Pod x3 tone test

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K Odell

K Odell

New member
Just figured I would share a little thing I threw together real quick in hopes to get my pod x3 sounding better, and testing out my new monitors I got for writing when I am at home. Hope you guys enjoy it somewhat. Its a little on the NU-Metal side of things but oh well haha. I feel like its also a little boomy/woofy sounding too. And the drums are just bleh I know.
Cheers fellas,

Heres the link:

yeah I started writing on it today. Hopefully I can spruce it up and get if finished soon.
It does sound like a POD, but it sounds really good, IMO. Also, the song sounds killer. Keep us updated on it! :rock:
Thanks dude! Yeah its most def hard to get rid of that "pod" sound ya know.
raginkjinn":dlwudn25 said:
Thanks dude! Yeah its most def hard to get rid of that "pod" sound ya know.

Back when I was using a pod.. I found that ditching the cab sims and using cab impulses really helped out a lot. It was certainly more work.. but helped out.
trey85stang":uo5mw8qy said:
raginkjinn":uo5mw8qy said:
Thanks dude! Yeah its most def hard to get rid of that "pod" sound ya know.

Back when I was using a pod.. I found that ditching the cab sims and using cab impulses really helped out a lot. It was certainly more work.. but helped out.

Indeed. I have been tinkering around with impulses a little bit. It definantly gets rid of the I guess "honkiness" that the Pod cabs seem to create and gives it a more natural feel.
Sounds pretty fucking metal dude! I could never get my POD to sound anywhere close to that. What are you using for the drums?
Its addictive drums. I am still getting used to using it. I hate that I can't load my own samples into it, but the samples that come with it sound pretty rad.
That. Sounds. Killer. Period. Pod, Uberschall, Powerball, Cobra, Dual Recto, I don't care that sounded great. No tubes. No maintenance. No making the room hot while you're recording. I can't wait to hear the completed song. :rock:
Dude! Fuck yes on the tones. We tracked out DI scratch guitars with a PODx3, and we had awesome tones dialed in in just a few minutes. I was really surprised, to be honest. Took a lot less tweaking then previous PODs.

That song is fucking killer, what were you tuned to?
ZielGuitarist":28wfith9 said:
Dude! Fuck yes on the tones. We tracked out DI scratch guitars with a PODx3, and we had awesome tones dialed in in just a few minutes. I was really surprised, to be honest. Took a lot less tweaking then previous PODs.

That song is fucking killer, what were you tuned to?

I think he's tuned to A.
Cool tone, care to share the settings ;) ? Have you tried it at live/rehearsal levels?
korgtuner":236gg2tm said:
Cool tone, care to share the settings ;) ? Have you tried it at live/rehearsal levels?
Thanks dude. Ummm from what I remember its just the big bottom model with the lows and highs pulled out and the mids jacked. I am gonna try it tonight with some cab impulses and see if it sounds anybetter. As for the tuning its drop A on my 7 string. Pickups were dare I say stock Ibanez pickups. I can't wait to get emgs in this guitar and track with it.
Sounds awesome regardless of what what used, loved the tones and the song rips!!!

Great job man.