Perfect reason why I don’t trust the FBI.

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Our entire government is corrupt and ran by the rich. Both dems and repubs are bought and sold and they don’t work for you or me in the least. It’s blatantly obvious these days. Money = freedom to do anything regardless of any laws.
Well, this explains everything.

HEMI judges others based on a book written by over 50 individual men over the course of 5,000 years.

At least he has a firm foundation to work from. (n)
That book you are mentioning inspired a handful of brave and brilliant English men 300 years ago to write the document that is the foundation of the United States. Let me guess, you scoff at that document too? 😄 🤣
That book you are mentioning inspired a handful of brave and brilliant English men 300 years ago to write the document that is the foundation of the United States. Let me guess, you scoff at that document too? 😄 🤣

No no no! I get that.
But didn't those brave and brilliant men know full well that religion should not be allowed to dictate law?
Hence 'The Separation of Church and State."

I have zero issues with religion.
I have major issues with THEM trying to dictate MY life based on THEIR book of choice.

What The Taliban are doing in Afghanistan - governing based on their interpretation of the Koran - is fucked up.

It shouldn't be OK here in the US just cause it's Jesus and the Bible.


Did ya know that there's over 4,000 recognized religions in the world?
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Our entire government is corrupt and ran by the rich. Both dems and repubs are bought and sold and they don’t work for you or me in the least. It’s blatantly obvious these days. Money = freedom to do anything regardless of any laws.
That is the unfortunate truth, however, one side of that political entity seems hell bent of destroying anything constitutional and is hell bent on turning the country into a third world socialist/communist shithole.
one side of that political entity seems hell bent of destroying anything constitutional

Is that why #45 and his crew completely ignored the Constitutional election process?
Is that why you folks always want to take away people's rights because they are different than you?
Is that why #45 and his crew completely ignored the Constitutional election process?
Is that why you folks always want to take away people's rights because they are different than you?
I said this before to you, if the tables were turned in that election you fuckers would be screaming at the sky and burning everything in sight and you know it.
I said this before to you, if the tables were turned in that election you fuckers would be screaming at the sky and burning everything in sight and you know it.

Wait, did that happen in 2016 when Hillary beat Trump by 4 million votes but lost the electoral college?

If the left were going to break into the Capitol you'd think that would be a good excuse.

#45 not only lost by 8 million but lost the electoral college too.
By a lot.
So what's your excuse now Fredrick?
Wait, did that happen in 2016 when Hillary beat Trump by 4 million votes but lost the electoral college?

If the left were going to break into the Capitol you'd think that would be a good excuse.

#45 not only lost by 8 million but lost the electoral college too.
By a lot.
So what's your excuse now Fredrick?
And what did we see the following 4 years? Screaming at the sky and TDS on a pandemic level from the left.
And what did we see the following 4 years? Screaming at the sky and TDS on a pandemic level from the left.

Of course.
Same as when Bush beat Gore.
Or when Obama beat McCain and Romney.
Both sides do it and you know it.

Trump fans are just overly sensitive about people who do not like their guy.
I thought he was a POS after reading about him in the 80s and 90s.
Of course.
Same as when Bush beat Gore.
Or when Obama beat McCain and Romney.
Both sides do it and you know it.

Trump fans are just overly sensitive about people who do not like their guy.
I thought he was a POS after reading about him in the 80s and 90s.
Lol. Ok. I don't ever remember seeing people on TV becoming unhinged and crying after an election until your polictal darling, the treasonous Cankles McPainsuit got caught looking at the pitch and lost.
And you DO understand that for the majority of us, it's less about being a fan of Trump and more about stopping the disfunctional socialist/communist agenda being pushed by the democrats don't you?

And stop fucking trying carry on a PM conversation with me. There's no fucking way I'd do that with your lying ass.
No no no! I get that.
But didn't those brave and brilliant men know full well that religion should not be allowed to dictate law? Hence 'The Separation of Church and State.
Screen Shot 2020-12-19 at 12.40.36 AM copy 3.png

The Founding Fathers were adamant that there be a separation of church and state, not religion and state. They believed that all religions should be protected by law, whether Christian or non-Christian. They also knew that religious freedom was paramount to the functioning of a moral free society. The SCOTUS has stated numerous times, that freedom of religion is the most precious unalienable right. next to life itself. Religious faith and living by moral values is the best way to preserve, protect and cultivate liberty, freedom and posterity.

Tell us... What U.S. laws do you consider as dictates? (Time for a Donnie B. diversion. 3 - 2 - 1...)
They believed that all religions should be protected by law, whether Christian or non-Christian. They also knew that religious freedom was paramount to the functioning of a moral free society. The SCOTUS has stated numerous times, that freedom of religion is the most precious unalienable right. next to life itself. Religious faith and living by moral values is the best way to preserve, protect and cultivate liberty, freedom and posterity.

We're pretty much saying the same thing.
You mention moral values. The founders believed in Judeo-Christian morals.

"The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." – Proverbs 22:9

"We love because he first loved us." – 1 John 4:19

"Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor." – 1 Peter 2:17

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." – Romans 14:19

I don't see any of that being applied anywhere here by you and your buddies.

You'd get along great with the God of the old testament though - viscous and judgemental fuck that he was.
We're pretty much saying the same thing.
You mention moral values. The founders believed in Judeo-Christian morals.

"The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." – Proverbs 22:9

"We love because he first loved us." – 1 John 4:19

"Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor." – 1 Peter 2:17

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." – Romans 14:19

I don't see any of that being applied anywhere here by you and your buddies.

You'd get along great with the God of the old testament though - viscous and judgemental fuck that he was.
Interesting. How about the character known as Lucifer. What's your opinion on this fellow?

Interesting. How about the character known as Lucifer. What's your opinion on this fellow?

I'll let you know after I get to meet him.

Re: Black Jizz
a) consider who I was talking about and then preach to me about shocking language
b) I'm not the bible thumper around here - I don't pretend to abide by any fictional book of rules