Alright, reporting back... still looking for suggestions.
So Super 2 I thought was too bland, but I did have it running through 250K knobs, so I'm sure that watered it down.
Black Winter through a single 500K volume is better, but still not what I want. It was a good experiment, and it did get me closer to what I want, but I found the following:
1. It's slighty too hot. Not much. But I'd say 10-ish % hotter than I want for it to work compared to my Gibson with the 500T.
2. It is not sizzly enough. It has a lot of midrange grind. It might actually have slighty more detail up top than the 500T in the Gibson, but the 500T's upper mid spike is more pronounced, making it seem more up-front and aggressive. I need more, even.
3. It's too tight. The low-end is rolled-off, and it makes this guitar sound a bit too focused and slightly thin.
Soooooo... I'm now looking at the Dimebucker or Duncan Distortion or maybe a DiMarzio D Activator.
Maybe Bare Knuckle something?
I would switch back to the Super 2, but I would prefer it to be F-Spaced and either zebra or double cream for aesthetic reasons. At that point, I might as well buy a new pickup altogether and try something different.