PSA - Pointless Ad-hominem Attacks - Updated 2023-10-26

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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It's not really his call, it would be up to the Admins. MM has been a champion of bringing OTC back and most recently, requesting that it stay that way despite uncertainty from the Admins. I think what MM is saying, is that if the shit continues, it will probably be out of his control. He can correct me if I'm wrong.

No offense to you TGP refugees but it wasn't until Feb/March did things really go downhill. Not that it wasn't rolling downhill anyway :LOL:
Which dudes from TGP are left? The only ones I knew that came over with me pretty much left immediately, save for a few that only chime in occasionally.
I’m not disagreeing with you, I just didn’t realize any of the “prime posters” here were from TGP
Which dudes from TGP are left? The only ones I knew that came over with me pretty much left immediately, save for a few that only chime in occasionally.
I’m not disagreeing with you, I just didn’t realize any of the “prime posters” here were from TGP
Joe, ScooterMctooter, SlapNutz. DickCheeze, RubberLimpDick, 69er/ReportyMcBandit are the ones I’m thinking of.

Good question, I was wondering about terms like "fanny fairy" "turd burglar" "butt pirate" and "mayonnaise monkey" "wiener coat" "salami sock" "thunder cunt" and "cuntzilla"

Maybe @Monkey Man can help
Use your best judgement mate.

"Describing imaginary sexual acts by members with the obvious intention of denigrating them."

OTTOMH I'd say your examples are OK; treading close, but OK. If it crosses the boundary quoted above its not-OK. The fact that they don't contain verbs is probably what saves them.

More stupid. You need to lick Picasso's ass a little harder.
If you'd said, "... kiss his ass...", that'd have been preferable and extremely-colloquial. Just getting a little too-descriptive, ya see?

TBH, it's obviously not-too-bad; it was reported so I'm obligated to address it. At any rate, it's not an image any of us really wants to see in our mind's eye, is it?

So is “his” rectum. From overuse. And not by exit only. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
"Describing imaginary sexual organs of members with the obvious intention of denigrating them."

Clever qualifier with the iconic Seinfeld quote, but nevertheless it ignores the guideline quoted.
Just to be clear saying "The MAGAs are Trump dick riders" is OK, or Nah?

Not singling anyone out, so there's still plausible deniability :ROFLMAO:
Aimed at a group = OK
Aimed at a member = not-OK

Look guys, we've all got better things to do than trawl through the bottomless pit of gutter slurs and assess each's ability to fly. Use your best judgement. The rules are clear.

Pro tip:
If there's a verb involved, tread carefully; might be a sign you're about to describe an act, and if that act is by another member and of a sexual nature... ya know?