Presidential debate tonight 9/10/24 at 9pm est

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this is now a monkeyman thread

She said he was weak.. The laugh of the year..
How anyone who supports Trump does not have their intelligence insulted by every single thing he says is beyond me. It’s mind blowing
This is rich. Harris has no plan as a president. IF she had any credibility, she would work to implement at least the smallest part of her plan now as VICE PRESIDENT. After all, she hasn’t don’t shit in the past 3.5 years. She can’t and won’t. Biden hates her. 🤣. This is mind blowing that people support her with zero direction. 🤣
More pandering to people that think they are better then everybody else.. They would continue to do what ever they want..
Wait until they bus in savages to your town..
I don’t like her policies but she is winning the debate. Surprisingly solid.
I don’t think so. She is using all of the same debunked talking points hoping her idiot base will believe. She has no plan. She says she wants to move forward. How? 🤷 Win me over by telling me real facts on what she will do.
I don’t think so. She is using all of the same debunked talking points hoping her idiot base will believe. She has no plan. She says she wants to move forward. How? 🤷 Win me over by telling me real facts on what she will do.
It’s not by much and it’s just a hunch. I’m not going into the weeds this late. I agree with Trumps policies but he just can’t get over himself. Sad really. They both have tremendous flaws 🤮🤮🤮
This is rich. Harris has no plan as a president. IF she had any credibility, she would work to implement at least the smallest part of her plan now as VICE PRESIDENT. After all, she hasn’t don’t shit in the past 3.5 years. She can’t and won’t. Biden hates her. 🤣. This is mind blowing that people support her with zero direction. 🤣

Trump doesn’t even answer questions. He’s preying on people like you and you don’t care.
They brain washed everyone during the lockdown that think the Government has your best interests at heart to hate Orange Man. They don't. It's all about big business and perpetuating their own personal power..

The left always talks out of one side of their mouths when they do whatever they want.
She's prepared and competent compared to the corpse they enabled the last 4 years.. Don't forget that.., But it's the same pandering.. Just look at the money you spend now compared to 4 years ago. It's a money grab because the administration is weak and not keeping everything in line.. What a laugh when she said DT is using race to divide the nation.. What a joke coming from the left. That's their best play card..
They brain washed everyone during the lockdown that think the Government has your best interests at heart to hate Orange Man. They don't. It's all about big business and perpetuating their own personal power..

The left always talks out of one side of their mouths when they do whatever they want.

The last sentence of your first paragraph: the big business issue isn’t a political party one: the country is controlled largely by business and those with the means to influence and that is to both parties.

I loathe the far left - I live in the SF Bay Are which is plagued by a lot of dumb progressive policies.

To me, it could not be more clear here in this debate a candidate that is articulate and one who is not. I don’t like things Harris has done but that Dick Chaney has the clarity to see how much of a threat Trump is to the Republic is quite something.
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The last sentence of your first paragraph: the big business issue isn’t a political party one: the country is controlled largely by business and those with the means to influence and that is to both parties.

I loathe the far left - I live in the SF Bay Are which is plagued by a lot of dumb progressive policies.

To me, it could not be more clear here in this debate a candidate that is articulate and one who is not. I don’t like things Harris has done but that Dick Chaney has the clarity to see how much of a threat Trump is to the Republic is quite something.