communist teat?
Thy rectum is but an exit, not an entry?
Gold right here :clap: