Everything was explained and debated 2 years ago here:
Rule #15 Offender - Retroactive
Considering the fact that I've not received one single complaint since the "debate" was over 2 years ago, I'd say that conducting a poll now would be akin to looking for / creating a problem where there is none. The only correspondence I've received were apologies and feedback that the forum is easier-to-read / understand.
300 or so peeps have received notifications from me to fix their titles during this time. Again, none has complained. Some have apologised (as I mentioned - not necessary).
One member, who opposed the measure 2 years ago when it was being debated, decides to throw a hissy fit, disrespect a mod (receiving a temp ban) and all of a sudden we have a problem now?
I say no. Sorry, no. Tempted to close the thread 'cause I've been here before.
Can't even remember what it was for, but I conducted a poll due to "overwhelming demand" a few years ago, acted upon the result even 'though I didn't agree with it (I promised I'd honour it regardless of the outcome) and whaddayaknow? I received all sorts of criticism for whatever the measure was thereafter. So yeah, I've learned this lesson.