PSA - Pointless Ad-hominem Attacks - Updated 2023-10-26

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
  • Start date Start date when are YOU leaving as you're possibly the least liked person on this forum?
I'll repeat what I said already for your edification. I can debate without resorting to sexually based insults and threats, lies, fake victimization claims, etc.

Can you? We'll see.
… I can debate without resorting to sexual insults...
Thread Title: “PSA - The Constant Ad-hominem Attacks & Accusations of a Sexual Nature End Now”.

Note the “&”. As in “and”. So it is the “the accussations of a sexual nature” AND “the constant ad hominem attacks”. Two separate behaviors not one.

We will see.

Carry on.
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Monkey, JBT and Nico have too much other shit to deal with. If you want something done report it or message myself or TLP. This shit is over. The "pedo" comments are over. I am being 100% transparent and honest...if you want an OTC section around to shoot the shit and be lighthearted, it's gotta stop now or else it's all gonna be gone.
Thread Title: “PSA - The Constant Ad-hominem Attacks & Accusations of a Sexual Nature End Now”.

Note the “&”. As in “and”. So it is the “the accussations of a sexual nature” AND “the constant ad hominem attacks”. Two separate behaviors not one.

We will see.

Carry on.
A few people are going hoist they’re own petards!

Well, I expected this:

I received an immediate accusation via PM of bias 'cause I "warned" Picasso yesterday instead of banning him.

Wake up peeps and use some logic FFS. People aren't robots; they can't flick a switch and change their behaviour 100%, without error, in every case.

Always anticipated a short transition period, hence my request, stated twice, for the community to help facilitate this. No need to get snarky; just point aberrations out to the members involved to jog their memories and get them back-on-track.

We can make this work.

Thread Title: “PSA - The Constant Ad-hominem Attacks & Accusations of a Sexual Nature End Now”.

Note the “&”. As in “and”. So it is the “the accussations of a sexual nature” AND “the constant ad hominem attacks”. Two separate behaviors not one.
One behaviour:

1 thing:
"Ad-hominem Attacks & Accusations..."

"... of a Sexual Nature"

The "accusations" fall under the "ad-hominem" banner.

The new rule, as I pointed out in the OP, is in the OP of the OTC Rebooted sticky. It reads thusly - nice-and-succinct:

As of 2023-07-12 members will be punished for ad-hominem attacks of a sexual or overly-abusive nature.

Well, I expected this:

I received an immediate accusation via PM of bias 'cause I "warned" Picasso yesterday instead of banning him.

Wake up peeps and use some logic FFS. People aren't robots; they can't flick a switch and change their behaviour 100%, without error, in every case.

Always anticipated a short transition period, hence my request, stated twice, for the community to help facilitate this. No need to get snarky; just point aberrations out to the members involved to jog their memories and get them back-on-track.

We can make this work.

One behaviour:

1 thing:
"Ad-hominem Attacks & Accusations..."

"... of a Sexual Nature"

The "accusations" fall under the "ad-hominem" banner.

The new rule, as I pointed out in the OP, is in the OP of the OTC Rebooted sticky. It reads thusly - nice-and-succinct:

As of 2023-07-12 members will be punished for ad-hominem attacks of a sexual or overly-abusive nature.

Attacks on each other you mean not articles that discuss child sex trafficking etc..