Use your best judgement mate.
"Describing imaginary sexual acts by members with the obvious intention of denigrating them."
OTTOMH I'd say your examples are OK; treading close, but OK. If it crosses the boundary quoted above its not-OK. The fact that they don't contain verbs is probably what saves them.
If you'd said, "... kiss his ass...", that'd have been preferable and extremely-colloquial. Just getting a little too-descriptive, ya see?
TBH, it's obviously not-too-bad; it was reported so I'm obligated to address it. At any rate, it's not an image any of us really wants to see in our mind's eye, is it?
"Describing imaginary sexual organs of members with the obvious intention of denigrating them."
Clever qualifier with the iconic Seinfeld quote, but nevertheless it ignores the guideline quoted.