PSA - Pointless Ad-hominem Attacks - Updated 2023-10-26

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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Well, we had to be warned to act like decent humans.
Unfortunate, but true Craig.

The sub-forum was given ample opportunity and nudges / suggestions / hints... for many months. Pity it couldn't pull its collective head in on-its-own.

It goes without saying that not all members behaved that way; a few ruined the optics I'm afraid. Would've been good if they could've realised the futility and childishness of the endeavour and moved towards either engaging their "opponents" politely or ignoring them altogether.

Could easily have ended in disaster for all of us. Apocalypse averted for now at least.

I encourage the community to work together to fix this; that'll make it easier for everyone. A bit o' peer pressure can work miracles in the right context.
OTC gets to be like a train wreck you can’t look away from at times. Usually though it’s too exhausting to bother with because of the endless back and forth nonsense.
True dat.

If only I'd had that option. Imagine having to read it all, day-in, day-out.

In that light, one could be forgiven for saying that I have extreme patience (and tolerance). :LOL:
Why not go a step further and address off-topic posts? Nearly every ad-hominem attack is off topic no? And between the two they derail EVERY decent thread.

Going off-topic is not your freedom of speech. You can exercise your free speech by starting your own thread with your desired topic.

I'm for some leeway here as a GOOD thread derail can be fun on occasion. After all we abandoned all hope when we enter here.

I'm not saying no off-topic posts needs to be a rule. Perhaps just discouraged in mod posts such as this thread.
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Let me just say....... many hypocrites posting in this thread who are in fact the initiators. These antagonists have added next to nothing in terms of info and two way open discussion other than to chastise and antagonize.

The hypocrisy is off the charts.

Ignore? Tried that and they still continue the attacks..............proof from only 2 days ago supports this.

So, ignoring them doesn't work, having them claim I'm a child rapist, even up until today, continues.

Shackling people who are 'forced' to use the necessary tools to quell these lunatics is the solution..........I don't believe so.
Look at some of their names to give you an idea where their heads are at....'stripped rights', 'tranny Jesus'. If this isn't a red flag telling you intent, what is.

Maybe a post count of contributions is what's required, like a credit score if you will. They don't make the cut so they're permanently cut?
Ignore? Tried that and they still continue the attacks..............proof from only 2 days ago supports this.

So, ignoring them doesn't work, having them claim I'm a child rapist, even up until today, continues.

Shackling people who are 'forced' to use the necessary tools to quell these lunatics is the solution..........I don't believe so.
Look at some of their names to give you an idea where their heads are at....'stripped rights', 'tranny Jesus'. If this isn't a red flag telling you intent, what is.
All taken care of by the directive mate.

Fucking alts.
They'll have to behave just like everyone else bro'.

Why not go a step further and address off-topic posts? Nearly every ad-hominem attack is off topic no? And between the two they derail EVERY decent thread.

Going off-topic is not your freedom of speech. You can exercise your free speech by starting your own thread with your desired topic.

I'm for some leeway here as a GOOD thread derail can be fun on occasion. After all we abandoned all hope when we enter here.

I'm not saying no off-topic needs to be a rule. Perhaps just discouraged in mod posts such as this thread.
The ad-hominem directive will take care of 90%+ of the off-topic stuff.

As for the remainder, as you say, if it's entertaining, fine, but otherwise, it will be discouraged.

I take it tag lines referencing “pedo” etc also must go ?
If it's directed at a member, it's covered by the directive bro'.

Look guys, it's a simple blanket rule that in and of itself should eliminate the vast majority of what's bad about OTC.

Again, I encourage the community to pull together on this one. If you appreciate having OTC as a place to hang out and shoot the shit, there should be a shared aspiration to save it.
In case anyone hasn't thought this through, what's everyone's major beef with the alts?

I'll tell you:
The fact that they "seem to think they can get away with abusing members whilst hiding behind masks".

The fact that they'll no longer be able to operate with ad-hominem's being their pièce de résistance should mean that those with ADS (Alt Derangement Syndrome) will have nothing to get their knickers in a knot about.

If the alts want to partake in rational debate / knowledge sharing, what difference does it make who they are? I'll tell you this too:

Play the ball, not the man. Problem solved.

Sorry but I have to retire for the day; will obviously attend to questions tomorrow.

I've said it before, but IMHO we're lucky that the mods are so-transparent here. In practically every other forum I've been a member of, PSA's such as this thread are locked to replies. No debate. No correspondence entered into.
There are about 6 members who have no self control when it comes to the behavior being called out.

There are people from BOTH sides of the political spectrum in that list of 6 members that I am thinking of.

If those six dial it back, I think the followers will… follow and OTC will chill a bit.

Those who have been engaged in the back and forth need to move forward instead of trying to place blame or claim the mantel of victimhood.

Doesn’t matter what has happened, what will matter is what is done going forward.
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Oh, and if those members you referred to don't follow the rules, tough titty.

All are equal under the law here.

Again, sorry I have to shoot through now. Dinner's gettin' cold...
No. There are about 6 members who have no self control when it comes to the behavior being called out.

There are people from BOTH sides of the political spectrum in that list of 6 members that I am thinking of.

If those six dial it back, I think the followers will… follow and OTC will chill a bit.

Those who have been engaged in the back and forth move forward instead of trying to place blame or claim the mantel of victimhood.

Doesn’t matter what what has happened, what will matter is what is done going forward.
Your post hasn't fallen on deaf ears................................when someone is a constant recipient of such attacks their factual feelings and experience are far different than those who haven't.

Empathy is not a lost word.................yet.

Absorootly going to eat dinner now.

Catch you guys tomorrow. Try to be good in the meantime. :LOL:
Your post hasn't fallen on deaf ears................................when someone is a constant recipient of such attacks their factual feelings and experience are far different than those who haven't.

Empathy is not a lost word.................yet.
I don’t think anyone takes issue with someone standing up for themselves.

You have two factions with deeply held beliefs and not an ounce of retreat in them… entrenched if you will.

The issue is when it is the same handful of FMs falling into the same pattern of unproductive dialogue… ad hominem, repetitive, canned attacks On EVERY. FUCKING. THREAD. For pages upon pages of the same stupid fucking back and forth.

People are going to have to turn the other cheek. Every single one of these back and forth melees could have been averted if just one or two of the participants had simply said “I’m not going there, not going to do it”. I’m not sure that the participants can get there. We will see.