PSA - Pointless Ad-hominem Attacks - Updated 2023-10-26

Monkey Man

Super Moderator
Adults seemingly incapable of debate without instant reversion to bottom-of-the-barrel, fruitless insults?

I've no problem with, "geez, you're an idiot because...", but the constant pedo / sexual accusations and gutter tit-for-tat are tiresome, repetitive, achieve nothing and end up making most threads look the same.

Those engaging in this daily ritual will have to cease. If you don’t, you’ll be bant.

Try focussing on anything other than each other.

If you value OTC, you’ll comply. Its future existence depends on your behaviour. Admin’s not happy with how far you guys have taken it and frankly neither is any of the mods.

You’ve been warned. Thank you.

The guidelines in the OTC Rebooted - RULES WITHIN sticky have been amended with the following:
"As of 2023-07-12 members will be punished for ad-hominem attacks of a sexual or overly-abusive nature."

Peeps didn't seem to understand that "Attacks & Accusations" is the "subject" part of the sentence, and "of a Sexual Nature" the descriptor, so I'm dumbing the title down accordingly.

UPDATE 2023-07-21
The pedo ad hominems have ceased. Well done and thank you guys!

Now, how about the rest of the sexual slurs? If you want to return to a schoolyard I suggest re-enrolling in primary school; this place ain't it.

The FoS here still allows you to talk about anything you want but just not to drag other members (and this place) into the gutter with puerile, childish tit-for-tat one-upmanship of a sexual nature. That is the domain of 12 year-olds. Nobody's changed his or her mind on any issue as a result of all that energy investment thus far, so if you somehow feel that your creative urges will be curtailed by this directive... there's that.

I'll spell it out for you so we don't have to debate this for 20 pages:

Not OK
Describing imaginary sexual acts by members with the obvious intention of denigrating them.
Describing imaginary sexual organs of members with the obvious intention of denigrating them.
Describing imaginary sexual preferences of members with the obvious intention of denigrating them.
Fill in the blanks...

Use of colloquial words such as motherfucker, cocksucker, nuthugger, pussy (as in "weak"), dickhead, asshole etc.

Clear-enough? I hope so, 'cause following a short grace period ever-longer temp bans will be issued.

UPDATE 2023-10-26
From now on, there doesn't have to be a sexual nature to the insults:

If all you can do is insult without bringing anything to the table, you're ruining discussions for everyone and placing yourself at risk of the banning regime outlined above.
Heads-up for those who've already read the OP - I added this edit:

The guidelines in the OTC Rebooted sticky have been amended with the following:
"As of 2023-07-12 members will be punished for ad-hominem attacks of a sexual or overly-abusive nature."
I don't know about you but I've never heard of being banned for only 2 or 3 days . When I hear banned it means you're out of here for good .

That is much more of a deterrent than a 2 or 3 day ban .
I don't know about you but I've never heard of being banned for only 2 or 3 days . When I hear banned it means you're out of here for good .

That is much more of a deterrent than a 2 or 3 day ban .
As I said, every situation's different bro'.

There's a spectrum for what's necessary that ranges from 1 -> many days. If none of that works for a member he'll be seeking his thrills elsewhere.